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Everything posted by AverageJoe

  1. AverageJoe


    I have hiked my butt off and still not one brown this year. I have hiked where there are bulls that freshly dropped and areas where they had been recently and still nothing. Only whites and 2-3 yr old sheds! Frustrating.
  2. AverageJoe

    Who is going to Wyoming this year????

    I wish i could go this year! I am back to zero points so gonna be a 2018 trip for me most likely.
  3. AverageJoe

    What is this?

    Marijuana field cover trees. Any chance its in 6a? Believe it or not when i was with DPS a marijuana field was found under the overlook between flag and camp verde. Another was found in unit 23.
  4. AverageJoe

    Lion Treed...

    Today was awesome and very unexpected! I actually saw the lion standing over her kill and got ahold of Dale at Wild Heritage. His dogs foud the scent within minutes and were off. 320 yds away they had the lion treed already. It never happens that quick!
  5. AverageJoe

    Lion Treed...

    Dang sideways pics!
  6. AverageJoe

    Minox 15x56 vs Minox 13x56

    There is a much newer 15x56 than the last few years models. If he didnt just buy them most likely he has the previous model. The new 15's just came out and are supposed to be great. But who knows
  7. AverageJoe

    Clean vs. Dirty vs. Cold bore

    Get a wyoming tag. Not too late to put in for wyoming. You can still draw a unit or two that are decent even with 0 points
  8. AverageJoe

    What has been your favorite hunt?

    You're never alone. The voices in your head keep you company all year long. Ha
  9. AverageJoe

    Tim McGraw Anti-Gunner!1....What a buzzzz kill!!

    95% of all celebrities are liberal junk. That includes country singers as well. Dont forget Toby Keith...a wolf in sheep clothing and douchebag.
  10. AverageJoe

    Closing the gap???? Archery

    Best tool IMO to close the gap is to pick up a big ol branch off the ground and start raking the closest tree to you. Then let the bull close the gap. Dont cow call when in close unless you are well experienced or the bull will just go the oter direction. The branch trick works wonders
  11. AverageJoe

    Who all drew 6a archery bull?

    The southern part gets hammered as much if not more than the northern part anymore. There are still areas you can get away but need to do your homework.
  12. AverageJoe

    Clean vs. Dirty vs. Cold bore

    Results are as to be expected and why I never clean my rifle before a hunt. P.s....Great shooting! That is an awesome group.
  13. AverageJoe

    Minox 15x56 vs Minox 13x56

    All i have read is the new minox 15x56 are better than any of their previous models even better than the ever popular 15x58.
  14. AverageJoe

    What has been your favorite hunt?

    You can access the desktop version on your phone. Just scroll down on the page and hit the button that says full version. Then you can add pics from your phone as well
  15. AverageJoe

    What has been your favorite hunt?

    using the desktop site, not mobile version, when starting a new thread you should see a button below that says choose file. Click that then find the pic you want and click attach file. then click add to post to insert it where you want. if replying to a thread click more options on the quick reply box and that will take you to the same screen where you will find the choose file button
  16. AverageJoe

    Need Tacoma Help !

    Looks like there is a tsb out for 2010 carrier bearing mounts. Even if the truck is out of warranty some places will still fix it under the tsb guidelines.
  17. AverageJoe

    Need Tacoma Help !

  18. AverageJoe

    Need Tacoma Help !

    Manual or automatic?
  19. AverageJoe

    What has been your favorite hunt?

    Oh so many favorite memories it is hard to pick just one. Gonna have to say last year Wyoming antelope hunt has been my favorite so far. I went up with my son and Bro in law and nephew. We drove all day and it was my son's 9th birthday. He got to be in 4 states on his birthday. We both killed great bucks and the boys caught some nice trout!
  20. AverageJoe

    Unit 21 bulls

    Go to Cherry rd and turn right !
  21. So is this a raffle or an auction or? Sorry i have not been following
  22. AverageJoe

    Need Tacoma Help !

    I learned a lot from tacomaworld. There is not a single problem that you will have on your tacoma that has not already been discussed there
  23. AverageJoe

    Need Tacoma Help !

    Imo small repair shops will screw you over much more than the dealership. I always received great service at earnhardt toyota when i had my tacoma. Now i have an FJ
  24. AverageJoe

    Need Tacoma Help !

  25. AverageJoe

    23 north early rifle.

    Lots of good bulls and good rutting action. Be picky and by picky I mean above 350.