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Everything posted by AverageJoe

  1. AverageJoe

    Rollercoaster Coues Hunt

    "I had no choice but to take a crouching offhand shot...miss...miss...and off he ran" I thought you said you absolutely dont shoot unless you know you are 100 percent sure you will hit the heart or lungs? Sorry But I had to give you some crap over that one...lol that being said, nice buck for sure!
  2. AverageJoe


    What did I do to get this honor??? LOL
  3. AverageJoe


    Baiting sucks, game and fish sucks, AZLance sucks...!
  4. AverageJoe

    First Mearns hunt

    Stumbled onto a covey of 20 or so mearns while deer hunting. Wish i had my shotgun. Great job!
  5. AverageJoe

    31 worked out

    Heck yeah Brian! Awesome job.
  6. AverageJoe

    need advice please!

    I always take a pic of the spot i shot from so i can reference it on my phone when solo.
  7. AverageJoe

    Great day of Coues hunting

    Thanks everyone!...the leg was marinated overnight with a mix of salt, pepper, nutmeg, and cinammon, outside of the meat was rubbed with olive oil and chopped garlic sprinkled and infused into the meat. Put it on the grill for 10 minutes to sear, placed in oven at 500 degrees for 20 minutes, reduced heat to 325 for 1 hour, pulled from oven and covered with tin foil and let sit for another hour.
  8. AverageJoe

    Want to Fill a Tag Close to PHX

    no beeline yet til Jan. do me a favor and send all seekers to black canyon city or white tanks... LOL! James Lots of deer by black canyon city too! Between new river and Black canyon city are some dang nice mulies. In January they go crazy
  9. AverageJoe

    Want to Fill a Tag Close to PHX

    Filling the freezer is what it is all about. That IS the game. Anything else is just a bonus.
  10. AverageJoe

    Want to Fill a Tag Close to PHX

    everywhere around the east valley is good. North on beeline hwy or east on us60. Once you clear the city (or rez) you are in deer country. Most of the roads dont require a 4wd. You will need good binos in any of the spots around the city
  11. AverageJoe

    Gamble quail ???

    I have found them in rolling hills a few times. Mostly it is steep terrain where they can escape shortly.
  12. AverageJoe

    Please pray for TJ!! He was in a bad quad accident!

    Prayers sent. He will be alright! In Jesus name
  13. AverageJoe

    Need AR advice from someone

    Honestly most are good. You can get a cheaper one that is fine as well. Stay away from carbon fiber and pencil barrels as mentioned above. Depending on use a 16" barrel is more than fine. Bushmaster and DPMS get a lot of hate with the online tacticool crowd but having owned and shot both they are fine and do the same as the expensive ones.
  14. AverageJoe

    Edible Arizona Plants

    Barnes and noble has them
  15. AverageJoe

    Another Desert Plant ID?

    Yep. Peyote. So where is it? Lol
  16. AverageJoe

    Swaro 15x56

    If they arent the HD model there should be a cap with the swarovski logo on it. Unscrew it and the spot to mount the tripod adapter is under it.
  17. AverageJoe

    Swaro 15x56

    Did you buy the new 15x56 hd?
  18. I have hunted in az for 20 years. I see as many elk now as i did 20 years ago. I see pics of 350-400" elk taken every year. I have taken 6 elk in 12 years. I have hunted the units people say there arent big bulls and see many big bulls. They arent standing on the side of the roads anymore. You have to put in the legwork. Why everyone is bitching about all this is besides me! I guess no one cares about anything but trophy's. Somehow it is all about taking a big 400" bull or 130" coues and anything less is unacceptable. I hunt the same units as everyone else here. I seldom see people. I see plenty of mature animals. On coues hunts i can expect to see anywhere from 1 or 2 bucks a day on a bad day to 10-20 on a good day. On elk hunts even more. So what is the problem? Do you want them standing on the roads or what? Cutting tags in half is frikkin ridiculous. Raising the prices will just cut out hunting all together for the poorest of hunters. But hey as long as you can hunt with less pressure in the field right? Funny thing again is that every state thinks the grass is greener on the other side. Other states love Arizona's model and bonus point system. Utah colorado wyoming idaho all think there state is the worst. They all bag on game and fish, they all think they could do better. Lol. I think all it comes down to is that trophy hunters are selfish aholes. They want it all for them with bulls around every corner and not another hunter in sight. Well welcome to the real world where you have to share with us POS meat hunters who are happy to be in the field with friends and family enjoying hunting for more than the size of animals they hunt.
  19. Things are fine. Leave them the f alone
  20. AverageJoe


    How many people hae actually owned and hunted with all the bows and how many are just stating what they currently own? Lol
  21. He responded to me right away. Maybe he doesnt like you guys lol
  22. AverageJoe


    For bowhunting i go light and fast. Kelty fanny pack/day pack. It is the perfect set up, can carry hydration bladder, has a rangefinder pocket at the perfect spot, and two main pouches enough for knives rope first aid kit etc. then i hike back to the truck for my main pack if i have to pack him out far
  23. AverageJoe

    mike Russell ktar

    What an idiot. I dont have nor have i ever had a friend with meat in the freezer and no pictures. Maybe he is from a different state where poaching is more common ... Like texas
  24. AverageJoe


    Bowtech invasion and bowtech allegiance.