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About KAM

  • Rank
  • Birthday 09/11/1966

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Queen Creek, AZ
  1. KAM

    Unit 9 early rifle

    Hunt either the West side in the northern part of the unit for the biggest bulls in the unit or the East side upper basin area will also hold the biggest bulls in that unit. Bulls should be ripping at that time and shouldn't need to use big glass with the bulls rutting. Good luck
  2. Just wanted to tell everyone good luck on the hunt Friday. I have set up my blind and have some decent bucks on camera that I would consider taking. I will have my 9 year old son with me for his first big game hunt. Should be exciting sitting in the blind for 14 hours.. LOL Also, I had a game camera stolen in the last 2 weeks at a water source on the Deep Well ranch. It is really easy to reconize and nobody else should have one like it. My initials are engraved DEEP into the plastic. So if anyone finds or see's it or knows information on where it might be please call me at 602-568-2311. I would guess it is another individual with a tag possibly. I just do not see anyone else going into a walk in area and just finding a camera and stealing it. It was locked to a T-post. Attached is a picture of what it looks like. It is a COVERT II camera. Good Luck.. Kent
  3. KAM

    Help with profile PIC post?

    THX I will try it.
  4. Ok, I have looked everywhere to see how to place a small pic next to my profile info and I must have missed how to do it. Can some one help me out and tell me how to do it? Thanks
  5. KAM

    19a archery antelope

    I held out and never scored the last time I had the tag and this year makes it the 3rd year so we will see how this year turns out. My son had the tag a few years back and took a nice buck for his first one. Kent
  6. KAM

    Unit 10 "backup buck"

  7. KAM

    19a archery antelope

    Congrats on the tag, I will be there on the first season. This will be my 3rd time hunting there in 15 years.
  8. KAM


    That goat that Marvin shot is the current WORLD RECORD... Mine was waaaaayyyy back in the 90's... LOL I meant 1990's.. I have a archery tag for 19A this year and finally have a chance to get another one.. Kent
  9. I have shot the 300 WSM the past 2 years and reloaded just about every bullet and powder there is. I have found the best combo for out of my Tikka featherlight T3 is the IMR 7828 at 72 grains topped off with the Sierra HPBT Match Point 175 gr. It is a nail driver.. If I was to use the manufacture loads I found the Federal Premium 150gr. Nosler Ballistic tip shot awesome also..
  10. KAM

    Coues Contest Entry Summary

    Doug, I am not sure what the number represents after each name but if it the score you must have the incorrect score for my sons buck. K. McClendon, AZNative JR 28 His score chart sent to you is gross - 87 6/8" net - 85 6/8" Thanks, Kent