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Everything posted by AverageJoe

  1. AverageJoe

    VERY nice pre 64 model 70 270 win

    Man thats a beautiful rifle. Sorry about your son. Being a Dad i can only imagine how that must feel.
  2. Or buy a used one from archerytalk for $450 like i do and have it all for half price. I usually buy a year old bow there for 400-500. That way i get to try many bows out and actually use them/hunt with them before i form an opinion. Much better than shooting one a a shop for 10 minutes and trying to form an opinion about it.
  3. Newer bows are definitely faster, smooth, and quieter. This will help you draw easier, shoot further, and speed helps with more accuracy in some instances. As kidso stated an older slower bow trajectory is huge at 40 yds. A slight misjudge in distance could mean a miss. With a faster bow if the deer steps away a couple yds it isnt gonna matter much at 40-50 yds. Your arrow will stil find its mark. I have had many bows since i was a kid and the newer bows are so much better in every aspect. The smooth draw and quiet release is amazing compared to my old pse's. The speed is not even comparable. Shooting an actual arrow at 310 fps instead of 250 fps is a night and day difference. And my 310 fps arrow is much quiter than my older, slower bows as well. So you gain a little of everything and lose nothing by going to a newer bow. And you sont even have to spend 800-1000 you can buy the middle of the line bows for 600-800 and still be ahead of where you are now with your old pse
  4. AverageJoe

    The Browns so far

    Hey is your sister single? No and if my bro in law found out you were asking you'd be dead. He just got out of jail for the 3rd time and says he wouldnt mind going back in for a while. Something about unfinished business.
  5. AverageJoe

    The Browns so far

    Awesome sis!
  6. AverageJoe

    Question about "Premier Member"

    How bout i do neither
  7. AverageJoe

    Question about "Premier Member"

    Its a joke. Just someone trying to stir the pot.
  8. AverageJoe

    Best camo patterns for for southern Arizona hunting

    Carhart tan pants and any camo top work great down there. The grass is so high you blend in easily with tan pants. Plus the stickers and burrs dont stick to you like they do with hunting pants. I dont know why most hunting clothing companies make soft shell pants that attract every sticker known to the southwest.
  9. AverageJoe

    Question about "Premier Member"

    Nobodys opinion or member level means anything. Lol. Its an internet forum
  10. AverageJoe

    Toyota Tundra Owners..... Yea or nay

    Not sure if toyota fixed the problem with the 2014&15s or not but with many previous models if you lift it, even a leveling kit, you will blow out the steering rack. That was the major drawbak why i sold mine. I hate stock height vehicles and didnt want to take the risk.
  11. AverageJoe


    Who cares!!!
  12. AverageJoe

    WT still packing

    They will be packing til end of may
  13. AverageJoe

    Results available

    If i was game and fish and saw someone with a coueswhitetail sticker in their window i would make sure to harass them on their hunt. Just a nice way of returning the love.
  14. AverageJoe

    Results available

    . I for one find it hilarious and think game and fish should screw with you even more. If you let it get to you so much you deserve it. Lose your sense of entitlement and realize the results will come when they come.
  15. AverageJoe

    ISO Unwanted old or freezer burned meat.

    Do you run those wirehairs with the hounds?
  16. AverageJoe

    Results available

    Same as mine. Says no licenses found with this account and no applications
  17. AverageJoe


    My guess is only the hard core guys who can dedicate days at a time or the unethical guys who take quads off the trails.
  18. If the state has ownership maybe the sportsmen could come together and buy up the land with terms/contract that it never be closed to hunting etc. thats the only good possibility i see in regards to hunting continuing for future generations
  19. The land will be lost with the feds owning it as well. It is a lose lose situation for the common man. The rich landowners dont want you hunting their land unless you pay, feds want hunting banned and turning land into monuments or natl parks, state will sell to highest bidder bit by bit til it is all gone.
  20. AverageJoe


    The cops wont do anything unless he is still on your property and wont leave. If he came and left he is not trespassing anymore so nobody will do anything to him legally. Even if you were there and happen to catch him you cant really do anything to him but ask him to leave.
  21. AverageJoe

    24B sheep

    I used to live in a house off of canyon lake and spent pretty much every day for 2 years watching them. Saw some great rams and odd behavior. They would come down to my yard and try to eat the grass i planted. Watched many fights and duing the rut i found out if you get to close they will charge you as well. Not a fun experience. Haha
  22. Guesses ranging from 106-143 and everyone is looking at the same buck. Amazing how different one's view can be.
  23. AverageJoe

    Browning A-Bolt II Hunter 7mm Rem Mag

    A rifle in the hand is the same as money in the bank. Can always get pretty close to what you paid for a rifle. The things women spend money on are usually worthless in a couple years if not sooner. Tell her you were just investing the money in a rifle which you can actually use instead of money that just sits in the bank. Once i figured out that line i never got anymore crap for buying guns... because it is true.
  24. AverageJoe

    Need Help (Hunting Clothes Layering)

    Also no need for those big bulky camo jackets if you layer the right way. Even in 30 degrees i am usually good with just my base layer and fleece midlayer once i start hiking. The fleece should be tight fitting not the loose kind. If you hunt in the stickers and burrs the fleece sucks cause it attracts all kinds of stickers so keep the outer layer on and ditch the fleece if too warm