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Everything posted by BigMoqui

  1. BigMoqui

    4 Sell

    I would Like to sell my Remington 11-87 Premier. It has the rem choke system, with a 30" barrel vent rib and twin bead sight. The walnut stock is pretty good wavy lace wood. The gun has only been fired during one duck hunting trip(3-5 shells). It was built in 1987 and sat on a shelf in a Wal-Mart in Georgia until Jan. 2006. When that walmart got out of the business of selling guns they shipped all of them to the Mesa store here in AZ. This gun was in the back and had some dings on the forestock and a scratch on the reciever (see pics), so they sent it to Remington to be checked out. I have all the paperwork for this shipment. Remington sent it back saying the gun was in working order, and in the description of what was wrong with it, all it says is "has dings and scratches." They then sent it to the Mesa store where I purchased it in Mar. 2006. I took it on a duck trip to the desert in Oct. 2006 and after that is has been sitting in the safe. The reason I'm selling is that I have two other shotguns, and don't need a third. I would like to get 475$ obo, and I am open to possible trades.
  2. BigMoqui

    Arizona 7.5 min series topo maps for sale

    These maps are the 1:24,000 scale maps that they sell at wide world of maps for 10$, but these are the older paper versions that I had laminated so they are water proof just like the new ones except you can actually read the contours and such. The new printing process on the waterproof paper makes it difficult to read them especially if they have a lot of relief(contours, ie. mountains and canyons.) Most are laminated a few are not and I believe I have a couple of the new waterproofs that I bought because the area did not have alot of elevation change.
  3. I have 37 7.5 min series maps for Az that I would like to sell. These maps are the older version of paper maps that show more detail and are not so washed out like the new water proof ones. Most of them are laminated. The units that they cover are 6a, 5bs, 5as, 4as, 23, 24b, 24a, 37b, 31, 32, and 36c. I also have 7 of the 1:100,000 series for roughly the same areas, these cover a larger area but with less detail and these are also laminated. I also have 3 of the 4 maps that Game and Fish produced for units 30b, 30a, and 6a. And finally I have the forest service maps for Coconino, Tonto, Apache-Sitgreaves, and Coronado North(31, 32, 33). If interested please call 480-241-9386. I would like to get 5$ a piece for these or we can work out a deal for the whole lot.
  4. BigMoqui

    Rem 11-87 for sale

    I have a 11-87 premier 12g. magnum semi auto shotgun that has only been in the field once and only fired three times during last waterfowl season( two misses and one mallard drake). I am moving and do not need this shotgun where I am going. asking $550. It has the remchoke system and a 30" barrell. This is the premier so it is blued with the nicer grade of walnut stock and a vent rib with twin beads. I f interested please feel fre to call me at 480-241-9386. I will post some pictures as soon as I can.
  5. BigMoqui

    these are gone

    I have 14 rounds of Remington corelokt ammo that didn't go with the gun when I sold it about two years ago. Just found them in my closet yesterday. These are 180gr. pointed soft points. These come with the plastic ammo box that holds 50 rnds. I live in Gilbert if anyone is interested in picking these up. # is 480 241 9386. Thanks, Ben
  6. BigMoqui

    Whats the Weirdest?

    I've seen some strange things, but I didn't really have any thing to post until now. I saw a black bull elk in unit 1 this weekend. I thought I might have been mistaken and the bull had maybe been rolling in mud, but when I got a closer look it was definetly a melanistic(sp) bull. Just after seeing the bull I walked into a camp of turkey hunters who said they had seen it 3 times in less than a week. It would have made a great mount as it's antlers were even dark in color.
  7. If you noticed I said all YOU bear hunters, I'm not hunting either of these bears. I have a buck I've been hunting here for two years, I just thought some of you would like to see them. When I asked your opinion I was just being polite, I know they are both big. By the way here's the buck.
  8. BigMoqui

    Anyone seeing lions while out scouting?

    from Man And Wildlife In Arizona: The Exploration period 1824-1865 By Goode P. Davis Jr. and\edited by Neil B. Carmony and Dave Brown Editor's Summary Mountain Lion"The elusive mountain lion was rarely reported by early explorers." Wolf(lobo)"Upon entering Arizona, American frontiersman found wolves to be common, if not particularly numerous." Jaguar(tigre, tiger, leopard)"There are more references in the early reports to this large secretive cat than there are to elk and javelina." I also just read a 400+ page decades long study of mountain lions in southern N.M. and the statement that lions eat other game besides deer is very much true. I believe the study even found that a lion had made a meal of a badger! But with that said it is more important to understand how many deer are consumed compared to other animals. I don't have the study in front of me, but even though lions do kill other prey it makes up very little of there overall diet biomass wise. Deer are also the preferred prey and I think lagomorphs(sp.) were second. Again I don't really want to start anything, but it is true, the literature is out there. Lions are more prevalent than they have been in the past, and lions eat a lot of deer. One more thing I want to add, I hope my original post did not imply that I agree with the 3 S's. I obey these game regs. whether I like them or not. I just wish the season was open last weekend, 'cause there would have been one less lion in my unit.
  9. BigMoqui

    Anyone seeing lions while out scouting?

    "I have talked to many long time lion hunters around here and many of them say that there are less lions now than there used to be. They feel, and I concur, that the lion population is finally dropping off......" That' s the problem, you need to do some reading and stop listening to lion hunters/houndsmen. I don't want to pick a fight but the reality is that there are more lions in Az, the West, and in fact the the entire continental U.S. then there ever have been before. Read up on it, they have continued growing ever since PARC started to kill of the wolves and the bears. I don't have stats in front of me, but why would G$F send out a special hunter to take out the male lion in the KOFA's a few months back? Why? Because they have more lions in the desert units than ever before and they are really hurting the deer/sheep in those units. Now I would like to know how many of us have been seeing more lion sign than ever before. I know I have, and I am out the same amount of time as I used to be. I've seen more lions than bears or bobcats in the last few years, and it used to be the reverse for me.
  10. BigMoqui

    Anyone seeing lions while out scouting?

    "well i don't worship deer enough to kill every lion i see. also bet you didn't know that female lions kill alot of coyotes and eat them, as well as other small game animals. lions are trophy animals that deserve respect and a meal every now and then." ......... and an arrow through the ribs. There are more lions right now than there ever were. This was a poor decision on G$F's part and the lion hunters. If they had put the lion opener just 1 week earlier during the first week of archery no one would be having this discussion. I'll open another can o' worms here, why, since there is a female harvest objective, couldn't the archery bear season also open on the same weekend as opening day archery deer. This would probably make too much sense though, and we all know that's not what G$F is about(rational educated decision making).
  11. BigMoqui

    i saw a sticker

    "blue FORD"..... 'nough said
  12. Congrats Jim. Does anyone know what immigration topic upset Ernesto so much? I went back and reread everything that was posted a month or so back and I didn't see where he even posted. I didn't even see anything I thought was very controversial.
  13. BigMoqui

    opening day

    Lion Sep. 1 Squirrel Aug. 31 archery remember to check the regs before you go hunting, they have some changes this year
  14. BigMoqui

    Spring Seasons Set

    I don't know about you guys, but I know one of those Gould's tags is mine, I got the BP's.
  15. BigMoqui

    Guess how many posts in July?

    3,003 posts 1,003,003 views
  16. After Having my first cam I set out messed with by the bears, and archery season coming soon, I really wanted a better way to lock up my camera. Recently my dad replaced his mailbox with a locking one after having problems with mail theft at his neighborhood in Tempe. Now before anyone calls me out, these locking mailboxes are in no way as strong as some of the homemade boxes that people have shown recently on this site, but they are steel and you can do a little extra work on them to get them more secure. Besides the guys who made their own didn't sound to keen on making anyone else one. Anyway for 22$ at the Hardware store, plus the cost of a couple pad locks and lag bolts, you can make your own. The box has a locking lid, but I drilled holes through the top and also holes in the sides at the very top next to the holes in the lid(on each corner) and a master lock will slide through these. I then used a cut off wheel and my dremol(sp.) to cut a large square hole in the face of the box for the flash, IR sensor, lens, etc. If you don't have a cut of wheel you could just use some large diameter drill bits(my flash is square but the Ir sensor and the lens are round). Lastly, I drilled three holes through the back to lag it to the tree. This box is 12" x 9 1/2" x 3 1/2" and it comes in white, I just spray painted it matte black. Like I said before it's not the best box, but for a grand total of about 35$ you can make it a little more secure. I hope this helps some of you guys who are having security problems.
  17. BigMoqui

    Hunter Ed Courses

    Hey Tony, you 're doing better than me. I did not study the course material before I took the practice test, just to see what I would get. The first try I got an 85%, and then I studied the ones I got wrong and got an 87%. I haven't taken the real test yet because I want to take a little extra time studying all of the material not just the ones I missed. This is sort of a blessing and a curse. I also did not have time to take the month long course so it's a great way to get that last bp. But I guess everyone else will being doing the same thing and then it sort of negates the point anyway.
  18. BigMoqui

    Get Rid of Special Permits?

    I'm on OW's side on this. The extra amount would only be a few dollars or more depending on species. This is very little to pay considering what we would all get: Improved habitat, a sense of being a part of a solution, and most importantly no more summer shooters.
  19. BigMoqui

    First game animal

    That's Cool, it really brings back memories of my first hunting experience. Thanks for sharing.
  20. Not to knock any one's Mexico bucks(actually my fav. is the mex. buck with main beams almost touching), but there are some amazing animals harvested on public land every year and that video proves it. I really liked to see the kids out there shed hunting and glassing. Thanks for putting it together Amanda.
  21. BigMoqui


    Welcome to the site. Bobcat pics! I too would like to see these. They are sooooo elusive. I've only seen two in the wild. I've seen more lions and bears in Az than bobcats. Saw a really tall one on the very top of the world(Escudilla Peak) last year.
  22. BigMoqui

    OW's NEW Trophy Room

    That is one fine trophy room O.W. Maybe someday............ Hey where are Tahr native to? Are they an antelope or a goat? I'm thinking Asia. Doesn't matter they look good on the wall where ever they came from originally. Thanks for showing us.....droooooolllll.
  23. Nice pics. Is that hawk a light faze juvenile red tail? Does anyone know. Maybe a Ferruginous(SP) or a Swainson's? When thaere young it's sometimes hard to tell from a pic. D.B. If the tadpoles are from a native toad they might never morph! In the wild the water has to appreciably warm up and start drying out before they change. I've seen pools with tads in them that mophed within a few weeks, and I've seen others in large ephemeral streams that were there for a while.
  24. BigMoqui

    Auction Elk Tag filled ???

    I am in no way envious of this tag holder at all. I have a certain method of hunting and I have my own code of ethics and morals that I live by. If I break these rules I have to face myself, and that is much worse than anything that any wm, sheriff, or court of law could do to me. I wonder how the guy felt while he was taking the shot? Somebody mentioned that we don't know the guy or what he was thinking, but I sure do know what I would have been thinking.