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Posts posted by kimberx2

  1. I was wondering about this so I just checked the Azgfd web sight. As of 4/4/14

    5 people have 18pts

    10 people have 17pts

    13 people have 16 pts

    And 17 others besides me have 15 pts.

    If they all buy a bp they will be +1 next spring.

    272 people have more than 10 bonus points. So I think you are still always off for a bonus pass draw for Gould's.

    With 28 people with more points than me, and only 4 going to bonus pass a year, I think it could still be a while till I draw. 7 more years of not getting drawn will drive me insane. I might even be able to get an antelope tag before I can draw a turkey tag..

  2. I hit a javelina right between the eyes, he was broadside looking sideways at me, and my muzzy flew left like 8" and it hit him square in the forehead. He fell down instantly. I assumed he was dead and went over to help my buddy with his javelina. Like 5 minutes later we look over and that javi stands up and starts walking around aimlessly with an arrow sticking out of its head. I proceed to empty my quiver through him and he just won't die. Pick pick up used arrows and he finally goes down. Then it is finally time to laugh about the super javi that didn't want to die. Don't shoot muzzys anymore after I figured out they always shot high and left.

    • Like 2

  3. Thanx for the positive responses. I found him a couple days later thanks to the ravens. Smelled really bad but I caped the head hope it will be OK. Was bigger than I thought. I thought good sized 3x but didn't notice the small forks in the 8 or 9 seconds I saw him before the shot. Ended up being a 5x4. Around 170". So keep after it everyone. He was 500 yards the opposite way that he was initially traveling..

    • Like 1

  4. Shot a nice 3x3 this morning at 10am. Shot looked good but not complete pass through. Found first 2/3 of arrow after 100yds. Then tracked small blood trail for 150 more then nothing.. remember someone using a dog to track an elk earlier this year. Does anyone have a tracking dog in seligman/Kingman area? Thought I would ask. Doing circles after circles now. Thanx....

  5. Good question. Hope to hear some good answers. I have not seen much on this. Bow hunting in Az has a couple stories of archery turkey hunts, as well as other big game species.

    The Chappell hunting video Extreme Gobblers is one of the only videos I've seen with western style hunts.

  6. Thanx for the responses. Congrats Doublelunger.

    In the fall they recommend If you miss your shot and break up the flock, stay hidden and kee kee. The birds will come back trying to get back in the flock and you can get another shot. I almost always hear turkeys before I see them. They always seem to be making some kinds of noises. Except when they are coming into a waterhole then I usually hear them shut up about 100 yds out and come in silent.

    I would also try some soft yelps if I knew they were close but not sure where. Maybe with a slate. Good luck everyone..

    • Like 1

  7. Any one having any luck for turkeys?

    I made it out to 23 this weekend and didn't see many deer. Lots of rhinos though...

    Finally got on some turkeys Sunday at around 9am. A flock of about ten Jakes and hens. Picked out the biggest Jake and let the wac-um do its business. He didn't even go five yards. The flock stuck around for around 1/2 hr yelping and keekeeing. When I was sure they were gone I retrieve the Jake and tagged him.

    Hope everyone is having good luck, and hope I can find some deer.


  8. The are only a couple units that sell out (22,23, etc) if I don't draw I just hunt leftover or OTC in another unit and save my bonus points for next year. Then add loyalty and hunters ed, and buy an extra point they add up fast..

    I wish I could draw a 23 tag every year.but I seem to only get them every other year. You must have pretty good luck flatlander..
