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Everything posted by AverageJoe

  1. AverageJoe

    Helicopter antelope hunting

    All the awesome glass you have and you still need help finding bulls? Dang bro guess i'll have to show you how its done. finding them is easy. I'm trying to close the distance. Lol Im thinking zip line would work best in the areas you are glassing them. You could make it there in about 15 seconds instead of an hour.
  2. AverageJoe

    Quail season is coming

    I hunt them all the time, almost always without a dog. This will be my first year really trying to hunt with a dog. Usually get 5-10 per outing. except for this one year..hahaha About 3 or 4 years ago I found a secret location of quail and I swear they had never seen humans. There were probably 100-200 of them in a valley. I had to kick them out of a bush to get them to fly...then they would only fly about 10 yds and sit there looking at me. I couldnt even bring myself to shoot them. I finally made a few fly far enough to get some shots. I kid you not when I say that I literally was able to pick one up off the ground as they were not afraid of me at all.
  3. AverageJoe

    Helicopter antelope hunting

    All the awesome glass you have and you still need help finding bulls? Dang bro guess i'll have to show you how its done.
  4. AverageJoe

    Wyoming bird hunting?

    Did you ask them about hunting without their dog or guides? Seems they told me i could do it myself and it would be cheaper. That was quoted earlier in the year though. They also said i can bring my own dog if i wanted.
  5. AverageJoe

    Wyoming bird hunting?

    Give them a call to get more info and other prices that are not listed.
  6. AverageJoe

    Wyoming bird hunting?

    If you are driving by casper check out grey reef anglers just south of casper. They do full day or half day hunts, guided or not. http://www.greyreefanglers.com
  7. AverageJoe

    Found dead bull in 4b

    LOL its clear Lance and Nature Girl have a thing going...however I didnt know Out2hunt had such a big crush on BC777
  8. AverageJoe

    Forest service officer shooting

    Forestry leo have had guns since at least the first time i encountered them in 2003.
  9. AverageJoe

    Forest service officer shooting

    Fyi i have worn "the" uniform. The thread was started to clarify rumors which the thread was successful in doing! Glad it was resolved... and quickly.
  10. AverageJoe

    Forest service officer shooting

    The thread was started to clarify the rumors being spread. It was quite interesting hearing all the different rumors...most were about a game and fish officer killing a hunter or vice versa. Thanks for your input...
  11. AverageJoe

    Found dead bull in 4b

    The person who hits the animal on a road has the option of getting a tag free of charge for the animal. Antlers and all if they want it. Most drivers dont want it so it goes to waste.
  12. AverageJoe

    Found dead bull in 4b

    No, right is doing what is right, regardless of what the law says.
  13. AverageJoe

    Found dead bull in 4b

    It is still archery elk season so the right thing to do is try to find the owner as BC777 is doing so someone can legally put their tag on it. Once the season ends the thing to do would be call G&F. With that said I agree with BC777 for once and the last thing I would do is call G&F....ever.
  14. AverageJoe

    Forest service officer shooting

    Actually how bout we focus on what the thread is about. Anyone know any info about this? Was it an elk hunter who was killed, weekend camper, escaped criminal?
  15. AverageJoe

    Forest service officer shooting

    If it was a black thug in the ghetto the media would have been all over it by now.
  16. AverageJoe

    Zeiss conquest hd 15's vs swarovski hd 15

    Will tell you in a couple weeks after the Wyoming trip. I have the new zeiss 15's and my bro in law has the old swaros and the new swaros. Will give a detailed comparison between Zeiss 15's, swaro 15's and swaro 12x50. I got my Zeiss for 1300 and some change brand new. Initial thought and impression is good so far. Their tripod adapter system is by far the best factory option I have seen and I am starting to like the rubberized skeleton of the binos. Didnt like it at first. Also the eyecups are very nice with 4 positive locking positions. Clarity is very good to the edge with a slight distortion maybe 1 mm from the edge. Glass is about the same IMO as the old swaros as I had the old swaros for a while. New swaros will most likely have the edge in clarity and color.
  17. AverageJoe

    Hit A Snag

    Just rest it
  18. AverageJoe

    Lots of bulls

    Just chase bugles. When you are close grab a big branch and do your best to initate an elk raking a tree. Works great. Leave the cow calls at home.
  19. AverageJoe

    I think we are quite lucky Az has so much public land

    Lol i got kicked off archerytalk for a while because of a discussion about private land vs public land hunting. Most of the guys on that site are from back east and have a totally different mindset. And by different i mean wrong. Lol
  20. AverageJoe

    Cited by AZGF

    Haha you wish army puke. Army guys always try to compare themselves to Marines...dont get mad cause you werent man enough to join the Marines. I almost took the puss way out and joined the Army as well. Just couldnt do it as i like to be the best. Semper Fi
  21. AverageJoe

    Rain and Hot worries

    Be patient. The rut can happen overnight at any time. My early hunt a few years ago i only had a couple days of rut activity for the whole two weeks. But those couple days were great.
  22. AverageJoe

    Reloader 22 FS

    Sportsmans in mesa has r22 in stock today. R17 as well
  23. AverageJoe

    Swarovski SLC HD or Vortex Razor HD?

    Each set of eyes are different. To me there is barely a difference between swaro or vortex. The difference is there but barely.
  24. AverageJoe

    Leupold RX1200i tbr-dna range finder

    Pm sent. I will take it
  25. AverageJoe

    Unit 33 - First hunt

    pillow cases allow air to flow through...plastic bags trap heat and no air flow=spoiled meat