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Everything posted by Hunting6

  1. Hunting6

    Guess the score contest - April 2011

    I'll say 129 6/8ths
  2. Hunting6

    Mike Udall aka Treestandman

    Very Sad News.... May God Bless his Family and help them get through this struggle.
  3. Hunting6

    January Sonora Coues

    I agree with Phil, once you get caught in the moment it is hard to slow your mind down and regroup your thoughts. The same thing happened to me this year. it is still a nice buck.
  4. Awesome buck Josh ! I love the front end on that deer, you don't see that too often. Great story !
  5. Hunting6

    my december rifle hunt

    Great Job, you worked hard for that animal and he is a very nice buck indeed. Thanks for the story
  6. Hunting6

    A Mexico Hunt for the Books!

    Very Nice Bucks Phil, as always you have a great write up that go along with them. Congrats !
  7. Hunting6

    The Puzzle Rock Buck

    Amanda, What a great ending to a great story ! Congratulations on your success, especailly on such a nice buck. Mike
  8. Hunting6

    A Bit of History

    I have always been fascinated by the history in Arizona and the Southwest, and I greatly appreciate what you guys have written here. Thanks a bunch !
  9. Hunting6

    San Carlos Unit A Jan 2012 Tag

    You mean you did not have to wait in line for a tag? and your friend was able to get the tags for you? That is an Awesome tag to have in your possesion and you should be able to find a good buck
  10. Hunting6

    2011 Archery Coues Bucks

    Looks like you are following your fathers footsteps... Those are 2 awesome bucks You make it sound easy, but I know you put alot of hard work into the stalk. Congratulations !
  11. Hunting6

    2011 Buck

    Fantastic Buck ! It was great to hear that you stuck it out and in the end, found your buck again. Excellent Story ! Thanks
  12. A Boa ! what a trip that would be.... Good Luck with your big buck !
  13. Hunting6

    Another great time in Mexico

    Nice Deer Keven ! Sounds like a blast. Sorry to hear about the cape situation
  14. Hunting6

    got a wild hog yesterday in alabama!

    Congratulations, I have been meaning to try that out one of these days. sounds like alot of fun.
  15. Hunting6

    San Carlos Part 2

    Good Job, Way to get it done ! Thanks for the great write up as well....
  16. Hunting6

    My Early December Buck

    Congratulations on a nice Deer !
  17. Hunting6

    Hand gun Buck With Ward's Outfitters

    That is some very good marksman skills. Great job !
  18. Hunting6

    Making The Most Of Leftovers!

    Awesome Video Man !!!!!!!!!! Thanks !
  19. Hunting6

    unit 27 last day success

    Nice Deer.... Congratulations on your success !
  20. Hunting6

    She Shoots...She SCORES!!

    Amanda, Congratulations on such a great deer !!!! He looks like a very large bodied one at that. Your hard work paid off in a big way. Mike
  21. Hunting6

    Vin's 1st Deer!!!

    Carl, That is Awesome ! You have good hunt'n buddy for life now....... He's addicted ! Vin did a great job.... Conratulations ! Mike
  22. Hunting6

    Unit 10 - Double Down

    Nice Job Jimmy ! what a neat trick.... two bulls within 80 yards... awesome story !
  23. Hunting6

    State land access closed in 36b

    Many of the decisions being made on how to manage the Bueno Aires ultimately derives from individuals on the East Coast. I for one am totally infuriated with how they have made some ludicrous decisions without any input whatsoever from other interest groups like (AG&F, Hunters, as well as Az Deer Association). The Citizens who own that land have no say in what is being done there. From my point of View, The Buenos Aires folks are totally Anti-Hunting. In the beginning, one of the first things they decided to do was shut down all of the water tanks that run throughout the preserve. and more recently they decided to create "No hunting zones" then hire several new law enforcement agents who now, not only patrol the Buenos Aires interior, but are patrolling the highway and handing out speeding tickets like candy. A couple of them I have spoken with, came across as holier than thou attitude. I believe there are needs for law enforcement, but to what degree. The huge amounts of "our" money that has been thrown toward re-introducing a small game bird that seldom or no one has ever seen, is ridiculous. 20 years with no results ! They have also been buying up any adjacent lands/ranches that come up for sale, then shutting down access. I would like to have a voice in there decision making process, and today, it is very obvious... that is not the case.
  24. Hunting6

    Couple of velvet bucks

    Congratulations.... that is pretty awesome, and now it looks like you have a little hunting partner for life.... he's addicted..... guaranteed !!!
  25. Hunting6

    First Bear in the Pears

    Very Nice Bear ! Were you able to Save the Meat ?