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Everything posted by ready2hunt

  1. ready2hunt

    Coues Deer Decoy

    Awesome, thank you for clearing that up. Great giveaway!!
  2. ready2hunt

    Coues Deer Decoy

    Just to clarify, does the picture have to include the decoy? I assume not since its for any species but never hurts to ask.
  3. ready2hunt

    Tropical fish: Free mollys

    how do they taste?
  4. ready2hunt

    Some recent trail cam pulls

    I'm with kiddo, that bear on the 17th should have a tag on it come bear season!
  5. ready2hunt

    Advice please: 5B-S early Nov. archery bull

    Greyghost is right. It can be a tough hunt especially if your buddy did not scout LAST nov. to see where they tend too hang out. Nov. is always a typically dry month though so at least you dark canyons and water sources will give you the best chance. If your buddy can take a couple days prior to the hunt to scout he will be 50% more prepared than others unless he knows the area pretty well. The 5BS bulls get pushed HARD close to the southern tip of the unit. Be smart and scout hard right before the hunt.
  6. ready2hunt

    350 Plus Bulls

    When I pull my cameras it is all about the crown. No its not 100% but its been the most reliable in my opinion. If the crown is straight and slender even now then you have an immature bull. If the crown is thick and curled even in the beginning then you have a mature bull. Now my definition of a shooter is different than others but I have found my method effective for what I look for......putting a bull on the ground is a completely different story. I'll be honest though, any 6 point or A-N-Y non-typical has my attention. I have done the symmetrical and I want the other now. I love the character. Beckers bull in my opinion is going to be a good one.
  7. ready2hunt

    200" rocky

    thats just crazy. He is a monster alright
  8. ready2hunt

    Species Identification ?

    Like they said- lion
  9. ready2hunt

    My 2015 archery coues takin at 110yrds

    amazing buck! Great job. People are will always complain about something.
  10. ready2hunt

    Wireless Trail Camera

    PM AZlance, I know he has used them before. I would really like to buy one but I have read that same comment greyghost made about the service. I want my cameras in places most people wont go which in many cases = no cell reception. The bushnell wireless cam has got some good reviews as a result of the prepaid wireless program.
  11. Donated- Its super easy guys if you have not been on there already. Great to see so many people supporting a good cause!
  12. ready2hunt

    Its official- 2015 El Nino

    That is an awesome pic! Reminds me of a fishing trip to holly lake one year. The only thing better than fishing during a snow flurry is hunting in one! I hope this weather keeps up. El Niño or not when was the last time we had lows 70's in Pheonix in mid May?!?
  13. ready2hunt

    2015 bonus point report now online

    My father in in the 24 category
  14. ready2hunt

    Its official- 2015 El Nino

    Here is the forecaster that I heard it from- can't be wrong. Tried posting the video but it would work.
  15. ready2hunt

    Its official- 2015 El Nino

    You cant post something like that without pictures...that's like posting "I shot a trophy..."
  16. ready2hunt

    2015 Fall Regs Are Availble.

  17. ready2hunt

    2015 Fall Regs Are Availble.

    Computer is giving me some trouble can someone post the link?
  18. ready2hunt

    Merriams double

    great post. love seeing family hunting. That's what it's all about!
  19. ready2hunt

    G&F Campaign

    I'm not against G&F on this one. Outdoorsmen (women) pay more than a fair portion for conservation. Most city folk I work with think its the federal govt. or just govt in general. I am sure they chose this time of year as summer vacations are about to start up. Like any business, I would be interested to see how they are going measure the rate of return on this. Radio ads during prime hours every day for that length of time are not cheap. Sounds like its just an "awareness" campaign.
  20. Amazing work as always. That looks like the exact moment you know your bullet connected or you're about to go toe to toe with a confident cat.
  21. ready2hunt

    How Big?

    seriously that bull will be a monster. I have some decent bulls on cams and none of them are even close to that right now. The larger bulls (from my experience) always have a large crown to start off with when growing. he looks to be on par. Hopefully you can put him on the ground.
  22. ready2hunt

    2 nice southern Arizona Toms

    that first pic is bad a--. Can't wait to do a lion hunt one day!
  23. ready2hunt

    Question about "Premier Member"

    First rule of premier membership....don't talk about premier membership Take up a different hobby, like hiking or bird watching That's just funny.
  24. ready2hunt


    One of the saddest days so far....like a tragic ending to a story my daughter just can't handle our new pup. She is allergic and its literally breaking my families heart. We had been pet sitting for this very reason with no issues but apparently constant exposure was to much for my daughter. After constant allergies (meds were not helping) and then one big allergic reaction we have decided that for my daughters health we should pass our dog along to another loving family. We had named her "Belle" and she is the perfect little pup. If you are interested in a dog please reach out to me. I feel like we are losing a family member but my daughters health trumps our desire for this beautiful dog. Belle is a boxer/coonhound pup. $250 for her, her collar/leash, feed bowls and a bag a feed all included. We love this little doggy- I have always loved dogs but am seriously worked about this...is that pathetic lol? Let me know if you or someone you know is interested. I'd her to go to someone here vs craigslist. Thanks everyone!!! pm me or text/call (48zero) 628-1720
  25. ready2hunt


    That is exactly what the Dr. said. It took a long delicate explanation so my daughter didn't feel like it's her fault. Thanks for the support. Sorry to hear about your dog. Maybe its been too many years but I dont remember being so attached haha. I think I am taking harder than my kids.