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Everything posted by novicehntr

  1. novicehntr

    23 jr. hunt, Thanks!

    Thank you for your help. I will post up a picture if I get lucky. Thanks again.
  2. novicehntr

    23 jr. hunt, Thanks!

    After several years of trying to talk my dad into taking me hunting, he finally broke down last year and let me apply for a deer tag. He doesn't hunt, but is not against hunting at all, he just likes fishing more. I was drawn for a youth deer tag. We went up to unit 20, around the town of Peeples valley. Well, we didn't see a single deer. This year, I put in for unit 23 youth deer and was drawn. IF someone could at least point us in the right direction? Thanks, if you can help, but I understand if you do not want to give up your spots. good luck to you, too, azyoung. I hope your son gets a deer.