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Everything posted by ready2hunt

  1. ready2hunt

    Pulled my Cam for the season- enjoy

    Any ideas what some of these bulls might score. I know none of them are monsters and I will happily shoot any bull but I am curious as to what some of you think?
  2. ready2hunt

    Finally got a bear!

    Great story!!! So glad you were ae to get the job done! Congrats on the trophy!
  3. ready2hunt

    Pulled my Cam for the season- enjoy

    Couldn't agree with you more Keith. I actually was thinking the same thing after I posted it. I want another cinammon. I just got lucky with that big one I shot and need to be grateful for having any bears at all. That cinnamon has got a bullseye on it
  4. ready2hunt

    cleaning deer - need help please 6A

    YouTube will literally walk you through the whole process. I agree sigh vowell, if you are by yourself the gutless method is the way to go. I always quarter and bone all my meat out before arriving home. I don't like driving a whole carcass around for hours.
  5. ready2hunt

    First Archery Memory

    First memory = missing a deer Most recent memory = missing a deer (All the memories in between include hitting trees)
  6. ready2hunt

    Fire on 4 Peaks ? Any info?

    I saw that too so I called them up and told them to change the battery in the sign because it was flashing.
  7. ready2hunt

    18 points for Elk

    I would! Gotta be number 5 of 6 in the state depending on the year. Ok so here is the simple math for everyone who is saying unit 9 and 23 or bust. After the 2014 draw there were 105 people with >18 bonus points for elk. In units 9 and 23 there are a total of 45 tags, that means 9 tags go to the bonus pass. It is safe to say that the vast majority of those 105 people are waiting on units 9 and 23 (otherwise they would not have that number of bonus points). At that rate it will be 11-12 years before you reach the bonus pass. Or you could cash in those 18 unsuccessful applications for one of the top 10 public land elk hunts in the country, have a hunt with only a handful of permits, very few archery tags, has one of the most consistent ruts in the state, lots of roadless country, is very glass friendly, depending on where you live it is very easy and close for scouting and produces quality animals every single year. Once you have that tag you could draw 2-3 archery tags during the 11-12 years you would have spent waiting for one 5 day hunt in 9 or 23. Whatever caliber of bull you want to take, I promise you it is available in unit 22. This unit is one of the better kept secrets in the state. Any way I digress. In regards to unit 1; if you are willing to wait until 2016 when the ML hunt is there, you are probably in luck. This year 18 bp was enough for a resident to draw the ML tag. So in 2016 with 19 bp, you should be good. For the rifle hunt you are still on the cusp and it could take several years to clear out the folks who are ahead of or in the same boat as you. Good luck, and if you get to feeling sorry for yourself I will be happy to swap points with you you got this down to a science! cant argue with math
  8. ready2hunt

    French squirrel kicker

    Boycott Disney....they promote the killing of squirrels. Lets just all agree it was dumb, end of story, no reason to get worked up about it. The real crime is seeing a french guy in his undies....you can't "un-see" that
  9. ready2hunt

    July Elk Pics

    nice pics. good luck to your dad
  10. ready2hunt

    2014 'Spring' Archery Bear

    beautiful color phase you got there. Any measurements yet? Congrats on the trophy!!!!!
  11. ready2hunt


    +1 about the cattle. Pick a good spot, one hat has cover, you can hunt or sneak up on without disturbing the area. Then leave it, the longer it's there the more productive it will be. If you don't want to buy a block get rock salt, make a depression and leave it. Blocks are my favorite
  12. ready2hunt

    New To The Forum

    Wow posting a pic of coues bucks is like the "new guy" at a weight watcher meeting bringing donuts. Makes everyone happy haha welcome!
  13. ready2hunt

    Chuck Norris-isms

    As I wallow in my self pity from the likely hood I was not drawn I am reminded of greater hunters. (these things just crack me up) And a personal favorite- "Chuck Norris already died....death is just too afraid to tell him."
  14. I am working that night but good for you Keith!!! Make sure someone tapes the presentation to put up on youtube....I for one would like to see it if possible.
  15. ready2hunt

    Would you rather

    Neither.....23" bear skull IMO
  16. ready2hunt

    lucky turkey....

    I love mounts that depict a scene. Excellent work
  17. ready2hunt

    Snake ID

    I'm aggressive too when someone bothers me during a meal.
  18. ready2hunt

    Broc's Giant Velvet Coues

    Wow amazing animal!
  19. ready2hunt

    Good bear?

    That's easy to identify. It's a $20
  20. ready2hunt


    Photoshop!!! Just kidding that is an awesome mulie!!!!
  21. ready2hunt

    NEW ELK VIDEO!! "The Class Of 2014"

    wow! people who complain about the drought ruining antler growth must just be hunting in the wrong place. Great job guys...your clients will be happy
  22. ready2hunt


    That was a close one!
  23. ready2hunt


    You guys are hilarious.I am just jealous all of you are getting drawn. Good luck everyone!
  24. ready2hunt

    Poaching a lion - updated with pics

    I petition that "nhunter84's" comments be removed because he has an awesome cat in his avatar and I still haven't killed one. Post up the pics and story....yes I hijacked this thread (you're welcome)
  25. Dang that is a terrific buck!!! How can I get plastic in my doorways like that??