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About azbownunter22

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 08/21/1970

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  • Interests
    Hunting and triaining my GSP's. Elk and CWT hunting.

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  1. Purchased the Swarovski ATX to go with my BTX system so I could video deer with my iPhone. I decided to go a different route, Nikon P1000. ATX is new and in the box. $2250 Also have a like new Vortex Razor angled spotting scope for sale, $750.
  2. For sale, four males and two female German Shorthaird puppies. These puppies are mostly white with some liver and ticking. They come from strong championship/hunting lines. Both parents have been on my guide string for several years. The cost is $700 for males and $800 for females. I couldn't get pictures to upload, if you would like pic's or would like to come by and see them send me a text or call at 520-907-0793.
  3. This is not a show line or a backyard breeding. These dogs are out of my original breeding pair that were out of a dog's like Beirers Evolution and the Radbach lines. Beirers was a tremendous field trial dog in 80's. I've had five litters from my original pair dating back to the mid 90's. Those puppy's have more days afield than most pointing dog's. These puppy's will run a big gun dog brace one day and find you a bunch of mearns quail the next. Call me if you have any questions. 520-907-0793
  4. I've got five big running and hard pointing GSP puppy's on the ground and will be ready to hunt this fall. Three females and two males hit the ground on June first. These quail hunting machines come from serious hunting lines. Call me at 520-907-0793 or send me a PM for pictures or questions. Thanks,
  5. azbownunter22

    Finally broke the 100" mark.

    Congrats Tracy on a nice buck!
  6. azbownunter22

    This post is for the dogs

    NOW I KNOW HOW YOU ARE! YOU SCUM DEVIL! Geez you live in TUCSON! And almost all your clients are from Tucson! Serves you right! LOL You've got the wrong guy...the guy in the pic is not SunDevil...it's SunDevil's daughter and dog though. The trainer should never be confused with SunDevil as there have been pictures of him wearing a UofA Hat. http://www.crawfordg.../whitetail.html Third picture down. Yep wrong guy for sure...Sad thing is I helped train Maveric, so Big Tub should know better, I would NEVER be cought with anything related to ASUcks!!
  7. azbownunter22

    New Mexico Bull(Video)

  8. azbownunter22

    My Last Chance Coues

    Way to go Tracy! Congrats on a fine buck! I know you put a lot of effort into this hunt, hard work always pays off!
  9. azbownunter22

    Almost GO time

    I hope you and your boy have a great hunt!! Good luck! If you guy's need anything I'm not too far away.
  10. azbownunter22

    Coveted unit 33 dec tag

    I had the tag last year and I had a blast!! Two things you should consider, first it's a long hunt so pace yourself. 33 has some very challenging terrain so over the course of the hunt your body will wear down, which can effect you mentally as well. Second, as you plan your hunting days keep an eye on the weather. I lost the last three days of my hunt due to snow and high winds in my core area. Here is a pic of the buck I shot on the last day. Good luck and fun!!
  11. azbownunter22

    Who Drew The Tag of a Lifetime?

    Sounds to me like they need to get a room.
  12. azbownunter22

    Draw Results post here

    Nothing for me. Best of luck to all of you with tags!
  13. azbownunter22

    2011 elk/Antelope tags

    NT DRN again.
  14. azbownunter22

    2011 Buck

    Way to go, hard work pays off! Congrats!
  15. azbownunter22

    bird dog problem

    The method I use is to associate gun fire with birds, NOT with 2x4's, pot's and pans, or whatever else. In 25 years of training bird dog's I've heard it all. To answer your question you first have to realize you may never get the shyness out of your dog. It's going to take lot's of time, patience, birds, and more birds. I could go over the steps, but I don't really have the time, so send me PM with your phone number and I'd be glad to help. Hope to hear from you,