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Everything posted by BigMoqui

  1. BigMoqui

    Being Green

    This is laughable. So because you guys didn't have tech. you guys were green right? Ever read a book called "Silent Spring" by Rachel Carson? The most polluting generation our planet has ever seen, EVER! With that said, do my generation, or the kids growing up now do their part or as much as they should? No. But do we all, across all social, ethnic, gender, and age gaps do what we need to be doing to save our planet. heck no. It sounds like the clerk was out of line but you seem to have a very selective memory.
  2. BigMoqui

    Early hunt dilemma

    TTT Thought I'd bring this back to the top. Let me preface this by saying I'll try to keep this as positive as possible. I'll also preface this by saying THIS IS NOT A JEALOUSY POST, like so many have claimed on other threads that went sour. I have a bow and an archery tag and time, money, desire, etc. to go bow hunting. But would I go out right now? HECK NO! Look at the bucks these guys have been shooting. Again no offense to anyone who harvested something or just went out this week(remember G$F sets these rules so ethical=legal as Lark would say). What you guys did was both ethical and legal. Maybe someone can enlighten me. I know it's not all about the antlers or the trophy for many of us, but what in the heck are you gonna do with one of those velvet bucks with all the blood balled up in the tips. Again any AZ buck with a bow is a true trophy and I am happy that people got to go out and enjoy life as a hunter in the woods this week, but I think that G$F should move the archery hunt later into the season.
  3. On opening day in 2007 or 2008 (this is when opening day was like the 10th of oct. or somewhere thereabouts) I was hunting near Oracle and my dog flushed a single bird on the way back to the truck. I thought it was from a covey we broke up early that morning on the way in. As it rose I shot and had my seventh bird and was feeling pretty good about myself until I rounded the other side of the bush that she flushed from and saw about ten almost featherless chicks start running from the dog into the brush. They had pin feathers on the wings and a few feathers on the rest of there body and were about 2-3" tall. I'm pretty sure they didn't survive. So when G$F decided to move the season up recently I was opposed, but it was one of their opportunity deals. We had good weather that year and I think that was a double clutch, but don't know for sure.
  4. BigMoqui

    Isnt camera theft legal?

    Lark thinks I'm right! I'm pretty sure I can die now knowing that my life is complete. Effen Jeff is Effen Awesome.
  5. BigMoqui

    Your Favorite Elk Unit

    I know that there are elk in several other units, but this seemed to sum up the major populations, and elk units. This is not a question of where the biggest bulls are, but where you would like to have a tag. Also tell us why you chose your unit. Was it close to home? Is it where you've seen the biggest bulls or have done most of your scouting. I chose 23 because I've spent most of my time in that unit and 5a, but we don't have a cabin in 5a anymore and I have relatives in Young that will help with the hunt. Plus 23 is my favorite unit for everything. Habitat diversity is great, lots of room, and rugged country to hide animals of all sorts. Here's one from last year I got on cam.
  6. BigMoqui

    Dove Hunting Poll

    I've had those days, soak em in milk for 12 hours before you cook them. They be alright.
  7. BigMoqui

    stoen cameras

    Also one more thing I've been doin the trail cam thing for 4 years, and I've never in that time even had a humanzee on my camera, lots of wild life but never the wildest of life...us. Put it in the middle of nowhere. Do a little work when your tryin to save yourself from work(ie scouting).
  8. BigMoqui

    stoen cameras

    This is a particularly worthless thread, post em up on the first post or don't say anything......no whiners!
  9. BigMoqui

    Antlers Restaurant in Young

    Not to take this to a negative place, but are the new owners affiliated AT ALL with the old? If so I will not visit this place. The old owner had some major problems.
  10. BigMoqui

    Your Favorite Elk Unit

    Ps sorry if someone has done this before, but I only remember one being done for Coues.
  11. BigMoqui

    Update on the Lost 7E Bull

    It's pretty sad that even though there seemed to be proof beyond a resonable doubt that this indeed was your bull G$F still took the stance that they did. But what I find even more appalling is that it sounds like the warden in unit 8 that did the right thing got his A$$ in the wringer for it. The fish cops are getting worse. Lived here all my life and when I was young the wardens were outdoorsmen, salt of the earth type people, someone a kid could look up to ask questions of and be treated fairly and respected. Not only have my encounters in the last few years been more negative than positive, but I've felt increasingly like I was being accused of something or even just talked down to. I'm not saying this was every instance, but it seems the demographic of our wardens has really changed. Which is evident in the name change from warden or ranger to wildlife manager. It seems as though many come from out of state with different agendas, educations, and values. Not to mention the way the commission is managing wildlife for dollars. What else would explain there stance on this. Anyway sorry to here about all you guys having trouble collecting your trophys. It truely is a shame, but I know what I'll do in this situation if ever to arise. And I assume alot of others who read this type of stuff will do if put into similar circumstances. Good hunting. Ben
  12. BigMoqui

    Tough Hunt

    I too would sit water till last light. Don't give up on it yet, supposed to be real warm next few days. Good Luck
  13. BigMoqui

    Nothing Fancy

    i get the 5$ arrows from wally world for this
  14. Last weekend I was walking back to the truck along a fence line that drops into a wash and just as I dropped into the wash a roadrunner comes running up the wash with a coyote in hot pursuit. The roadrunner jumped up onto the highest fence post in the wash and I noticed it had a small snake it its mouth. The coyote finally noticed me after walking up within 5 yards and the bird just jumped/flew away and the yote did a 180 and goes back up the wash. Reminds me of a cartoon I used to watch minus the TNT.
  15. BigMoqui

    Hunting Water after a big rain

    Just looked at Jim Heffelfinger's book, and it was not David Brown but Henry and Sowls (1980) that did the study in organ pipe and the water they get from plants is called preformed not metabolic. Metabolic comes from the break down of food as a byproduct. By the way deer averaged 2.1 days between visits in organ pipe during the summer with pregnant does visiting up to four times a day. In the cool months they did not use permanent water at all and presumably got there water from the above mentioned sources. Awesome book Jim. I've read it every deer season since 2006. Always good to brush up on biology before the season.
  16. BigMoqui

    Hunting Water after a big rain

    David Brown did a study of the western most population of coues deer in the organ pipe n.m. and found that they could go days and even weeks without water because they got most of it through metabolic water from the food they ate. So they can go a long time if range conditions are favorable. Another thing that was said was that one day it rains and the next day hot and dry without any puddles left except the road. washes scoured to bedrock with overhanging banks or vegetation keeping evaporation low will hold water pockets for weeks after the rain. These deer are survivors and I personally think they will go to great lengths not to drink at an established water tank. Basically they only do it cause they have to, if there is any other option they will take it. JMO no expert here. Maybe Jim can chime in on this one?
  17. BigMoqui


    You can hunt with tribal members, and the biggest isssue is that you can not take your trophy off the res. GFD will not recognize it without a tag on it. You could tell the officer where it was shot but it would not matter they would confiscate it and pursue legal action. Or you could go on the hunt bring back the trophy and not show it off or tell anyone. I guess this would be similar to a poacher though, (having an animal that is not tagged and keeping it a secret), but of course it would not be poached. Be careful if you are ever invited, because technically you are supposed to get some sort of permission from the tribal council/police/elders to hunt if you are not a tribal member. Basically there is a giant grey area and this is part of the reason why this is not as good of a hunt than some of you might think. Couple that with the heavily overgrazed land(think moonscape in some areas) and the fact that this traditional smuggling corridor does not only have the most illegal traffic in the state, but the most in the entire southern border. I have had a dec 36c tag and I would honestly rather have one of those again. Its not all it's cracked up to be. Trust me
  18. BigMoqui

    werid bull

    Anyone up for a game of baseball? It looks like he's got the bat. Left side is thick.
  19. BigMoqui


    I wonder who your talking about? Not many pale faces get to hunt there.
  20. I lived in talkeetna for two years and we never saw a ton of goats up there but they are there. Well obviously. That is a great goat though thanks for the pics.
  21. BigMoqui

    mauling outside yellowstone

    Just found out they used the dead campers tent as bait to catch the bear. Sounds like predation. I still wonder why she went from tent to tent and got some/ left others.
  22. Reading the story it sounds like predation, but I think the way she went about it was a little different. If it was predation it would probably be considered "surplus kill" like what wolves do, but bears and cats don't normally do this. I think she was pissed off. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20100729/ap_on_...r_mauling_death
  23. BigMoqui

    i glassed a nice buck today

    It wasn't up that long and you'd have to know exactly where it is. I wouldn't worry to much. Oh ya and I forgot to say nice buck hope you get him during the rut!
  24. BigMoqui

    mauling outside yellowstone

    Who knows maybe she had been sprayed w/ pepper spray one too many times. I just don't think it was predation, IMO.
  25. BigMoqui

    Guns 4 sale

    I'll give you 50$ for the range finder if it's still available.