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Everything posted by 218buck

  1. 218buck

    3 Free youth turkey hunting camps

    Good luck to all the youth hunters this weekend
  2. 218buck

    Leica 1600B $639.00 New on Camofire.com

    I just got mine this year and I have been extremely happy with it
  3. 218buck

    19a rifle bull nov

    That's good to know
  4. 218buck

    19A TURKEY

    The birds we did locate were close to the main road my daughter can not miss school on Friday ,so there's a chance that one of the other 4 tag holders could be hunting one of these birds on opening day
  5. 218buck

    19a rifle bull nov

    How old are these pictures
  6. 218buck

    19A TURKEY

    I did go on top of mingus found some birds called some in very cool was surprised by all the campers up there. They were everywhere
  7. 218buck


    Hopefully all that time you spent on your hunt last year should help you out this year good luck.
  8. 218buck

    19a rifle bull nov

    Thanks right now I am not sure what we will be doing yet
  9. 218buck

    Unit 21 bulls

    There is not the quality of bulls in this unit that there use to be but with that said there are still a few you just have to work harder. I took a 330 bull a few years back took a day to get him out ,also shot a 380 on a early muzzle loader hunt took a day to get him out good luck.
  10. 218buck

    19a rifle bull nov

    My daughter has this tag as well I was turkey scouting yesterday and was surprised by the amount of elk sign I found. Not a lot but in quite a few places. I think the quality has definitely gone down hill the hunts from years past did produce some toads from this unit. What I have found is that the elk seem to be in certain pockets. Once you find one of these they tend to be there year round some are fairly low while some are right off the top good luck to you on your hunt my daughter just turned 14 and has never killed an elk yet or turkey we are hoping to fill both of those tags this year .
  11. 218buck

    Results by phone

    Daughter drew a 19a rifle bull tag
  12. 218buck

    So who thinks they are REALLY good with a bow?

    Wow that guy is amazing
  13. 218buck

    article for shed hunting

    Very interesting
  14. 218buck


    BITE YOUR TONGUE!!! Having the eairly draw for Elk and Anlelope was one of the best things AZGFD has done. I'm not sure how many people put in but it has to be in the tens of thousands. Sometimes they screw up. Thats a lot of apps to process. We all make mistakes. It makes it a lot easier to plan and strategize for other hunts going into other draws knowing the outcome of the elk draw.
  15. 218buck

    2014 AZ Antelope recap!

    Lance wanted to say thanks again for all you guys did to make Tessa's hunt a success. Ty was amazing to be with you have done a great job with him. If one us is lucky enough to draw that tag again you will be my first call thanks for the memories.
  16. 218buck

    House Rock Hunt

    I would have to agree with you 100 percent just spent two days with a friend that has that tag. We didn't even see a track ran into numerous lion hunters that got a good laugh out us of being in there looking for buffalo. Some cool scenery but that's a long ways to go to play in the snow.
  17. 218buck

    House Rock Hunt

  18. 218buck

    When do we find out?

    I know someone that called on Friday because of a credit card mishap on there behalf I think it is still going to be a little while
  19. 218buck

    Point question

    One tear I put in with a friend who forgot to sign his application and because of that are application was rejected and I lost my loyalty point even though I signed mine took 5 years to get back
  20. 218buck

    When do we find out?

  21. 218buck

    Can Someone Please Explain This To Me?

    I personally think that everybody is entitled to there own opinion I have killed animals with the use of radios and cell phones. I can honestly say I have felt the same since of pride regardless of what I had to use to accomplish my harvest just saying .
  22. 218buck

    then and now! ?

    I have hunted 21 for over 30 years it seems that there are less mulies and more whitetails, findind coues in areas that never had them before they seem to be getting closer and closer to phoenix
  23. 218buck

    Lion Down

    Great job
  24. 218buck

    Cool pics

    Very cool pictures that's to bad about your camera
  25. 218buck

    Unit 22 success
