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Everything posted by ready2hunt

  1. ready2hunt

    The coolest fire pit ever built???

    dang that is some artisan work there. Thanks for sharing!
  2. ready2hunt

    Painless Performance Products - Free Certificate

    I can't use it but it's always nice to see people willing to help others with no favor in return.
  3. ready2hunt

    Not one dam elk

    that sucks. I've had that happen before. Not very often but it does tame my hunting ego.
  4. ready2hunt

    Good trout fishing in 22?

    Don't waste your time at Tonto. It is fished out within a week of stocking except for a few hidden stragglers. Its not stocked during the winter unless something has changed. PAYSON/HEBER doesnt have a winter stocking schedule. You'd have a better chance at the salt river.
  5. ready2hunt

    WTB Scope Rings

    Call Bear Mountain Sports. They are the only ones I know of that consistently carry Vortex Rings
  6. ready2hunt

    What plant native to SE AZ?

    They are berrius deathicus aka berry death. Usually takes up to a week and then hallucinations, extreme diarrhea and loss of hair. Whatever you do don't taste them.
  7. ready2hunt

    Brett's Big Tom

    ya running into one of those unprepared would make me pucker. Great job all around! I wish we could see more of those on the ground. (and wolves)
  8. ready2hunt

    Any good Saw Bones out there in the East Valley?

    I have the blessing of working with a number of physicians. I have (2) suggestions. Dr. Sajjad Masood 6944 E Broadway Rd, Mesa, AZ 85208 (480) 436-5194 - to say that I am impressed with this Dr. would be a SERIOUS understatement. He only treats adults and its him and his wife who are the practicing Physicians. If I did not want to wait weeks to see my primary care, this would be the ONLY Dr. I would see. He has cared for my father through all his issues and this Dr. has gone above and beyond to provide care regardless of time or place. If this guy ever leaves general practice he would have big things waiting for him. My #1 recommendation (however you would be waiting weeks to see him) is Dr. Gary A. Smith 7400 S Power Rd #120, Gilbert, AZ 85297 (480) 988-1659 I have known him for almost 20 years now and is arguably one of the best physicians in the state. Just google his name and you will find out why people are willing to wait over a month to see him. If you choose him. Tell him I sent you. (Its not a referral thing) This guy has more experience than most Dr. in public/private healthcare at all levels. His advice or referrals for treatment are top notch and most Dr. in specialized care know him so he is just a great resource.
  9. ready2hunt

    Backpack- advice?

    Modified ALICE frame pack = "HellCat" My favorite. Cheap (less than $100), very durable, plenty of modifications and add-on's.
  10. ready2hunt

    Cuttin' loose

    While on holiday in Kenya and walking through the bush a man comes across an elephant standing with one leg raised in the air. The elephant seems distressed so the man approaches very carefully. He gets down on one knee and inspects the bottom of the elephant's foot only to find a large thorn deeply embedded. As carefully and as gently as he can he removes the thorn and the elephant gingerly puts its foot down. The elephant turns to face the man and with a rather stern look on its face, stares at him. For a good ten minutes the man stands frozen - thinking of nothing else but being trampled.Eventually the elephant turns and walks away. For years after, the man often remembers and ponders the events of that day. Years later the man is walking through the zoo with his son. As they approach the elephant enclosure, one of the elephants turns and walks over to where they are standing at the rail. It stares at him and the man can't help wondering if this is the same elephant. The man climbs tentatively over the railing and makes his way into the enclosure. He walks right up to the elephant and stares back in wonder. Suddenly the elephant wraps its trunk around one of the man's legs and swings him wildly back and forth along the railing, instantly killing him. Probably not the same elephant.
  11. ready2hunt

    Old Bear 1930-40

    My wife was down at U of A doing some family research. This photo was in her family group. We think between the 30's and 40's. It was taken in eastern AZ. Big Ol' bear! Not sure what I like more, the size of the bear or the old Winchester repeater. Enjoy!
  12. ready2hunt

    5A late rifke hunt

    There are plenty of elk in the unit. Nov. is a dry time of year. Focus your first day checking water holes in the cedars. You'll find elk.
  13. Sounds like the real issue was not having a long enough knife. A 3" blade? That's like bringing a 9mm to do a mans job Seriously though, crazy story - thanks for sharing
  14. From the 2016-2017 regs: A parent, grandparent or legal guardian may allow the parent’s, grandparent’s or guardian’s minor child or minor grandchild to use the parent’s, grandparent’s or guardian’s big game permit or tag to take big game pursuant to the following requirements: • The parent, grandparent or guardian must transfer the permit or tag to the child in a manner prescribed by the commission. • The parent or guardian must accompany the child in the field or, if a grandparent allows a minor grandchild to use the grandparent’s permit or tag, the grandparent, the parent or the child’s guardian must accompany the child in the field. • The child must possess a valid hunting license and, if under fourteen years of age, must satisfactorily complete the Arizona hunter education course or another comparable hunter education course that is approved by the director. • Any big game that is taken counts toward the child’s bag limit. Once a tag is transferred at a Department office, the original permittee may no longer use it. I was kidding about all of that since it is ALL currently available-
  15. I think we should have a draw system here in AZ and for every year you don't draw you should get a point that counts toward your draw the next year. People should get additional points for things like putting in every year and for hunter safety. Parents should also be able to pass their tags to their kids. Youths should get a tag dirt cheap too and even be able to buy an over the counter turkey tag when everyone else has to draw. Maybe something like an apprentice license for free so they can see if they like hunting without having to spend money on a full license. A program to protect the points too would be nice in case someone can't hunt for some extenuating circumstance. Clearly none of that matters when you have such high amounts of tags in units that are being shot out plus wolves wiping things out...sounds like that needs to be changed more than anything. Just my thoughts.
  16. ready2hunt

    Anyone lose a tagged buck driving on I-17?

    First of all....how? Second of all how sad for the hunter
  17. Ban is in regards to magazine reloading without tools in an effort to choke out assault weapon sales. I hope CA falls off into the ocean. https://www.yahoo.com/finance/news/california-senate-vote-sweeping-gun-control-measures-081506326.html
  18. ready2hunt


  19. ready2hunt

    Bear on Coues Hunt

    WOW what a great hunt! Congrats and thanks for sharing.
  20. ready2hunt

    pinon juniper or oak woodland

    oak always due to the food source.
  21. ready2hunt

    134 1/4" Couse

  22. ready2hunt

    My wife's first Deer

    Awesome job!
  23. ready2hunt

    Setting Up Trail Cameras

    what needs to be considered? The fact that if they are over water they will eventually be stolen. Not a matter if but when. I personally only use water to find where they are coming from. If you are seeing animals in the immediate area and there is water there....there WILL be a place where they bed nearby. That is the place I would be focusing on. As far as the water itself. Just take into consideration where the sun is rising and setting and place the cam north or south facing to avoid it and you'll be fine. The camera will only pick up what the radius allows it too.
  24. ready2hunt

    12A East Early Hunt

    Great job! And great looking buck! Felt like I was along for the ride.
  25. ready2hunt

    My sons 5x5
