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Everything posted by AverageJoe

  1. AverageJoe


  2. AverageJoe

    Potential Darwin Award Candidate?

    Challenge accepted !
  3. AverageJoe

    Archery Elk Chest Shot by Kid. Ethical?

    I'd take a frontal shot any time, archery or rifle. Nothin wrong with that.
  4. AverageJoe

    .22 LR

    +1----Same ol retired idiots every week at Sportsmans in Mesa waiting in line to grab any ammo that comes in whether they need it or not. Same ones that love to speak their mind (even though no one wants to hear it)when I am looking at a gun. Goes somethin like this, " O you dont want a glock son, those guns are just junk". I just smile and say "sure". The other one goes something like this "Oh that rifle is the most accurate rifle ever made...I can shoot factory ammo all in the same hole at a hundert yards with that rifle any day of the week." Again I just smile and say "wow thats awesome".
  5. AverageJoe

    2A/2B/2C Archery Deer

    There are huge muleys in 2B!
  6. AverageJoe

    .22 LR

    Just buy it online. Can find tons of it. A lot of the shooter supply shops are buying it up in mass quantity and making a few bucks on it. Go to ammoseek.com and order as much as you want from one of the sites.
  7. AverageJoe

    8 deer points?

    Late coues in 35a, 35b, 24a, 23 would be my choice over any muley tag.
  8. AverageJoe

    8 deer points?

    I would get a late coues tag every time i can. Such a fun hunt.
  9. AverageJoe

    NYFD Woman Fails Test

    No surprise there...its new york.
  10. You get first crack at them during october hunt. By early november they have already been pressured, shot at, or killed.
  11. AverageJoe

    New life to old chalks

    Came up with a new system to bring chalks back to browns. Still a work in progress. What you think?
  12. AverageJoe

    New life to old chalks

    Still working on color variation and getting the right mix. They arent quite as dark in person.
  13. AverageJoe

    Why kind of game for first bow hunt?

    I think Elk are the easiest to hunt with a bow. Easy to stalk, big vitals area, nowhere near as wary as a deer. Javelina can leave you quite frustrated as can deer. I have been archery deer hunting on and off for 20 years and still dont have an archery buck under my belt. I have 3 archery elk in 3 attempts.
  14. AverageJoe

    Do rage broadheads suck?

    I think all mechanicals suck having used a few. Now that i have tried a bunch (fixed and mechanicals) i dont understand why mechanicals were ever even made. So many different solutions to a problem that never existed. Shoot a good fixed broadhead and you will get true flight, perfect penetration, and good blood trail, with no chance of error.
  15. AverageJoe

    photo radar alert northbound i-17

    Example #2...again at sedona exit southbound i-17. Had a severe rollover with multiple vehicles and people injured. Traffic was backed up and i was the lone DPS officer on duty. I asked a fireman to please take his truck up a few miles to warn traffic and slow them down. This move saved my life and the rest of the fireman that were attending to wounded. A trucker was not adhering to the speed limit for commercial vehicles and was doing 80 mph even with the downgrade out of flag. The fireman radio'd us watch out!!! Watch out!!! Semi out of control!!! As i look up i see a fully loaded semi in the median plowing up dirt and out of control heading right towards the scene. At this point he was only a few hundred feet from us. We had time to literally grab and throw the wounded out of the way and dive onto the highway to avoid him. He crashed through the scene and let me tell you seeing that kind of weight and speed doin that kind of damage was something i will never forget! He did not think the 55mph speed limit for trucks was really important. He understood afterwards.
  16. AverageJoe

    photo radar alert northbound i-17

    I found a truck in the emergency truck ramp on southbound i-17 just above sedona exit. I walked up and the driver was sitting next to his truck. I talked to him asked for his license etc...he was a russian immigrant, had no cdl, had never even driven a truck before, a company in texas hired him, gave him a crash course in how to drive a truck, and sent him off to drive to the west coast. Thats the kind of people that are out there driving trucks, as well as the legit ones who pay for the mistakes of crappy companies.
  17. AverageJoe

    photo radar alert northbound i-17

    Just saw it today. Does not appear to be photo radar. They are positioned before and after the rest area. Willing to bet it will be turned into a commercial vehicle check station. There are cameras only as of right now
  18. I thought USO had first dibs on all your areas.
  19. Tons of things have changed since then. I will never understand why women have to try to prove they are just as capable as men. Women are women and men are men. They are not the same and neither one is any better than the other. They are very different and both better at certain things than the other. Take pride in who you are and dont try to be something you are not just to prove a point to the world. Own it. It does mankind/civilization no good if all the women start acting like men and becoming "independent" because they dont need a man. Each sex has a very important role in life and both need each other to survive.
  20. AverageJoe

    Pics added Ford F250 Diesel Excellent Condition

    blue book for this truck in excellent condition is 16k. asking 7k over blue book is not such a heck of a deal.
  21. AverageJoe

    Tips for consistency?

    In my opinion grip and bow torque are the hardest things for new shooters to understand. Once you get down a consistant grip with no torque your groups will improve. You should only use your bow hand as a brace for the bow with maybe a slight pressure with your index finger. Dont use your entire hand to grip the bow. Also make sure your anchor point is exactly the same every time. Installing a kisser on the string can help achieve this although i dont really like them. Last but not least is correct arrow spine. Too much spine or too little will cause your arrow to be off no matter what you do form wise.
  22. AverageJoe

    Broadheads for elk

    I liked shuttle t's
  23. AverageJoe

    Heaviest brown ever!!

  24. AverageJoe

    What are your thoughts?

    ISIS is gaining ground all over the world and idiots here in the USA are still trying to find a way to neuter our guns.
  25. AverageJoe


    I just think there are too many people out shed hunting this year. Every road is covered in quad tracks and sign of people all over the forest.