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About tucsonbill

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  1. tucsonbill

    FS- 12 ft. alum. fishing boat/ dogbox

    i'll take the boat if you still have it. don't know which the other guy pm;d you about. unfortunately i just had a stroke and will be in the hospital til the end of the month. may have to get a friend to pick it up if you can't wait. is that ok. thanks. by the way i'd like some pictures too.
  2. tucsonbill


    PM sent
  3. tucsonbill

    Some Good Suff for Sale

    PM sent
  4. tucsonbill

    Win a Covert II Trail Camera!!

    3333 beans. Da Winna!
  5. tucsonbill

    processors or vultures

    I stand by what I said. Since you seem to want to discredit me, and for general information, the temperature at night where we were camped (elevation 8000+ feet by the road sign going in off state route 180) was in the low 20's. Check the weather channel temps on the net if you like. Two one gallon jugs of water left out froze solid the first night. The deer hanging up in the tree was either froze or had rigor mortis awful bad. Cash only, no checks or debit, and no receipt. I got what I paid for. I am not going to further debate this with you. I wanted to share what happened and I did that. You can say what you like
  6. tucsonbill

    processors or vultures

    It was $69 bucks per deer. Also it was cash only, no checks or debit. If I could have stopped the check or disputed the debit some how I would have done it. All I can do now is shed a little light under their rock.
  7. tucsonbill

    processors or vultures

    Yeah, I keep hearing about Casey's from friends I've told about this. Also have heard some more stuff about Rhonda's. I'll just butcher it myself from now on. Like I said, the meat is one thing, but now the memory of the hunt is trashed. What really sucks is that we are even having to talk about this. People that do things like that are really beneath contempt. What a bummer. Bill
  8. tucsonbill

    processors or vultures

    Hi, Got a nice mule deer up in area 7 north of Flagstaff. I took it to Rhonda's butcher shop up there. Usually I do it myself, but for the first time I was swayed by the glossy brochure and the thought of not having to work. It was froze solid hanging ou the first night and no meat was ruined by heat or tainted. Anyways, when I picked it up it was mysteriously missing the ribs, backstraps and a lot of weight. My wife had told Rhonda how she wanted it cut, so she called her to straighten it out. (I was really too p/o'd to call) I've killed enough deer to know this was a rip. After a lot of world class shuckin' and jivin' she was basically told "thats what you get." One of the thing she told my wife was that the ribs were too shot up. That is funny because It was a one shot kill 4" below the backbone right on the shoulder, with no exit wound. It just shredded the lungs and he dropped about 15 feet away. I didn't see any damage except for a 30 caliber hole going in. What a crock. I really have no recourse I guess but to let people know what happened to me. It really stinks to have vultures like Rhonda's take your deer meet. Not to mention the fact that my memories of a really neat deer hunt are screwed up by those thieves. Hope they reap the harvest of what they've sown. Well, thanks for listening. Bill
  9. tucsonbill

    Speaking of Mexico......

    My friend at work has relatives that live there. He said his cousin called him from there and said this hurricane last week really screwed San Carlos/Guymas up. Hermosillo caught part of it and was flooded out as well. Also, he warned of buying any fish from there because of power failure causing frozen stuff to be thawed and refrozen. Having said that, I wish I could go.
  10. tucsonbill

    who hunts with ballistic tip ammo?

    My friend shot a Mulie with a .270 130 grain ballistic tip at a little less than a 100 yards in the shoulder. A piece of hide the size of a dinner plate sailed straight up in the air about 15 feet. I saw it or I wouldn't have believed it. The deer didn't even stumble and took off running. we watched him go over the next ridge about a quarter mile away, still running strong. There was no blood at the site. Just the piece of hide. We followed the tracks to where we saw him run over the next ridge. No blood anywhere. Guess the bullet hit the bone and just disintegrated right there. Wierd.
  11. tucsonbill

    Smith and Wesson 22A .22 semi auto pistol

    I'll take it if it is still for sale. I sent you an email but it came back as undeliverable. Mine is bmerriman32@comcast.net Thanks, Bill
  12. How would we be treated if we were illegally in Mexico?
  13. tucsonbill

    Rude hunters

    We had a guy and his son drive a quad into camp the evening before opening day just before dark. He said they were going to make sure his sons rifle was "on." I was literally speechless. Before I could get past my astonishment and say anything,they drove up about 200 yds and started blasting away. My wife and I walked up there and they were then returning back down the road. The guy says "so you didn't get drawn this year?" Like we were just by chance out there camping and wearing camoflauge. My wife said yes, we were drawn. I asked where they were hunting. The guy said "Oh, waaay over there." I said, "wow, I guess we'll go waay over there and sight our rifles in." He looked kind of funny, then said "Im sorry" and took off. I was able to say to myself "ok, he made a mistake, let it go." That wasn't the end. Over the next couple of days, I guess waay over there wasn't panning out for them. We saw these guys doing what in my army days we called recon by fire. They would walk the ridges and find a likely canyon. Then they would just start blasting away to see if they spooked a deer up. My friend was in one of these canyons and almost returned fire. My wife and I were in one and let me tell you, it got kinda noisy. Two other hunters we met said they saw the same thing. These guys also thought it was good fun to ride their quads all over the area until two or three in the morning. Why me lord?
  14. tucsonbill

    36B Hunt a Success

    I'm glad to see you all didn't get skunked. Looks like a nice one! I'll let you know how my wife and I do down there. Maybe things will settle down a bit in that general location in a couple of weeks. Bill
  15. tucsonbill

    32 misery

    Glad you were ok. I had the same thing happen with my winchester model 70. I had the trigger pull lightened by a smith. Worked fine at the range. First time I took it deer hunting, after carrying it all morning, I took the safety off to unload before walking into camp. BOOM. I couldn't get it to do it again, but took it to Jensens and they fixed it so it definitely wouldn't do it ever again. I'll be taking it out to 36B Nov. 11th. Probably will hunt near Yellow Jacket, but Tres Bellotas is an option.