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Everything posted by ready2hunt

  1. ready2hunt

    Draw results

    my buddy just called in the Mesa office 5 min. ago. Lady said they will put the results up TODAY. hopefully she's not just brushing us off. (and yes I was there when he called...not 7th hand info from my brothers, in-law, inbred, monkey's uncle)
  2. ready2hunt


    no, i didnt, which is very odd. but i still have to check the other cam If there was deer traffic there before then you'll just have to give it time. once they find it then they will keep coming back.
  3. ready2hunt

    Beautiful home on an acre in Parks!

    I can do $100.00 or trade you a old bow.....just say deal! great buy right there!!!
  4. ready2hunt

    Decent bear

    I'd say more than decent!
  5. ready2hunt


    I am hunting in the wrong area
  6. ready2hunt

    Mr. Predicable

    looks like he is going to have some great character to him. Good luck that would be awesome to put a tag on him after getting pics of his growth
  7. ready2hunt

    We're supposed to have no antler growth this year right?

    Awesome picks. You got a great spot!
  8. ready2hunt

    Another day another inch of rain on the rim

    Get glad to hear that!!! I hope it stays fairly steady
  9. ready2hunt

    multitude of lost hounds...

    I don't know of any houndsman who finds it acceptable. I actually don't know of any who waste their time asking the internet for help. They are usually still out in the unit trying to find the dog. Dogs do get lost and die though...just like some of us....its just the sad part of the sport.
  10. ready2hunt

    Question about receiving money without being a guide

    A law such as this would fall under case law to be interpreted but I see nothing holding them back from ticketing you. As it is written, my father has broken the laws for years, and I for him. You don't need our opinions we're not G&F
  11. ready2hunt

    Item found in Unit 27

    A shout to honesty right there! Glad go hear it turned out this way.
  12. ready2hunt

    Heavy Tow through Payson or Globe???

    I tow several heavy loads a year. +1 payson
  13. ready2hunt

    Chuck Norris-isms

    Some people have a near death experience.....for insulting chuck you may soon have a near CHUCK experience
  14. ready2hunt

    Chuck Norris-isms

    Chuck Norris counted to infinity.....twice
  15. ready2hunt

    Who has the best steak in town?

    El Rancho Grande in Mesa..... Don't read this like I am the only one that shops there!
  16. ready2hunt

    How Does the Draw really Work.

    All I know is I "REALLY" got depressed when I saw no pending charges on my credit card...that's how it works for me. Thanks for the info though. That is good to know
  17. ready2hunt

    Crazy Bear Skull !!

    looks like the spinal column grew and fused to the base of the skull. Ya, this bear would been interesting to watch in the wild.
  18. ready2hunt

    Got my buck back!

    great mount. yes lets hear the story and score
  19. ready2hunt


    Idiot. What reason would he have to do that? One can only assume you cam is not too far offhand beaten path. I'd there a water source he is checking?
  20. ready2hunt

    A few Bulls

    looks like you got a good spot for when you do have a tag. that last bull will be a shooter for sure
  21. ready2hunt


    It turns granulated salt into a hard salt block and keeps it in the ground longer. Some do it to seep in the ground but that'll happen anyway.
  22. ready2hunt


    Yes once cattle find it then it's over lol. My northern spots do much better than my only southern one because the cows are there almost the whole time.
  23. ready2hunt

    Updates on San Juan Flat Fire?

    I was on the St. John's side of the fire. They have got 3 solid days with some rain including today. Like vowell said I think they almost have it under control
  24. ready2hunt


    Dig a small hole, pour the salt. Cover with water and enjoy. If you use anything other than a salt block then a good rain storm will wash the majority away.