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About EBB

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    Advanced Member

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    Cave Creek
  • Interests
    Hunting (duh), fishing, scuba, golf, photography, Local Politics

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  1. EBB

    Big Ram Down!!! New unit record

    Great Ram and great eating!
  2. EBB

    46BE Quality

    Beautiful Ram. Brings back fond memories.
  3. I just wanted to be the first Adam Henry for the LE folks or Alpha Hotel to our military guys this time. The wait begins.
  4. EBB

    10 Guage double barrel

    Does Roscoe know you sold this?
  5. EBB


    I got "we are currently experiencing system problems" again.
  6. EBB

    "Beefalo" hunting in grand canyon

    Our "Buffalo" appear to be very close to pure. Make the minimum measurements and they're in the Boone and Crocket record book. Calling them "beefalo" will make it much easier for the Park Service to eradicate them by whatever means as an invasive species. (Public Opinion) IMHO
  7. EBB

    Results are Up!!!

    Wow, drew 19A Javelina but the season is already over! Bummer.
  8. I'm continuously checking the G & F website but instead of using the one click method from my "favorites" menu I'm manually typing in the address. Man are my fingers getting tired! EBB
  9. EBB

    One Sheep Tag!!!

    EBB, that would be right after the feeling you get with a successful hunt, correct? There is that, of course. I just remember being weak in the knees after finding out I'd been drawn. Then they were real weak again coming down off the mountain that last time.
  10. EBB

    One Sheep Tag!!!

    Congratulations! Best feeling associated with hunting ever when you find out you drew.
  11. EBB

    Treating a dog for a rattlesnake bite?

    25-06 is absolutely right. I have a friend whose dogs get bitten almost yearly and that is what he does. Keeps them knocked out for a couple of days and they end up fine. Just need to keep an eye out for infection too. EBB
  12. EBB

    2013 draw results ?

    Years ago Ed Zern had a column in Outdoor Life (I think) called Exit Laughing and occasionally he would reply to letters allegedly sent to him. The one I remember best was written by a mans wife and went something like this; Dear Mr. Zern, Recently my husband came home from work and saw that I had propped the garage door open with the butt section of his favorite fly rod. He said if I ever did this again he would beat me until I turned black and blue. Can you explain this? Mr. Zern replied: Yes, when small blood vessels near the surface of the skin are ruptured ................... Just one of those things I've read that I'll never forget. EBB
  13. EBB

    Stray Cats

    I've got to tell you Guys that I'm a cat lover and highly offended by many of the comments. I have a cat that I've had for 14 years now. I can leave the door open and she never runs out. There is no smell from the litterbox and feeding her and giving her no water at all isn't any problem. She just lays on the couch or the foot of the bed and never gets underfoot. She doesn't scratch up the furniture either. Yep, taking her to the taxidermist was one of the best moves I've ever made. EBB
  14. EBB

    My Unit # 31 & 32 "SHEEP"!

    Congratulations on getting a great Ram. Before you go doing anything with the meat, fire up the grill, and cook up a piece of backstrap. Do not overcook it. Just black pepper and a little garlic powder or better yet granulated. You're in for a major surprise! It tastes great and nothing like sheep! P.S. It should still be a little pink in the middle. EBB