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Everything posted by ready2hunt

  1. ready2hunt

    New Zealand 2016 (pic heavy)

    Dang you look like you two had one heck of a trip! That stag is incredible.
  2. ready2hunt

    Thoughts on the area's with fresh burn...

    http://inciweb.nwcg.gov/ this is a great resource for fire info. I think someone else posted this as well. Sounds like its starting to burn itself off and they are reducing the effort on fire control
  3. ready2hunt

    draw odds sites

    Love the draw odds app. Muledeerarea33- 6%
  4. Claims- it was a metor http://www.cbs5az.com/story/32121280/meteor-lights-up-sky-across-arizona
  5. ready2hunt

    Spring bear

    Dang! Awesome job. Lets hear the story! Any measurements yet?
  6. ready2hunt

    Free items!!

    PM sent
  7. ready2hunt

    2015 Bear Rug

    great rug! love the wall
  8. ready2hunt

    Free items!!

    I'll take the broad heads. where you located?
  9. ready2hunt

    Elk Show 2016

    Yes these updates are awesome. Thanks for sharing with us! That 5x5 and the one with the fully formed crown (pic #8) are going to be beasts.
  10. ready2hunt

    Utah Fishing

    the Provo River is supposed to have some phenomenal fly fishing. I haven't fished it but have looked into it at the advice of some locals. If I were up there, that is where I would go.
  11. ready2hunt

    Dear max point holders,........

    Agreed! The old "money up front" policy" certainly curbed how many people applied and got involved.
  12. ready2hunt

    One month trail cam results

    Love this time of year, when everyone starts posting trail cam pics. The spikes (on my cams) tend to lose their antlers last as well. Must have something to do with age clearly. Thanks for sharing
  13. ready2hunt

    Few pics

    looks like there is a deer in both the bottom pictures on the left (behind the fallen tree) is that correct? Great pics. Love seeing how the antlers grow.
  14. ready2hunt

    Swarovski 15x56 neu $1300

    Great deal! This won't last.
  15. ready2hunt

    6a nut

    happy b day old man!
  16. ready2hunt

    So is it legal...

    my old man is thinking about applying with a "buddy or buddies" for antelope. 24 points....it's going to be an interesting year leading up the to draw.
  17. ready2hunt

    Double buck taxidermy ??

    Why do these Association keep offering his services if he is such dirt bag? Am I missing something? I'd be just as mad to find out this guy screwed up my trophy as I would to find out that NO ONE has said anything to the association who is using his services.
  18. ready2hunt

    PPD Officer Glasser #8144

    Respect. +1 Brother
  19. Classy wood and cast iron dining room table & chairs. Seats 6-9 (come with leaf extension). Nothing wrong with it. $475 OBO (this size/quality goes for 800-1000). If you're looking for some family furniture you won't find one with this quality for cheaper. The chairs alone are $80 a piece. PM me if interested.
  20. ready2hunt

    Online App

    Done as well. Its a good feeling. Let the chips fall where they may
  21. ready2hunt

    Online App

    FINALLY thank you
  22. ready2hunt

    WTB 45LC revolver

    We got both the Ruger Black hawk and the Judge. I LOVE both...can't say that enough....LOVE those guns. You're right, you cannot beat the judge for protection. However the Ruger is lighter and with practice... slightly more versatile. The Ruger, is a much faster draw out of the holster and (depending on the barrel length) more accurate. If home protection is not a part of it....I would go with the Ruger.
  23. ready2hunt

    Live Alberta Canada trip report

    great job! thanks for letting us be a part of the experience
  24. ready2hunt

    Live Alberta Canada trip report

    its been 8 hours and no update- stop being so selfish and share some more pics So jealous right now!