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Everything posted by wellhead

  1. wellhead

    Bridgestone Dueler H/T 265/70/17

    pm sent
  2. wellhead


    note sent.
  3. wellhead

    A Hunters Help

    wow, what a great guy. Nice to hear there's still good folks out there.
  4. wellhead

    AZSFW question

    J. from what I can tell there are still 3 members of the WCC who were proponents of HB 2072.
  5. wellhead

    Just a little PETA joke.

    That's too good!
  6. wellhead

    Sold Colt Lawman MK III 357 For Sale

    How long is the barrel? Nickel or blued?
  7. wellhead

    Black Bear Mount

    Wow, great job. Very nice
  8. wellhead

    best fire work show in the valley ?

    The Peoria show is usaully good. If you want to save the entrance fee watch it from Arrowhead parking lot. Scheduled to start at 9:15. Last night's show at Salt River Fields was good.
  9. Hope there is plenty of support for this range. If you can't make the meeting go online to the FS link below and comment on the proposal. this was copied form the range's site http://www.wmsainc.org/News.php where you can find all their information... 06/12/12 Public Scoping for Range Now Open: BIG NEWS! The public comment period, called 'scoping', is now open. The public meeting will be June 27, at the Hampton Inn in Show Low (across from the movie theater), from 5 to 7 PM. We need a big turnout to impress the Forest Service with the local interest in our project. Or, you can go to the Forest Service web site for our project http://gis.fs.fed.us...p?project=33919 to read all of the documents and make comments. The more comments in favor of the project, the greater the likelihood the Forest Service will grant the Special Use Permit. Tell your friends! Tell your neighbors !! Tell strangers !!! If you want a range on the mountain, now is the time for you to act. To visit the USDA Forest Service Web site for the Second Knoll Range http://gis.fs.fed.us...p?project=33919
  10. wellhead

    WTB Bulk 9mm Ammo

    Check out http://www.unammo.com/#Handgun they're on the west side and you can pick it up or they will ship.
  11. wellhead


  12. wellhead


    You may want to consider the Buckmark. When I bought mine last year the prices seemed to be a little more reasonable than the Ruger and its a great shooter.
  13. wellhead

    Remington 700 BDL Question

    This guy does a good job and is very reasonable http://arizona.backpage.com/SportsEquipForSale/25-recoil-pads-plates-installed/8538337 His nake is Dale and he's in Mesa
  14. wellhead

    Need some transmission help

    Dennys at Cavecreek rd & cactus in Phoenix is good. He's a hunter at that location. Don't know about up north.
  15. Just read AWF's position http://www.azwildlife.org/ht/a/GetDocumentAction/i/114500 Good reading.
  16. Yes $424 is the limit from an individual according to my source.