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Everything posted by AverageJoe

  1. AverageJoe

    Arizona Tiger's Eye

    At first i thought might be asbestos but it is solid crystal with no fibers. Doing research has led me to think tigers eye.
  2. AverageJoe

    Arizona Tiger's Eye

  3. AverageJoe

    Anyone have a Ruger Precision???

    So Gunbroker is a bit hi but not bad if you dont want to wait 6 months or more. There are some on gunbroker right now for $1100.
  4. AverageJoe

    Anyone have a Ruger Precision???

    What is retail on them. They are selling for 12-1300 on gunbroker
  5. AverageJoe

    Anyone have a Ruger Precision???

    They arent impossible. Many Always for sale on gunbroker
  6. AverageJoe

    Pulled the trigger!

    Shoot some nosler, hornady, barnes factory ammo and see how it does. Try a few different ones and clean in between brands. Barnes has always been the most accurate but i hate the bullet itself
  7. AverageJoe

    *SOLD* Two Champion Generators for Sale

    Does the 2000 have the idle probelm where it is always searching for a idle position? Or does it operate at a steady rpm?
  8. AverageJoe

    Be thankful we don't live in Utah..Unreal

    you would think it would. the auctioned tags go from about 10k-100k i believe. if those tags plus the 200 conservation tags went for an average of 10k (which is probably low) that would bring in around 40 million in revenue. not to mention the general applications Actually many of the elk tags can be had for under $4k. The low price is because they are not year round commish tags, but week long regular season hunts. Nothing special about them other than you dont have to draw it. Pay 2 to 4 grand and go hunt each year. The rich guys dont want to hunt with regular working class folks so they buy the expensive ones. The rest are for people who want to pretend they are rich.
  9. AverageJoe

    Browning Bar Safari 270 SOLD

    Nice looking rifle
  10. AverageJoe

    Be thankful we don't live in Utah..Unreal

    This is the result of big money and people like SFW. And Mosscrack
  11. AverageJoe

    Southern California Muley's?

    Yes. When in the Marines i used to fish a lot at Lake Cuyamaca and ran into the game warden quite often. Very cool guy and never hassled me since i was a Marine. I asked him a lot about hunting in California. He was setting up duck blinds one time for the duck hunters on the lake. Said it was a once in a lifetime type hunt lol.
  12. AverageJoe

    Southern California Muley's?

    i used to drive from Camp Pendleton to phoenix about once a month and would take the back roads from temecula to palm springs. I would always see lots of deer and turkeys in the pines above palm springs.
  13. AverageJoe

    Savage misfire question

    You can check this by simply cycling the bolt (empty of course) and pressing sideways on the trigger.
  14. AverageJoe

    Savage misfire question

    What happens when it misfires? I have had one savage with the accutrigger and if i applied even the slightest side pressure on the trigger before pulling straight back, the firing pin would go off without hitting the primer. From my understanding this happens on almost any accutrigger. Some worse than others
  15. AverageJoe

    Couple cam pics to pass the time

    I"ll take the last one on the right please. Thanks
  16. Cruz has about half the chance trump does to beat Hillary. Why would anyone vote for cruz? Its the same as voting for romney and mccain. Howd that work out for ya
  17. AverageJoe

    Concerned about the upcoming generation...

    I am sure the current generation is being told she was a terrorist, just like all the other evil conservatives.
  18. AverageJoe

    7mm08 for sale SOLD

    Dang too bad i already have a 7-08. Ehats barrel length? Which model T/C?
  19. AverageJoe

    Elk hammer

    Just learn to become a better hunter, then long range and BC no longer matter. Between 7 elk, 4 antelope, and 6 deer, I have never not been able to get within 600 yds of an animal. Anything further is because someone is too lazy, too impatient, or just not good enough...
  20. AverageJoe


    Bernie...cause i wouldnt have to pay for anything lol
  21. A President should never be completely one sided. Trump is able to deal with people on both sides of the spectrum and that is a good thing. You get Cruz or Rubio in there and there goes another 4 years of getting nothing done. Someone who can help get rid of the two party BS in our government is a dang good start. Go Trump
  22. AverageJoe

    Elk hammer

    Another vote for 200gn accubond or 200 gn sierra gameking
  23. AverageJoe

    Guide Schools

    Oh and dont forget you'll have to sell your soul to the devil if you want to make it