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Everything posted by Zim

  1. Zim

    AZSFW and HB2072

    Thank you! That sounds like a very good status report. Makes the time I invested exposing Weiers feel well worth it.
  2. Zim

    AZSFW and HB2072

    OK well I searched the archives on this forum and came up with absolutely nothing. The last related post I could find was dated April 3rd. Then I went to the AZSFW website and found the same old outdated stale information. See for yourself: http://arizonasportsmenforwildlifeconservation.org/contact.html They are doing pretty well concealing these recent changes. Maybe you can educate me.
  3. Zim

    AZSFW and HB2072

    OK I've been away a while during the hunting seasons and all, but the corrupt AZSFW & HB2072 were on my mind the whole time. The fiasco was just too much to forget. Today I go through this forum's posts back to March and see just one related post, on game commissioner candidates, to which nobody replied. Don't mean to fire things up, but there's no question AZSFW was formed for one reason and one reason only..........to be the only sportsman's group that meets the specific qualifications to steal the tags. It's not a question IF they will be back, just WHEN & HOW. It's kind of scarey because the lack of awareness between incidents is similar to what happens in the heart of tag rape central......Utah. Zero posts on MM during periods of low pofile politicing. Then all heck breaks loose when SFW gets caught in another scandal. The same pattern has been going on for 10 years in Utah as they slowly infect the political pyramid like a cancer. The way they swept into AZ in the cover of night trying to ram their tag bill through without time for opposition was an omen of things to come. I hope some AZ organization is watching what AZSFW has up their sleeve next. Does anyone know anything? I don't like the silence.
  4. Zim

    Unit 1 Archery Elk

    I looked up harvest success rate on HT in unit 1 and it has dropped steadily the last 5 years from 56% to 52% to 45% to 39% to 35%. Now even more tags! Yikes. The bull:cow ratio is supposed to be managed for 40% and it was below that for 4 years until last year at 41%. I hardly think that warrants a 245 to 350 tag increase!
  5. Zim

    Unit 1 Archery Elk

    "This year it resulted in concentrating hunters more so and led to more hunter confrontations that many have reported." This is my #1 concern. And for 2013 the quota goes from 245 to 350. Yikes.
  6. Zim

    Unit 10 Archery

    I have 17 NR lope points and thinking of applying for unit 10 archery. Looks to be almost zero chance for NR rifle, and I prefer archery anyway. I am seeking current opinions about the unit and current herd quality. Are there a reasonable amount of water holes given the hunter pressure, or is it competetive? Thanks.
  7. Attention both Utah residents and nonresidents: If you are against giving away your public land big game tags to a private organization (SFW) who peddles them off but refuses to disclose how 2.5 million $ of the proceeds are spent……………………please sign the petition at the link below ASAP. Utah’s back door politics buddy buddy system has gone out of control. This is about lack of accountability involving the sale of a public resource. No brainer. A grossly disproportionate % of these 200 trophy tags were stolen from the nonresident quota to begin with! I don’t know how anyone could not sign this petition except SFW employees! http://www.change.org/petitions/utah-wildlife-board-utah-dwr-add-amendment-to-r657-55-6-convention-permits-to-august-agenda-action-item
  8. Zim

    New Hampshire Moose

    Well I struck out on 29 applications out west this year, many with very good draw odds, topped off with a USUC from Wyoming with max points for lope in a unit where my odds were 52% ! So I'm sitting in a lodge in northern Wisconsin licking my wounds when I get hit with an e-mail from a Bowsiter asking if I was the Zim from Illinois who drew the New Hampshire moose tag! I never even paid attention to that obscure lottery because even with max points I knew my chances were only 1%. Sure enough I checked the NH site and results were posted and I drew! On top of that I ended up drawing what most are telling me is the best unit of 22, C2. So I am huntin this year after all. Will be headed out October 13th. Cashed in my Iowa points and will draw that too for archery in November. Hope everyone gets something somewhere in 2012.
  9. Attention both Utah residents and nonresidents: If you are against giving away your public land big game tags to a private organization (SFW) who peddles them off but refuses to disclose how 2.5 million $ of the proceeds are spent……………………please sign the petition at the link below ASAP. Utah’s back door politics buddy buddy system has gone out of control. This is about lack of accountability involving the sale of a public resource. No brainer. A grossly disproportionate % of these 200 trophy tags were stolen from the nonresident quota to begin with! I don’t know how anyone could not sign this petition except SFW employees! http://www.change.or...nda-action-item
  10. Montana Sportsman's Alliance just sent out it's support of this petition. We got the signees up to 600. Hoping to get it over 1,000 prior to making a media appeal. As most of you know, a shadowy group has started to infiltrate Montana. Known as Sportsmen for Fish and Wildlife/Big Game Forever. In Utah, these wildlife profiteers gain their revenue through auctioning off prized big game permits and being able to keep a large majority of the profits. They have been able to get the legislature to authorize the issuance of these tags to organizations such as their's and to allow the organizations to keep up to 70% of the proceeds. This welfare has made SFW/BGF a political powerhouse in several states. However, their record for standing up for the average hunter and angler is weak. Their leader, Don Peay, has recently called the North American Model Socialism. Their hand picked director in Alaska recently resigned in disgrace after pleading guilty to over 10 wildlife violations. In Montana, Big Game Forever and Sportsmen for Fish and Wildlife tried desperately to kill the Simpson/Tester wolf delisting rider. NRA issued a press release stating "Congressional offices and members of the media should exercise caution in accepting as fact, or repeating, any claims made by Sportsmen for Fish and Wildlife, Big Game Forever or any person claiming to represent them. Due to the blatant misrepresentation contained in the press release circulated by these two groups, any claims they make in the future should be thoroughly investigated and independently confirmed." Their motive seems to revolve around fund raising and fear mongering on the wolf issue. There is an attempt in Utah to hold these groups who receive these auction tags accountable for their actions and limit the amount of the proceeds they get to keep from the sale of these tags. Please sign the petition below and help restore the public in public wildlife. Share this link as well. Here is the link: http://www.change.org/petitions/utah-wildlife-board-utah-dwr-add-amendment-to-r657-55-6-convention-permits-to-august-agenda-action-item?utm_medium=email&utm_source=signature_receipt# Thanks. Vito
  11. Given RMEF's recent adamant letters to their AZ members and the governor, would it not be a bad idea to seek their involvement with this G&F appointment board fiasco taking place? Maybe if nothing else they would issue a follow up letter to their AZ members & governor with regards to it. Maybe the AZRMEF members could even organize a meeting in Phoenix to discuss this.
  12. And these are supposedly educated people that put a pen to these BS documents?! Or Corey Rossi type appointees?! Unreal.
  13. ".......The governor may remove a member of the board for inefficiency, conflict of interest,......" The ultimate conflict of interest, but no doubt there's some BS technicality they figured out.
  14. Is there any action we can do now to bring attention to this? Or is the horse out of the barn?
  15. Thanks Allen for pursuing a position on this board. I'd say this is the weakest link in the defense vs. AZSFW.
  16. Zim

    tv interview

    Hey one of you guys called me Saturday and I lost my notes. I was supposed to forward you the e-mail I sent to KTVK to get them to bite. If you'd still like that just send me your e-mail address. Thanks. Ken
  17. Can anyone shed some light on what exactly AZSFW has done since their formation? I have their tax returns from 2006-2010, but I'm not an accountant to interpret all accurately. I am trying to put together a brief summary of what they have done with their money. This was requested by media. Any input welcome. Thanks. Stay the course, even if HB2072 is temporarily dead for now.
  18. Where did you hear this from? She called both Gilstrap & Hamberlin? Hung up? This for real? I am really impressed with the number of people on this site, the number of active political threads, and the aggressive attitude you guys have compared to the passive Utah crowd on MM! This bodes really well for you guys to fend off SFW upon their next assault. I think it's madatory to attack SFW and stop them rather than trying to get rid of them once they get a foot hold. I fear Utah is a lost cause now. Too late to get Peay's cronnies out. Must say each year I spend more time following the politics of hunting than I spend hunting. I feel like one of dpeay's MM alias supporters with only 3 posts on my profile.
  19. If you really want to thank me, how bout get me a date with Crystal? I sent Randy Newburg a note too. I need to educate myself as well. Allen I got 3 emails from CC today. She has all the tax return links. But I'll let you continue dialog if she's still interested. Ken