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Everything posted by 218buck

  1. 218buck

    I know most don’t like cats

    Sorry for your loss
  2. 218buck


    Does anybody know where i could take these to get programmed thanks
  3. 218buck

    23 late bull

    Just wondering if anyone else on her may have this tag?
  4. 218buck

    23 late bull

    I use to like 21 for elk but now its not a unit i would apply for because of what the AZ GAME and FISH has done creating hunting opportunities what a joke
  5. 218buck

    23 late bull

    My buddy had to turn in his tag in some one should be getting a call from Game and Fish
  6. 218buck

    Opening day success

    Well my best friend Waldo called me on the last evening to apply . I told him with only having 8 points just apply for the units with the most tags. The results came out and he had tag number 5 for unit 45C . I quickly called Eric Hunt with Arizona Desert Outfitters. It was a no brainer Waldo hired him for this once in a life time hunt. Our guides on this hunt would be Bryan and Riley they had spent a lot of time in this unit and there knowledge played a huge part in Waldos success. A few days before the hunt they sent a photo of a giant ram they had found. Well as rams do he disappeared on them we got word they were out in full force trying to relocate him. On our drive down we got word that they had not been able to relocate are target ram but had found even a larger ram. Waldos luck continues ,opening morning found us on a 2 hour hike to get to the ram. Riley had found this ram Thursday afternoon watched him till dark then spent the night out there with him so he could keep eyes on him. Luckily the ram stayed in the same area so once we arrived Waldo made a great 400 yard shot and was done by 7:30 opening morning . Cant thank Arizona Desert Outfitters enough special thanks again to Bryan and Riley
  7. 218buck

    23 late bull

    well i wish you the best if you kill please share
  8. 218buck

    23 late bull

    good luck will be trying to shoot a good bull for myself
  9. 218buck

    Opening day success

    We did absolutely nothing wrong. We parked hours before daylight and hiked for hours to get to where the ram was. We saw absolutely nobody why we were in the field. Whoever SpotNStalk is wasn’t even there so he’s getting secondhand knowledge from the other guide and hunter . It just really crappy that somebody’s trying to make it sound like we did something wrong instead of just being happy that Waldo killed the ram of a lifetime. It’s kind of funny that the Hunter and the guide and a bunch of their people showed up at our camp that evening to take a look at the ram and it seem like everybody was getting along, but somebody wasn’t happy that we killed the ram instead of them
  10. 218buck


    call me 6027173383
  11. 218buck

    Opening day success

    the right horn is right at 41inches
  12. 218buck


    I was wondering if anybody knows of an instructor that could come to my house I have about six friends that are wanting to get their permits I live in Rio Verde thanks
  13. 218buck

    Who Drew 2024 Bighorn Tags?

    how many points did you have?
  14. 218buck

    Who Drew 2024 Bighorn Tags?

    My superintendent drew a 45c tag with 8 points
  15. 218buck

    2024 Goulds

    IMG_4145.mov I was able to take my first Arizona goulds turkey a couple weeks ago with the help of my buddy Christian. He had hunted this unit last year and had a good idea where we needed to go and it did not take long.
  16. 218buck

    2024 Governors Lion Tag

    Tessa was able to kill this giant lion yesterday with the help of Grady Lefebvre and his buddy Josh. It was a long day but well worth it when it comes to hunting with hounds Grady is a bad butt.
  17. 218buck

    2024 Governors Lion Tag

    I won this in the Jaws and Paws raffle
  18. 218buck

    2024 Governors Lion Tag

    Around 150
  19. 218buck

    Credit Card hit thread

    23 December elk
  20. 218buck

    uploading video

    I can not get my video to load and play from my audad hunt
  21. 218buck


  22. 218buck

    Office Manager needed

    Looking for someone to run by drywall business work from my house in Rio Verde 25 dollars an hour to start . Need someone ASAP
  23. Does anyone know if you are allowed to bring a rifle into Mexico for a deer that has a suppressor on it ?