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Everything posted by AverageJoe

  1. AverageJoe

    96 Chevy K1500 4x4 Ext Cab - SOLD

    dang, hope everyone is ok!
  2. AverageJoe


    Ha, i’ll give you twice as much as that. $200 buddy
  3. AverageJoe

    15x50 Leica Duovids and BTX ALL SOLD

    What kind of optics mount is that on it? Cant tell from my phone.
  4. AverageJoe

    Geology Help

    Anyone out there who can help identify what this is? I have a bunch of guesses, but curious if anyone knows for certain. Seems like possibly a quartz base with yellow / amber colored crystals growing out of it.
  5. AverageJoe

    Sold - delete

    Pm sent
  6. AverageJoe

    Looking for Bolt Action .22

    Looking to buy a wood stock, bolt action .22. Looking for full size .22’s. Dont care about age, just getting hard to find a good bolt action wood stock .22. If you have one you are willing to sell, please send me a pm. Thanks.
  7. AverageJoe

    WTB 300 Savage loaded ammo

    Plenty at midway
  8. AverageJoe

    WTB 300 Savage loaded ammo

  9. AverageJoe

    Winchester 1897 12 gauge

    My favorite shotgun of all time. Dang...
  10. AverageJoe

    Several Firearms

    I’ll take the 2 single shot shotguns
  11. This morning at approximately 0300, a group of criminals hit my neighborhood in Gilbert, broke into my vehicle and 15 others in my neighborhood and stole mainly firearms. they stole my .38 ruger LCR with a front night sight and sticky holster if anyone sees it. Yes i know i shouldnt keep a gun in my vehicle overnight, i normally dont. Gilbert PD said this is happening all over the east valley recently and they are targeting trucks and suvs of anyone who “looks” like they might be a gun owner. They didnt even take cash in the vehicle, only the gun. They switch neighborhoods every few weeks so be aware A good reminder to keep your firearms inside at night.
  12. AverageJoe

    Wanting to Buy a .308.

    I am looking for a tikka or rem 700 in 308. Prefer sporter barrels, if you have one you are willing to sell let me know. I would also consider a heavy barrel if its a Tikka CTR. Thank you
  13. AverageJoe

    Wanting to Buy a .308.

  14. AverageJoe

    WTB...CZ 527

    Im trying to find a CZ 527. Prefer 7.62x39 but would take one in 223 or 22 hornet as well. If you have one and willing to part with it let me know.
  15. AverageJoe

    WTB...CZ 527

  16. AverageJoe

    WTS Tikka .270 wsm

    Any ammo to sell with it?
  17. AverageJoe

    Good Remington 1100 gunsmith?

    I had a similar problem and brought it to the gunsmith at rio salado gun range (Accuracy Speaks was the name but the gunsmith that worked on it has since passed away). He ended up drilling an extra gas port for me and said early model 1100’s had a problem cycling because the gas port was drilled too small. Whatever the reason was, it has worked perfectly fine since drilling the second gas port.
  18. AverageJoe

    Good Remington 1100 gunsmith?

    And have you tried both? Shoot some 2 3/4” bird shot (7 or 8 shot) and then shoot some 3” buckshot. Tell me if it jams with both.
  19. AverageJoe

    Good Remington 1100 gunsmith?

    Does it jam with bird shot or with buck shot? 2 3/4” shells or 3” shells.
  20. AverageJoe

    96 Chevy K1500 4x4 Ext Cab - SOLD

    Nice meeting you as well. Im glad he likes it!
  21. AverageJoe

    96 Chevy K1500 4x4 Ext Cab - SOLD

  22. AverageJoe

    SOLD - 22LR Ammo Dump

    Why are you searching? Did you not buy enough when there was thousands of rounds on the shelves the last 4 years? Always keep at least a few thousand on hand of 22 lr and 223/5.56. Cause this shyt happens all the time. Then you dont have to worry when its gone.
  23. AverageJoe

    96 Chevy K1500 4x4 Ext Cab - SOLD

    Sorry just saw this! No i havent sold it yet. Still here.