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Everything posted by EBB

  1. EBB


    I've read this thread with great interest. The fear of Politics is a huge deterrent to many and that is sad, because the realm of political bodies is where the real decisions are made. Take the Game and Fish Commission for instance. Staff makes their reccomendations and either rubber stamps them, changes them, or does nothing at all. This is the way all Governmental bodies work. The policy decision positions are where we need to be. You can lose more rights right in your very backyard from your Town or City Council than anywhere else. What we need is more people with good old fashioned common sense in the Policy making positions. Face it, when hunting or fishing becomes unfavorable with enough voters, those activities will cease to be allowed. Most Politicians are more concerned about getting reelected than doing the right thing. My perspective has always been to keep the different interest groups away from each others rights. If we have Politicians who do this we'll all be okay in the long run. So if you're so inclined, get on a ballot and get your voice heard with your new peers. I'm not minimizing any of the organizations because for the most part they all do good work, but the battlefield is much larger than many realize. EBB
  2. EBB

    Handgun Bullet Limit

    Can't we just..... all........ get along? Rodney King, Great Statesman and possible future Los Angeles Mayoral Candidate, 1992
  3. PM sent on 22. EBB
  4. EBB

    FS: Ruger 22/45 MKIII pistol

    PM sent. EBB
  5. EBB

    game and fish hacked

    Woo-Hoo! My card just got hit for 76 elk and 23 antelope tags! EBB
  6. Guys, I fear for my life posting this, but, here goes. Weiers may not have thought this one through very well. Over the years he has been a standup Representative for the sportsmen of Arizona. He was our voice in all things outdoors. So we maybe don't agree with one thing he does. There is no need to be vitriolic about it. You let him know you don't agree, and convince him he is wrong with logical arguments. He may or may not see the light but that doesn't make him the enemy on all things. The people in his district could have just as easily sent us an anti hunter and gun control advocate! We are still a Representative Republic and he was elected to represent. If you don't think he is, then let everyone know to contact him about it. The system really can work. EBB
  7. EBB

    Bighorn Guide

    Geoff Moss, Littlehorn Outfitters. Took mine in 24B S Dec. 2nd. Geoff and his Guys Know those units as much or more than anyone. EBB
  8. I'll get a story up as soon as I can. Don't even know how big he is. But he is big. I will say this though. Shooting extremely uphill can be a real challenge and nothing screams dumba$$ quite like a guy in camo with a bandage on his forehead sitting in the Emergency Room waiting to get sewn up. EBB OK, so here is my once in a lifetime ram. The last time he was seen he hadn't broken 3" to 5" off of his right horn. Doesn't matter, he is still a stud. I couldn't have taken a ram of this caliber without the help of Geoff Moss and his Littlehorn Outfitters. Many thanks to Geoff, Tim, Bob, Josh, Jim, Richie (on the first day) and Mike who humped up the mountain to take these phenominal photographs! EBB 180 1/8" gross 179 and I forgot the 8ths. I think he said 5. Here is what he looked like last time he was seen. This is what he looks like now. Sure wish he hadn't broken that horn!
  9. Got it Amanda. I never even considered how much difference the angle makes. Thanks! EBB
  10. Useful information, but, my Wife doesn't let me date. EBB
  11. Well, I can't say the extreme uphill angle was the reason I missed the first shot, and I can't say it's the reason I missed my second shot. The third and final had very little to do with the angle as it was perfect. But I may never shoot extreme uphill angles again until I've mounted up one of the new Memory Foam scopes! Probably would shoot downhill though. EBB
  12. This morning, on my way to work, I was second in line at a light. The vehicle in front of me had 3 bumper stickers. He Won Get Over It Obama 2012 and an Obama/Biden Sticker. Darn good thing my truck doesn't have a push bar on the front bumper! EBB
  13. EBB

    Interesting Brain Game

    I too had Red Wrench. EBB
  14. The Ram was in 24B South. I wasn't working on a slam, but............ I think I might now understand the people who get "Sheep Fever". This is beyond a shadow of a doubt the best game meat I've ever eaten. EBB
  15. Thanks for the congratulations Guys. I'm having more trouble getting to sleep now than I did before the season! I now understand how so many people go completely sheep crazy. I added a photo of him on that first page. It's what he looked like before he recently broke his right horn. EBB
  16. EBB

    Mark Miller's unit 22 ram

    Why arent you sheep hunting?!?!?! Casey, look at the request for recipes below.
  17. EBB

    Mark Miller's unit 22 ram

    Very nice sheep! EBB
  18. EBB


    I'm thinking sleep is going to be real hard to come by tonight. EBB
  19. I wouldn't even consider replacing a bolt without a gunsmith checking the headspace before firing. Just because it's from the same model rifle doesn't mean it will "fit". EBB
  20. EBB

    Scope RIngs

    I can sympathize with you. I bought a Tikka M65 30 years ago and had the same problem. Ended up machining a set myself. Maybe what you want is here? http://www.berettausa.com/shop-by-department/gun-accessories/rifles-and-carbines/sako-and-tikka-ring-mounts/default.aspx EBB
  21. EBB

    Hunting Griz Country

    Never hunted in grizzley country myself but they say to make lots of noise. Now I know that noise is not conducive to sneaking up on deer or elk so here is one tip. Many of the hikers wear bells and carry pepper spray with them to keep the grizzleys away. If you see fresh bear scat with bells in it and it smells like pepper you most likely are close to a griz's territory. Me, I'd carry the weapon with the most close range stopping power. EBB
  22. EBB

    Wilson Cell Booster

    If you're looking for the one that goes in your auto I got one from Best Buy in Prescott. If it's the bigger one for your house you can buy direct from Wilson. EBB
  23. EBB

    Gun Safe

    Is there a model number? EBB
  24. I just read this article about Gibson Guitars being raided by the Feds. Down near the bottom the article goes into Classic Guitars and a story about a man with some pianos. Extrapolating that information and thought process I figured the article should be posted here. How many here have custom or vintage rifles with Brazillian Rosewood end caps on their stocks? EBB http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424053111904787404576530520471223268.html
  25. Yep, they're way out of control. And it's the citizens that are supposed to have control NOT the Government. The Constitution is a restrictive document for the Federal Government, not for us. My concern is for folks who might take a rifle out of the country only to have it confiscated because the fore end on the stock is an "endangered" wood that was installed 40 years ago. How are we to get proof that the wood was legal when it was installed? That's not even remotely possible. "If Tyranny and Oppression come to this land, it will be in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy." James Madison What if the enemy is us? EBB