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Everything posted by ready2hunt

  1. ready2hunt

    E caller & other calls, attractants, fly rod etc

    Float tube and waders sold
  2. ready2hunt

    So I went hunting this week

    Great pics looks like a productive trip. Tracks are from a boots I'd say size 10 1/2
  3. ready2hunt

    Full Metal Jacket?

    Vote Patrickjr for president!
  4. ready2hunt


    those mulies are just unreal. Thanks for sharing
  5. ready2hunt

    Hunting Gear Exchange

    +1 that is what I did. I had spray the tips with bed liner from walmart for $3 so the wood wouldn't chip and tapped a screw through the wood to keep it together. Even got a a piece of leather for $2 from hobby lobby (that's right...I said hobby lobby) and super glued it to where the rifle contacts the wood. Spend about $10 altogether and saved $50 on a primos. Have made several others as gifts just to use up the left overs. I don't say this to take away from the thread though. I think this is a great thread and concept!!!!
  6. ready2hunt

    E caller & other calls, attractants, fly rod etc

    Here is the pic of the waders out of the box. No tears or even scratches
  7. ready2hunt

    K-bar, Mtech, other knives

    great knives. How much for the purple crayola?
  8. ready2hunt

    Limited Opp Any Elk Hunt Success - Two for One

    wow awesome hunt, thank for sharing so much. Great pics and write up!
  9. ready2hunt

    E caller & other calls, attractants, fly rod etc

    Reel and Eagle Claw fly rod sold. Still some great things available.
  10. ready2hunt

    E caller & other calls, attractants, fly rod etc

    Waders back up for sale, guy no showed
  11. ready2hunt

    E caller & other calls, attractants, fly rod etc

    Travel case Sold. Still got the e-caller, scents, knives, fly rods, float tube and scent cover. Great deals guys!!
  12. ready2hunt

    E caller & other calls, attractants, fly rod etc

    I can ship it, I'll pm the details
  13. ready2hunt

    E caller & other calls, attractants, fly rod etc

    Fishing waders SPF
  14. ready2hunt

    E caller & other calls, attractants, fly rod etc

    It's been sold, thanks for the interest though
  15. ready2hunt

    Full Metal Jacket?

    Here is the rub: 1. The contributor that was just tying to help is not even 16 years old. All he wants to do on this site is learn from you and share information with others. 2. Yes, he is a "hunting fool" and just loves to be outdoors. BTW, he will be out this weekend for the third such weekend just trying to help other hunter friends successfully fill their tags. 3. The .223 Remington cartridge with the 55 grain FMJ bullet that killed the second Grey Fox was hand-crafted in MY GARAGE on a Dillon 550. The regulation therefore DOES NOT apply as the round and many others like it were NEVER intended for MILITARY USE! 4. In many cases the regulations must be interpreted with a "modicum" of common sense. For some of you recently, it has become painfully clear that this is NOT the case. 5. I know all of this as the 15 1/2 year old kid, that you pounded with your responses, is my son and only child. So before you SLAM others on this site that may have views or a different interpretation of the regulations than yours consider this post. In closing, I do strongly feel that a small number of you owe my son an apology. Sincerely, 280REM DAD What posts are you referring to? That was a pretty civil thread.
  16. ready2hunt

    Vortex Optics: A Question

    Am I understanding that you guys are having issues with just the riflescopes? I am saving up for a pair of razor hd 12x50's and would like to know.
  17. ready2hunt

    building a ground blind for coues

    I have killed all but a few coues in the exact same spot. Make sure you know where your wind in coming in and out of. Make sure it's a spot you can get to without disturbing the entire area, better yet if you can get there without exposing yourself too much. +1 to using what's around, it's cheap effective and it dosent attract other hunters. If you have a poorly located blind that you'll use fairly often (even if you see deer consistently) you will change the buck pattern, at least the older smart ones. Trust me, I say this from experience.
  18. ready2hunt

    Different Venison Recipe?

    Just because you can doesn't mean you should haha
  19. ready2hunt

    Giant Non-typical Desert Buck?

    holy crap that thing in unbelievable!!! Good for him!! Cant wait to read the story when it finally comes out
  20. ready2hunt

    E caller & other calls, attractants, fly rod etc

    Willing to ship as well
  21. ready2hunt

    E caller & other calls, attractants, fly rod etc

    GPS and Fight n' cow calls SPF
  22. ready2hunt

    E caller & other calls, attractants, fly rod etc

    Fly Tying Kit is SPF OBO on all items
  23. ready2hunt

    What IF....

    What an awesome piece of family history. Its one thing to have something like that but to still use it just like your grand dad did just makes it that much more sweet. Regarding the open sights: I took a buddy of mine out shooting. He left the Marine Corp. about 11 years ago. I was sighting in my Remington 30-06 topped with a 3-9x40. After 5 shots I had it where I wanted it at 300 yards. This buddy of mine (no joke) punched a 500 yard target with IRON SIGHTS!! He had not even touched a rifle for a few years. Gotta love military muscle memory