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Everything posted by redline410

  1. redline410

    Someone has a story

    Damnit Epperson- quit it out!!!! Two bruisers in a short amount of time bro, nice work........ Dave
  2. redline410

    Lions and mule deer /Western Hunter magazine

    I agree with Josh- remove hunters from an enviroment for a while and the herds will come back. That's not to say that lions don't effect the population but its a cycle. Cat comes in- herds eventually move. Cat follows- herds move again. Same as any high hunt pressure area, leave it alone for a few seasons and it'll restock. dang, one more reason to hate the '80s- First it destroyed the image of Man by letting every swinging (radio edit) with a microphone and a guitar wear make-up and panty hose on stage and now the deer population is paying for poor management practices..........Whiskey, Tango, Foxtrot- Over BTW- J.E. that lion I was trying to get your old man to go run outta my spot died of lead poisoning a while back. So did his brother........They ate one too many gut piles I guess. If only those piles hadn't been from the cattle, the rancher may not have been so upset............
  3. Hmm, training a domestic animal to be a vicious killer, then shooting it, electrocuting it or slamming it on the ground until it's dead when it shows no sign of aggression while its chained to a stake. Yup just like hunting......Freaking idiots......... Oh how did we survive before such pillars of morality like the NAACP and atheletes were able to grace us with their infinite wisdom................ http://www.azcentral.com/sports/suns/artic...marbury-ON.html http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2007/foot...p.ap/index.html
  4. That's funny Ultramag- That's where all of those camera's were!!!! If that's the case, all you boys with the cameras in 5A best get out there and pull them, just to be on the safe side...... Dave
  5. BB- you gotta go after that thing........Great buck.........whining will never get you anywhere......... The camera thing is getting a little out of control. Two weeks ago I found thirteen cameras in 2 days- Makes approaching water holes and checking travel routes a little sketchy. Not that I care really that someone's checking that SPOT, cause if I like it you better get up early to beat me in but I just try not to ruin anyones perfect little picture collage with images of my skinny arse plastered on their computer screen. The point is- of all those cameras, only one of them was fastened with anything more than bungee cord and two I could see from a road. I know that y'all shouldn't have to, but lock those things up!!! we shouldn't have to lock our cars or houses either but we do. If someone REALLY wants your camera, they will get it no matter what you do to prevent it but atleast make a little bit of a challenge. I've hunted these woods and deserts for almost 25years now and can honestly say, I have never encountered an "ANTI" but I have come across a rather large populous of douche bag "Hunters". You have to protect yourselves kids- as much as I hate to say it, human nature has let me down more than I care to count. there is an old saying "Trust everyone in the game, but always cut the cards" Stay loose, Dave
  6. Hey Tony, seriously I wasn't trying to sucker you into any battle royale- I respect the insight you provide, especially on debatable issues that come up and was only curious what your thoughts were on this particular study as it seems to contradict the standard company line I've come accustomed to hearing. Great informative site by the way- Thanks....... Stay loose, Dave
  7. This is just a random thought and Tony, you probably are the best one to direct it to since it baffles me everytime I think about it and you seem to have done significant research on the affects of drought on wildlife but everyone else can check it out too: The Walnut Canyon Game enclosure in unit 22 caps out every year as far as number of deer per square mile. it's been a couple of years since I had spoken with the WM in charge of the facility, Stan Cunningham was his name, but if I recall correctly they maintain 50 or 60 deer in this one square mile enclosure. After that they punch a hole in the fence and run a few out. Same vegetation, same rain fall, one guzzler yet there is something like a 110% fawn crop every year (for you mathematicians, that extra 10% is because of twins ) and the horn growth on the bucks is insane. Now, if drought is such an issue how is it that that little slice of heaven can produce boomer bucks and ridiculous numbers of fawns while the world on the outside of the chain link is just scraping by?? With the only difference being the lack of predators on the inside, I gotta think that drought has much less of a impact than everyone thinks. That nasty ol' desert can more than sustain a deer population of 60 deer/sq. mi. based on the Walnut Canyon study and there are areas in this state with much greater vegetation and water resources. My non-biology degree having arse is far more inclined to believe predation and poor management has a lot more to do with the decline of the deer herds than archers and drought........... stay loose guys and dolls- Dave
  8. redline410

    Auction Hunt

    Jim- Yea, I know- there was a little sarcasm in that one big guy. In regards th the article- The "finder" of that bull is a troll. his neighbors are pissed and he's a coward for not standing by his decision. He sold the bull now he is selling out everyone involved..........and yes, that picture looks BAD. Not unlike the G&F survey- if you want a certain outcome, all it takes is a little creativity. Oh and forget to add a few facts......... If that beast would have taken a right instead of a left, no body is talking about it.........That is what I mean by an unfortunate incident................ Tony- that is great idea...... stay loose- Dave
  9. redline410

    Auction Hunt

    Mr. Arnold- I respectfully disagree. There are a lot of things I don't get- like how I can sit in front of a computer, grab the entire Beatles White album out of thin air and stuff it into a machine the size of a quarter to listen to anytime I want. That right there is witch craft I also don't get how individuals can pass judgment on someone they've never met or on a situation they've never been in them selves. I don't think you can speak for anyone other than yourself either but I commend you for taking the stance that you have- All I'm saying is, let it work its self out before defacing anyone. like I said- it's sounds more like an unfortunate incident than it does a raging band of blood thirsty mercenaries............ And what's all this talk that "other" people look at this site?!?!? Jim you's talking crazy- Peace boys- Dave
  10. redline410

    Auction Hunt

    I was trying to stay out of it but, this is a freaking train wreck and I just can't help myself!!!! An excerpt from the Fall 07-08 regulations "Unfortunate incidents and oversights do occur" I would say this qulifies as an unfortunate incident- Whatever happened will work its self out in time. But don't come in swinging on hearsay and perception. Unless you were sitting there with these gentlemen, you don't know anymore about the situation than my kids. This seems more like a pissing match on whether or not the auction tag is right or wrong rather than if any law was bent. correct me if I'm wrong but didn't this same outfitter take the BGSR winner out last year free of charge?? I didn't see anyone complaining about that. If I remeber right they got that dude a bull before the regular hunt started- Ooo, he had an unfair advantage!! whiners This is America boys and girls- you and I have just as much of right to buy that tag as anyone, unfortunately my business sense hasn't put me in a position to make much of a run at it and I suspect by the tone, y'all aren't fairing much better. Don't blame anyone for being smarter than you- it ain't there fault. Oh, by the way, littering is also bunched in with that 1/4 mile violation. Any of you ever litter?!?.......Didn't think so...... while we're at it- All those fine trophy photos we like to look at so much- by the letter of the law, unless there is a tag on those horns a violation of R12-4-302 has occured..........Not sure which is worse, 20 minutes or 20 yards Relax a little would ya.........
  11. That is a great mount Jack!!! Congratulations on a two fantastic deer..... Did you hold your '04 buck until you had both or did you decide to merge the two after the second one went down??
  12. redline410

    Getting in on the action

    Ya, what Huntn Coues said......... Many Garcias WHT_MTNMAN- I do have a question though if you don't mind; Do I know you??? I ask because I only bore people with my hunt story ramblings via emails so I was just courious where you picked it up from. If you read the tales, I hope you enjoyed them......
  13. This time of year is always tough- and it only gets worse over the next few months. I was sitting around daydreaming of seasons past and thought I'd throw out the things that help me through the down times. I just got these back a couple of months ago and have been giddy as a school girl ever since......... First is my biggest Archery Carp-o-saurus which I took on the last weekend of December '05, Next is quite possibly the dumbest coues buck ever (I can only say that because he let me of all people put an arrow in him) which I took the first weekend of the '06 archery season. These two were taken less than a mile apart and 8 days separated the harvest dates .......Since then, my luck and the luck of all of those I've hunted with has been in the crapper, but it was a good ride while it lasted........
  14. redline410

    Getting in on the action

    Thanks boys- I appreciate the comments........ I wish I had more to show you, unfortunately though, the survival skills of those critters are just a wee bit better than my hunting skills..........right now anyway UltraMag- Mike Vicarro of "A Head of the Game" has done all my stuff. Great guy and does incredible work
  15. redline410

    Scent elimination

    IMO- If the wind is wrong, no cover scent made will help. All that happens is you smell like a guy with "Earth Scent" sprayed on ya. Be quiet, work the wind and you'll be fine.............Again though, I've only successfully stalked and harvested a handful of decent critters with my bow so what do I know...........
  16. redline410

    New AZ arch deer dates!

    Fire off an email, make a phone call and make time to attend any commision meeting you can, we need to get it back!!!! Younghunter, Gabescoues and anyone else who has drawn a tag this year, especially first timers, I feel for you boys. It's bad and only getting worse, every year its one more little thing and the silent majority gets on the hunting forums for a good old fashioned bitch session. But last I checked preaching to the choir isn't all that effective..... The AZGFD hates me I promise you that and I'm fairly certain Ordway screens his calls for fear I may be on the line. I've come to the realization that there is a very good possibility that I've been black balled from the draw system and that's fine but, if I'm going down, I'm going down with a hand full of nuts and fist full of teeth. All of you better have the same attitude or sooner rather than later we'll all be spending the weekends on the couch watching Jackie the "Buckmaster's" gay butt sitting in a tree on some private deer farm and day dreaming about the good ol days when bow hunting elk in Nov. with 10, 000 of our closest friends was something we wished we could still do....... AAAAAHHHHHH......I'm Freaking PISSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's time to rooster up Kats and Dolls, this snow ball is just about to big to stop.
  17. redline410

    OK, here's the sheds and the buck

    You're a sick man J.E.- Normal people don't track down the guy who whacked the buck of the sheds they find.......
  18. redline410

    Whitetails moving downhill

    I've also noticed the 22/24B transition and have even seen Coues bucks running Muley does on occasion in those units. They are the more aggressive of the species for sure and with the decline in the mule deer population there is less competition for food so it was only a matter of time........ TAM- If you're running those two areas on the Roosevelt lake side I'd like to compare a few notes with ya one day. I've hunted that split for more than a decade now and have noticed some ridiculous trends.......Cats, Fires, Ranchers and AZGFD stepping on their own Di- er, pen- er, units has done some crazy stuff to what was once one of the best deer hunting areas in teh state for both species.......
  19. redline410

    Randy Ulmer Hunting Accident?

    Atta' boy Jim- I agree 100%. Would I ever climb into a motorized parachute- heck no!! I'm a big ol' <Meow> but I can't bash on a guy for doing something within the limits of the law. Ulmer is a great archer that is what his life was built around. The pressures guides feel right now to keep up are mutiplied ten fold for cats like that. Whether you think it's right or wrong is up to you but as long as it's within the boundaries of the laws hey, whatever. there seems to be confusion between ethics and choice- I choose to use archery equipment because with my mad skills rifles give me an unfair advantage . That wasn't always the case but it is now. Do I think rifle hunters are unethical? not hardly- I relish the fact that they need them to have a chance at success. I'd take my mangy ol' 80" archery coues of a 100" rifle coues anyday. Someone brought up the $2,000 optics, $50,000 trucks, $8,000 quads, $12,000 Rhinos. They forgot about the $1,500 rifles and $1,200 bows, gps, 2-way radios, range finders, ridiculous camo patterns, scents, electric socks and a miriad of other gizmos and gadgetry all just to have a chance at an animal with a brain the size of a golf ball....Who really has the advantage? Oh real quick, the comparison between Bonds using "every means possible" to achieve his success- Good one. Only thing is, Roids are an illegal drug which, last I checked, just because MLB DOESN'T test for them doesn't all of the sudden make them legal. peace, Dave
  20. redline410

    Randy Ulmer Hunting Accident?

    Good grief- Can we all stop it already!!! This is a great site but I've already had to banish one website because the ethics police were too much to stomach <<cough>> MonsterMuleys <<cough>> and I'd kinda like this one to stay on the favorites list. I don't care if dude found a way to teleport himself within 5 feet of the new world record- most of his hunts are archery and things go wrong far more often than than they go right. I'd rather see someone locate a brusier from a chute plane and make a stalk to within 50 yards than to see little Johnny Superstar rip off a round from his beloved 7MM at a bedded buck 500 yards out. R.U. didn't make the rules, he only plays by them same as the rest of us. Whether you choose to use every means possible within the boundaries given is up to you- Stay loose, Dave
  21. redline410

    How many archery shots?

    Until this past week I never specifically hunted Coues witha bow. Anyway, I gave it a whirl and took five shots. ALL AT THE SAME BUCK!! Two of the three that connected were text book and he still managed to find his way into the nastiest hohoba covered, cholla infested canyon in the state.......his little way of paying me back............If I can get a littel help posting the picture I'll show him to you......... -Dave
  22. redline410

    bowhunters you better read this

    Bowhuntcouse, If you hit next the survey should start....Did the same thing to me....... Peace out, Dave