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Everything posted by dse

  1. dse

    Hornady ELD-X

    A friend that knew I was loading this bullet sent this to me. Didn't stop from the first and covered some ground after the second. Didn't find any bigger pieces and no exit but don't know how hard they looked. Don't know what they hit but was told both shots were good.
  2. dse

    Mt Rushmore

    Anything in the Black hills is worth doing. Deadwood, Hotspings, Wind Cave, just driving around you should see deer by the thousands, lots of elk, buffalo antelope turkey and lots of cool looking country!
  3. dse

    Hornady ELD-X

    200 gr eldx from a bear shot at 600 yds with a 300 SAUM.
  4. Whatever handgun and caliber you shoot best. If you can't put one in the brain or spine quickly, your not going to stop a serious charge regardless of what cartridge you use. A lesser shot with a hand cannon or a rifle may kill the bear but after he has mauled you for a minute or two. If a crappy shot or bear spray stops them or turns them, they were bluffing to start with.
  5. dse

    Guess the Scores

    1. 325 2. 335 3. 310 4. 345 5. 315 6. 305
  6. dse

    First timer questions

    I tent camp down south every year and don't worry a minute about it.
  7. dse


    Haven't had the time to load for it yet. The 270 WSM was stupid easy. Pushed to to Max with RL-22 backed down 1/2 a grain and it shot 1/2 moa. Both rifles are pretty close in weight, with the 270 being slightly lighter at 9 lbs 12 oz.
  8. dse


    I set up my brothers accumark with factory 130 sciroccos. 3/4 moa @ 3500 fps. Was surprised how much more recoil it had vs my 270 WSM running a 130 scirocco @ 3475 fps.
  9. dse

    When do you predator hunt?

    First and last stand of the day are the best but you can call in coyotes St anytime of the day or year.
  10. dse

    Guess the score

    Fronts are weak but still going to say 340.
  11. dse

    Bolt issues

    I've been shooting a 270 WSM as my main hunting rifle for the last 10 years, with excellent results. I like the WSM line but I've seen far more pressure problems from factory ammo than any other cartridge.
  12. dse

    Major winter storm to hit high country

    Saw pictures of my place in Mayer with over a foot this morning.
  13. dse

    Factory 28 nosler suggestions

    Spend the money on the scope then put a Remington 700 under it and customize as the budget allows.
  14. dse

    Heavy Duty Storage Boxes

    Been using large husky tool boxes from Cheapo Depot. Cost $50 ea. and last pretty well, have wheels and a pull out handle.
  15. dse

    Advice for tripod

    Manfrotto 190x for me about double your budget with the head. Buy once cry once. I'd rather have decent glass on a good tripod than great glass on a crappy tripod.
  16. dse

    Weather report

    Around 6" on the hood of my truck in Prescott
  17. dse

    Texas whitetail meat hunts

    I did a job just a few miles north of this place a year or so ago. Unbelievable amount of deer. Would see 100 a day just driving to the job.
  18. dse

    FAST .224's for Coues

    22-250Ai by 250 fps and 105 ft lbs.
  19. dse

    FAST .224's for Coues

    Because my 22-250 Ai pushing a 95 gr matchking gets to 1000 yds going 400 fps faster with 200 ft lbs more energy than my 257 wm pushing a 100 gr Swift at 3400. Also no brake and almost no recoil.
  20. dse

    FAST .224's for Coues

    We took one Coues buck at 600 yds with mine. Didn't take a step and shooter got to watch in the scope. Rifle was a 22-250ai built on a Savage 11, 24" 1 in 7 twist barrel, 80 gr Berger vld, 41 gr. Rl-22, Nosler brass and fed 210 m primer. Shot in the .2s and got 3420 fps. Also did a number on a coyote @ 980 yds.
  21. 130 Scirrocco from a 270 Wsm. 12 Coues, 2 Mule deer, 1 cow elk, and a lion all dead on contact. Performed great at 188 yds and just as good at 700 yds.
  22. Was it a faster than factory twist? I've got the 40 gr v- max to 4700 fps from a 14 twist 22-250 ai.
  23. dse


    Only gone out last couple of days but not very good so far. Only seen a couple dozen birds up in 19a. Didn't see a single Mearns on my deer hunt in 35 B.
  24. I didn't know it was possible to blow up a V-Max! Got the 53 gr V-Max up to 4100 fps from my 7 twist 22-250 AI and they stayed together. Had some problems with the 75 gr A-Max at around 3600 fps.