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Everything posted by ready2hunt

  1. ready2hunt

    Roy's Deer

    Wow that's a high bar to set
  2. ready2hunt

    2014 Muzzleloader Bull (Updated with story)

    Wow great job
  3. ready2hunt

    Elk season Part II Archery

    Wow that is awesome! I would love to have a palmated bull. congrats!
  4. ready2hunt

    AZ unit 1 bull

    Holy crap congrats x100
  5. ready2hunt

    Bullet grain for 30-06

    Chuck Hawks has some great info on your question. I agree 165 is the great all around load (which is why it's the most popular) and it's what I prefer. 190gr is actually the middle weight believe it or not for the different grain sizes available. I am actually starting to lean toward 180gr on all my loads. I obviously wouldn't use that for Coues though.
  6. ready2hunt

    MY 2014 Bear!!!

    great job smitty! That is a beautiful bear. Are you set on a rug or a full mount?
  7. ready2hunt

    AZ unit 1 bull

    seriously though a 7x8.....you cant just leave us hanging
  8. ready2hunt

    AZ unit 1 bull

    Here's the bull!!!
  9. ready2hunt

    Recent find

    I was out in an old go-to spot. FINALLY found a shed for the largest buck in the area. Don't know if he is still alive though. I dedicated my cams to a different area and haven't seen him or any new sheds. This one is a couple seasons old but he is certainly a shooter. On a side note- this area has COMPLETELY changed in the past 5 years with the # of tags offered now. I used to get 5-6 DIFFERENT bucks on my cams and spooked deer every time I went into this area. Now, I see a couple of does and have only seen a couple of bucks- one is a spike. Pretty sad to see an area change so dramatically in such a short amount of time just because of excess tags. Here are a couple of cam pics from a year ago.
  10. ready2hunt

    Recent find

    a question for any of you shed gurus- all the sheds I find are just porous at the base and recede into the antler just a little....does it look like this one broke from the skull or is that little hanging part normal??
  11. ready2hunt

    AZ Strip Buck

    wow amazing buck!! thanks for sharing! Happy to hear your broadhead still made contact....99% of the time that end up being a story where a hunter misses the buck of a lifetime! What luck!
  12. ready2hunt

    bear hunting dangerous?

    It's only dangerous if you wound one and walk up on it talking on your cell phone assuming it's dead....guilty. That's a pair of underpants I'll never wear again!
  13. ready2hunt

    San Carlos Pics

    This is a quality post. Great pics thanks
  14. ready2hunt

    Pinal mountain this weekend

    That's what I was referring too. If it is was something other than salt why not report it to game and fish?
  15. ready2hunt

    Pinal mountain this weekend

    Baiting deer isn't illegal- read your regs
  16. ready2hunt

    Arrowed my first black bear!!!!!!

    Wow talk about up and downs. Glad it all worked out for you. Congrats on the bear
  17. ready2hunt

    21 memory card swap

    I am sure the owner will be more perplexed than angry at the fact that there is a different memory card. Good luck
  18. ready2hunt

    First Archery Deer!!!!!!!

  19. ready2hunt

    Got My Buck Back

    Wow was that the same buck in your avatar. It looks awesome
  20. ready2hunt

    12A Archery Kaibab Deer

    I vote that "muledeer#1" be banned from the site....on his 8th post he has shamed my trophy room haha Let see some pics of those deer on the ground or hear some stories...those bucks look fantastic.
  21. ready2hunt

    Closed Units

    I agree, I have had to change up my chosen game plan. It looks like a plentiful year for bears though.
  22. ready2hunt

    lion kill

    wow thats crazy. the sounds of the car probably scared it off. You should have put a camera up to see the cat. Congrats on the goat!
  23. ready2hunt


    Good Job speedy!!! Come Dec. you'll be missing Mesa I'm sure haha
  24. ready2hunt

    Find the Coatis!

    good picture! I counted 5
  25. ready2hunt

    shooting under stress

    Shooting under stress practice ??? Here is my regiment- 1- I buy some new hunting equipment 2- When the Credit Card Bill arrives in the mail I go outback and start shooting 3- I wait for my wife to see how much I have spent That is about as stressful as it gets for me haha.....its happened so much I am beginning to shoot well under stress