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Everything posted by 218buck

  1. 218buck

    Youth javelina 20b-21

    I took my daughter south of Cleator were I had saw some pigs the weekend before but was unable to find them again it was a little windy I think they were hunkered down going back out this weekend waiting to see what the weather is going to do good luck to you
  2. 218buck

    Youth javelina 20b-21

    Will have my daughter out this weekend in one or both of these units any one else going to be in one of these units? Good luck to all the youth and all of the parents and to all else that may be involved. The time I get to spend with her in the field is priceless she is bringing her friend on Saturday who has never been on any kind of hunting trip should be a blast.
  3. 218buck

    Varmint hunting success

    Way to shoot them dogs
  4. 218buck

    Few good lion pictures recently

    Those are some cool pictures
  5. 218buck

    Alex's first hunt

    Way to go congrats on your pig.
  6. 218buck

    Junior Javelina 37B

    That's awesome congrats on your first big game kill.
  7. You cant go wrong with swarovskis and you keep hearing over and over there resale value speaks for itself. Good luck on what ever you decide if it comes down to the money you are better off saving up for the best rather than compromise on something of lesser quality just to save a few bucks. If you spend the money now you wont have to later.
  8. 218buck

    Bow for 13 year old girl

    My daughter has already killed her fair share of animals with a rifle she is wanting to get into archery hunting I was wondering if anybody had any suggestions for a bow for her thank you
  9. 218buck

    Heat's 2015 Hunt

    You might not of killed one but it still beats working sounds like you had fun and you got to see some
  10. 218buck

    Perfect end to perfect season

    Great job congrats
  11. 218buck

    Computer/Draw Glitch

    I put my wife in who doesn't have a valid license it went through with a confirmation number I am wondering what will happen when it updates will it charge my card at that time for a license?
  12. 218buck

    More coues bucks photos!

    Thanks for sharing
  13. 218buck

    2015 buck is down for the count

    Great buck congrats
  14. 218buck

    YOUTH HUNT IN 20B-21

    I have hunted 21 my whole life have taken a fair amount of pig from a few select areas. I have been scouting the past few weeks only to find nothing was wondering if any one had any suggestions on where I could find a pig for my 13 year old daughter. Any help would be appreciated thanks.
  15. 218buck

    Luckiest kid ever.

    That's awesome congrats
  16. 218buck


    Does anyone know of some one that makes a camo a pant that can go up against cat claw on not get torn to pieces I have my Sitka pants all messed up do to a trip down south for coues a friend told me that Sitka makes a pant they call grinder that will with stand up to them ,but it only comes in marsh makes me wonder if it would really stand up to those pesky cat claws thanks
  17. 218buck

    Son's First Big Game With a Bow

    Great job way to get it done take it easy on your dad
  18. 218buck

    First Archery Javelina!

    Great job congrats
  19. I have several friends that have bought the new 15's and they say that they are no better than the old 15s I was looking for some more opinions on this if anybody could help me out I would appreciate it thank you
  20. 218buck

    Arizona elk society questions

    They are a class act they do a ton for the game in this state
  21. can this be done if so how thanks
  22. 218buck


    I was lucky enough to draw a turkey tag for 19a first hunt ever in that unit I drew the first hunt my daughter has a tag on the second hunt can't wait.
  23. Wow what a great deer congrats on a trophy of a life time
  24. 218buck

    2015 pope and young buck down.

    nice buck congrats
  25. 218buck


    My daughter had a year that would make most people envious. we went on 7 hunts were she was able to harvest 5 big game animals over the course of the year the only thing she wasn't successful on was a spring turkey and a elk on our late muzzle loader elk hunt in 3b. She refused to shoot anything that wasn't a mature bull. We did see a lot of small bulls but she stuck to her guns. The year started out with her harvesting a javelina at 10 yards I was able to call a couple of them in. This was very exciting for both of us. Next came a buffalo from the Raymond Ranch herd ,I had drawn a tag for a yearling bull and signed over to her. This should have been a slam dunk but some how my turrets had moved on my scope and she made a non vital hit on the bull. So we spent the rest of day chasing a wounded buffalo all over that place. Finally around dark she was able to finish it off. She will never let me forget this lesson learned. She drew a unit 7 antelope tag and was able to make a 420 yard shot to harvest her first antelope. After not drawing a deer tag we both applied for the left over tags she was not successful but I drew a 36b tag that I signed over to her. Before this hunt a good friend of ours invited us to Idaho to hunt on her dads ranch. She was able to harvest a nice whitetail first morning at 250 yards. We saw over 100 deer it was amazing hoping to get invited back. With all of these hunts she was missing a lot of school, so for the coues hunt we only had 2 days to hunt. She was able to take a nice 3x3 at 350 yards right in its bed it was a great shot. The time we spend in the outdoors together is priceless I would have never believed I could get more enjoyment from some one else harvesting a animal instead of me. The good Lord has blessed me more than I could possibly deserve, Tessa is an amazing young lady and is turning out to be a great outdoors lady as well I cant wait to see what this year holds in store for us pigs in 20b-21 in a few weeks and turkey in 19a and ?