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Everything posted by AverageJoe

  1. AverageJoe

    WTB older vari-x or vxiii leupold scope

    Also interested in 6.5-20x40 vari-x
  2. AverageJoe

    30-378 weatherby mag

    How does it shoot? Any trades?
  3. AverageJoe

    164 7/8" Coues

    The buck is awesome! No one will argue that. Brandon is awesome for being able to buy that tag. It is his buck, not the guide or outfitters buck. That i why i cant stand watermarks and outfitters taking claim to a buck just to make even more money off our states wildlife. Kudos to Brandon and this is truly an amazing buck.
  4. AverageJoe

    Really? Really???

    Thats old school. Wish we could see more of that instead of everyone afraid of offending someone. Go to wyoming for antelope and still see a bunch of old cars with antelope strapped to the roof.
  5. AverageJoe

    MGB Ascent custom sight question

    Something to check on the single pin regular ascent model is if the pin is vertical or horizontal. I think that was the main difference when i ordered the ambush. I wanted the vertical pin. Just personal preference. I have since moved back to a 5 pin.
  6. AverageJoe

    Just a reminder - watch out for spiders!

    I'll trade you black widows for scorpions. I have killed well over 50 bark scorpions in the last couple months at my place. Killed 2 more last night in the kitchen. Sucks!
  7. AverageJoe

    164 7/8" Coues

    You act like you are the self appointed boss of Coues Whitetail. Get over yourself, enjoy a little bickering, find humor where you can, realize the internet is a place where people can vent, brag, rip on each other, and do whatever else they want to do. Everyone needs to have thick skin and not get so easily offended. So many whiners and cry babies from every aspect. We have some that whine about auction tags and then some who whine about the whiners that are whining about the auction tags. Guess what, both are whiners. At the end of the day, if anyone on this site needed help packing an elk out (Heck even trophyhntr), i would be there in a second to help and i am sure many others would do the same. Everyone has and is allowed their own opinion, even if it doesnt match the opinion of guides and outfitters. That is the great thing about this country. We can agree to disagree and still help each other out. No one here is better than anyone else.
  8. AverageJoe


    A3 did as much on this one as on that 168 coues. Hahahaha
  9. AverageJoe

    Roosevelt Lake looks like a pond

    No offense taken and you are correct that it is standard operations.
  10. AverageJoe

    Roosevelt Lake looks like a pond

    I am sure there are others on here that know as much as I do and more, but having been a hydro dam operator I do know more than most.
  11. AverageJoe

    Roosevelt Lake looks like a pond

    Making room is indeed part of "the plan". If they left the water in Roosevelt and didnt lower the lake level accordingly when the winter runoff came they would either have too much water and overflow the dam (like what happened in previous years thus the cause for the extra 70 ft addition, or two; they would have to generate non stop/or bypass generators via spillgates and send the water downstream and end up with no storage for summer months. There are so many factors that calculate into why and when the lake is at certain levels but you can be certain it is for a reason
  12. AverageJoe

    Roosevelt Lake looks like a pond

    Ultramag curious if you work for SRP and can shed some light on your comment.
  13. AverageJoe

    Roosevelt Lake looks like a pond

    They are getting ready for the winter run off. They have to make room and everything is in the plan dont worry. That lake can fill up faster than you can imagine during a wet winter.
  14. If everyone would do it we could win and finally get the changes needed
  15. Tired of giving pur government almost half my paycheck so they can send my money elsewhere. Think im just gonna go exempt and say f the IRS.
  16. AverageJoe

    Anyone using the horn hunter full curl system?

    The shoulder straps are great it is the waist strap that is so uncomfortable when packing a load. I have tried adjusting it every way I know how and the pack still feels like it limits movement in my hips and legs. I think because there are soo many pockets on the waist strap that it is too stiff and that is what is causing my issue. I like everything else about the pack except for the waist strap .
  17. AverageJoe

    clean ruger mini 14 for trade

    No I am not wrong lol. I am not trying to argue as it is a simple fact. His barrel is stamped .223 rem...That means if someone buys it they should not shoot 5.56 nato out of it as the chamber of the rifle for sale is a .223 rem chamber. How did you ever work in a power plant if you are willing to overlook simple details?
  18. AverageJoe

    3a tag and now a little regret.

    Checkerboarded private land doesnt mean squat unless its posted no trespassing
  19. AverageJoe

    clean ruger mini 14 for trade

    Show me a diagram of the two chamber specs and i will show you the difference.
  20. AverageJoe

    Toyota Tundra lift options

    you have to leave the mall parking lot before you can tell how your vehicle rides.
  21. AverageJoe

    clean ruger mini 14 for trade

    I alwys thought lark knew everything til i read this. I guess alzheimers is starting to set in haha
  22. AverageJoe

    clean ruger mini 14 for trade

    Thats because you shouldnt shoot 5.56 nato out of a .223 rem chamber.
  23. I have found in the past if factory ammo loads just fine in your rifle and reloads dont load fine...its almost always the brass is the problem...check the specs on the brass vs specs on the factory brass
  24. could be me and the pic angle but the two pieces of brass look different in the shoulder/neck area. shoulder looks shorter in the factory brass and neck looks longer.