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Everything posted by 218buck

  1. 218buck

    Huge long distance typical!!

    After reading that I think I will make myself a cocktail
  2. 218buck

    opening day desert buck.

    Great buck congrats
  3. 218buck

    Backpack Coues hunt

    Great job congrats to both of you I have ran into more rattlers this year than ever before sure does get the heart a pumping
  4. 218buck

    Double Triple !!!!

    That's incredible great job
  5. 218buck

    Opening day success

    My superintendent Drew a 19 a deer tag this year were so busy at work I told him I was going to come up and help him so we can get back to work we were lucky enough to take this great buck opening morning after a 5 hour pack back to the truck we were home Friday night.now it's back to work on Saturday great job Waldo.
  6. 218buck

    21 coues and lion

    Great job not many people can say they got a buck and a lion on the same hunt ,plus you helped save some deer for next year by harvesting that lion congrats.
  7. 218buck


    My daughter Tessa and myself were invited to Idaho this year to hunt deer on our friend ranch Karl Tyler. He owns a 25000 acre ranch in Leadore Idaho I had just purchased a truck from his dealership in Missoula Montana a 2014 Chevy my wife's best friend Sandy Tyler delivered it to us just in time for my wonderful wife's birthday. After a great weekend Sandy suggested that we come to the ranch for a deer hunt I said what the heck lets do it. Well the days flew by, before I knew it was time to hunt. I agreed to let my daughter Tessa have first shot after checking a few of the farm fields and looking over 50 deer we had made a plan on what to do. After a short stalk we were only 300 yards from a group of 5 bucks all shooters all Tessa could see was there heads so we moved a little closer after a short wait one finally presented a shot my 7 mm atop a tripod locked down on the claw she was ready for a shot. As usual one well placed shot had her deer on the ground , once again I was one proud dad just over a month ago she had taken her antelope at over 400 yards. After taking her deer back to the ranch I went back out only to choke on a great buck and shoot a much smaller buck maybe Tessa can give me some pointers she is an amazing young lady I am so proud of her, we have a muzzle loader elk hunt in 3b coming up. she told me I can have first shot since she's not worried about me getting a bigger one I sure do love that kid.
  8. 218buck

    Opening day success

    I will be taking some additional time off around thanksgiving for me and my daughters elk hunt. Good thing I am the boss.
  9. 218buck

    First Kaiab Buck

    nice looking buck great job
  10. 218buck

    Pigs down

    That's awesome congrats to you guys .
  11. 218buck

    youth hunt of a lifetime!

    What a great time congrats to you and your wonderful family
  12. 218buck


    So far this year Tessa has taken a javelina ,buffalo,antelope and deer
  13. 218buck

    Shelby's Buck of a Lifetime

    That's a great deer congrats
  14. 218buck

    Tessa's first hunt

    When my card got hit from Arizona Game and Fish for antelope I had know idea it was going to be my daughter who only had 4 points. Once results were posted we found out she had drawn her first choice unit 7. I have a good friend that had been watching a big goat for the past several years, he told me if we drew the tag he would be glad to help us because this goat was starting to go down hill. He had video and pictures of it was a stud upper 80's.Around the same time Lance with TLO had contacted me offering to help, I told him I appreciated the offer but I had it covered. Well as the hunt approached my friend started looking for the goat he didn't find it the first time out, but he said it wasn't a big deal because he had gone days with out seeing him in the past. With Tessa just starting high school they frown on students missing school, to many and they will have you find a new school. So I left on Thursday to join my buddy who was already up there we picked the country apart with are optics and by hiking countless miles. The antelope was know where to be found. To say I was disappointed is an understatement, I drove back home to pick Tessa up Thursday evening the first thing she asked is if we had found the antelope. I told her no but don't worry he will show up. Opening morning found us back looking for the missing goat, we were seeing plenty of animals but nothing close to what he was. She was dead set on getting a antelope that would hit that magical 82 inch mark. By the end of Sunday we were convinced that the goat we were after was gone, we had looked at 25-30 other bucks but none she wanted to shoot I know I would have pulled the trigger on a couple of the ones we had found. Well we planned to go home but be back up for the last weekend. When I got home I had a message from Lance asking how we did he told me they had taken a great antelope that almost scored 88 and he still new were there was a few goats that were over that 82 mark if I was interested to give him a call. I called him and we made a plan to be back up there Friday afternoon he had a prior commitment for a elk hunt but he said his son Ty would help us. He had shown us some picture of the bucks we were after they were all in the same general area and they were all great bucks. Tessa's excitement level was back to being sky high, the whole drive up she kept asking how big each one was and was telling me which one she hoped to kill. After arriving we found out from Ty that he had not been able to locate the bucks we were after, only some dinks but he didn't seem to be discouraged because the country we were looking in was enormous. We looked Friday evening Saturday morning and evening and could only find a few small bucks it appeared as if the rut was winding down and the big bucks had went back into hiding. We did look at several other areas were they had either taken or seen big bucks in recent years. After not turning up any shooters in these other spots he told us he was going to take us to his honey hole, after driving us to his glassing spot we immediately started seeing antelope in a short period of time we had looked over 60 plus antelope there were several bucks that would probably go mid to upper 70's. Tessa told me she would be happy with taking one of these goats, we still had one more day to hunt and convinced her to hold out Ty was not ready to give up on the area that had held all these big bucks less than a week ago. The plan was to go back to that spot again and if we couldn't find one of the shooter bucks we would go back to the honey hole. After a restless night of sleep it was once again 4:30 time to hit the road. Day light found us back on the same familiar rock pile glassing for the elusive goats. Right away we found some does feeding, then about a mile past them we saw a good buck heading straight to them and he looked like a good one we hiked a mile closer and confirmed he was a shooter. We were all super excited that we were going to get a chance to try and shoot this buck. It was working out perfect he was pushing the does right to us they were less than a thousand yards still coming right at us. He kept pushing them through the valley when all of a sudden he left the does and started trotting right back the same direction he had came from after a couple of miles he was out of sight. It felt like some one had just punched me in the gut what a horrible feeling. After talking everything over we decide to check a few other close by places before heading to the honey hole. Tessa wanted to go there right away so we would make sure and have enough time to try to get her a antelope. The drive over there produced nothing, after arriving back at the spot we were once again looking over the terrain trying to find one of these bucks for Tessa. Her goal of getting a book head didn't look like it was going to happen by now we had seen over 50 bucks. She said she would be happy if she could get the best buck we could find. We weren't seeing as many as the day before but we did soon find a herd about 2 miles away with a decent buck. A plan was made and we soon were on are way. A short drive and a half mile hike soon had us perched in the rocks across from the herd, they were about 450 yards out I had many hours of practice with her shooting before the hunt but we had had not shot this far before so we decided to wait for a closer shot. We had my 7 ultra mag locked down on the claw setting atop of my tripod, it was rock steady as we peaked over the rocks to see if they were getting closer one of the does busted us. I ranged the buck at 423 yards I new it was now or never I asked Tessa if she thought she could make the shot she said yes I adjusted the turret and she was now ready for the shot. Ty was filming the whole thing he told her she was going to have to shoot now I was blocked by some rocks and was afraid to look up in fear of spooking them even more. I saw her finger move onto the trigger and boom the shot rang out. Ty was telling her to put another shell in she looked at me and said dad it just fell over. She had just killed her first antelope at 420 yards a perfect shot the grass was tall enough that we could not see it. We gathered up are stuff and started walking to Tessa's antelope to say I was proud is an understatement words can not describe how I was feeling. We covered the distance what seemed like seconds we were soon taking pictures and going over what had just happened we were all smiles. When Ty was gutting the antelope he pulled the heart out and told Tessa it was there family tradition to put three stripes down the side of your face with the blood from the heart. I thought he was kidding so did she but he could have not been more serious, it took some convincing but she eventually gave in. I would like to thank Ty and Lance with TLO Outfitters they are great people, and there knowledge of the area is second to none. I would like to thank Tessa for making this my most memorable hunt ever she hiked her but off and spent countless hours behind the glass. I never thought I would get more enjoyment from somebody else filling there tag she is teaching me things all the time. Tessa is turning into a beautiful young lady her wonderful mom and my gorgeous wife has a lot to do with that I owe them both more than I could ever give them God has blessed me more than I deserve and I thank him every day for it.
  15. 218buck


    I'm looking to purchase some radios for hunting not the cheapies something with some range. Any help would be appreciated thanks
  16. 218buck

    daughters opening morning buck

    That's awesome great job my daughter killed her first deer at age 11 and she hasn't slowed down since what a great time for the two of you.
  17. 218buck

    Leica Rangemaster 1600

    Has any one used this, if so how is it I have read good things about it thanks for the help.
  18. Looking to buy a new muzzleloader in the 500 range any ideas on what would be best value thanks
  19. 218buck

    Colorado Mule Deer Hunt

    I have hunted the muzzle loader hunt in Colorado as well as high as 13000 feet it is physically demanding but well worth it me and my hunting buddy have taken some great bucks. It takes a lot of courage to do what you did by yourself congrats on a great buck I bet you will be back next year doing it again.
  20. Looking for any recommendations for a bear guide that could get my daughter a bear does not want to use dogs any help would be appreciated .
  21. 218buck

    Two Trophy Years (Picture Heavy)

    Congrats on a great bull it sounds like you made the most out of your situation.
  22. 218buck


    That is an awesome buck congrats
  23. That's a great buck awesome job if you don't mind telling what unit were you hunting.
  24. 218buck

    Lets See Them Kids

    These are my daughter Tessa's kills to date she has been hunting now for a couple of years. She was lucky enough to draw a unit 7 rifle antelope tag that starts in two weeks also a bull elk tag in 3b should have some new pictures to post shortly. I can honestly say that I get more enjoyment hunting with her than anything else that I could possibly do. It really is hard to put into words the enjoyment that we share when out in the field.