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Everything posted by 218buck

  1. 218buck

    unit 19a

    my daughter has a rifle bull tag in this unit also
  2. 218buck

    unit 19a

    My daughter killed a bird opening day I think it was the first one ever killed in this unit, the birds were on top they seemed to be all over the top both sides of the road more on south side.
  3. 218buck

    Tom here is exciting the wrong crowd

    Very cool picture
  4. 218buck

    Jaycie Does it Again!

    That's awesome sounds like a family effort congrats to your daughter on a great bird. My daughter shot her first merriams a couple weeks ago we will be trying to get her a goulds next
  5. 218buck

    unit 19a

    I was turkey hunting in 19a a few weeks ago saw some deer turkey and elk sign
  6. 218buck

    Merriams double

    congrats looks like some good eating
  7. My daughter Tessa was able to take her first turkey opening day of the Arizona spring season. She was not going to get to miss school for the opener if she did not have straight A's she needed to bring up her algebra grade up on Tuesday she informed us it was now an A . Perfect we left after school Thursday an were up at 4:30 on Friday to start the hunt. We set up on a bird at first light only to have him spook at 80 yards a couple more failed attempts were made before lunch. The afternoon was tough do to bad weather but we did locate some more birds. We set up our Avian X Merriam decoys started calling and this bird came in on a rope straight to the decoys Tessa shot him at 20 yards I was very proud of her she knew exactly what to do when he came in she has just turned 14 and has now collected 6 of her animals for the big 10 she drew an elk tag this year I can't wait to go with her I don't know who enjoys it more her or me I can't think of anything else that I would rather do .
  8. 218buck

    Tessa's opening day Turkey success

    I believe this is the first turkey to ever be taken out of this unit according to the game warden that's kind of cool.
  9. 218buck

    7 Months Later I Found Him Again

    He would look good on the wall good luck to you and congrats on drawing a speed goat tag
  10. 218buck

    Snowy Turkey Hunt

    Way to stick it out I have heard you cant call birds in in those type of conditions so much for that theory congrats on your bird and perseverance. Nice find by your wife also
  11. 218buck

    24A thunder chicken down

    Sounds like all that hard work paid off ,sounds like an awesome hunt congrats that must have been cool to be that close to that other gobbler
  12. 218buck

    Gould"s Hunt

    good luck weather should be better than last weekend I hope you get that 3 bearded bird
  13. 218buck

    Opening Day Goulds

    That's a great looking bird congrats I heard of 3 buffalo getting taken last week before the storm good luck on your hunt
  14. 218buck

    Rain coming

    I can deal with the rain its the wind I could do with out praying that the turkey gods keep the wind in check for my daughter come Friday morning
  15. 218buck

    Javelina with the kids

    That's great nothing better than hunting with your kids congrats the smiles on their faces says it all.
  16. 218buck

    2 nice southern Arizona Toms

    Great job I chased a lion once behind dogs I believe it was the most physically demanding thing I have ever done congrats to you and your hunters there is a few more deer that will make it another year now.
  17. 218buck

    Decoy Set Ups

    Just wondering what set ups seem to get the best results for the spring hunts here in Arizona thanks
  18. 218buck

    getting it done in unit 8

    Congrats to the young man and to his help great job
  19. 218buck

    Unit 27 youth turkey

    Way to go congrats on a successful hunt doesn't sound like it took you very long I hope my daughters hunt goes like that on friday
  20. 218buck

    19A TURKEY

    Looking for a place to scout anyone have any suggestions my daughter has a tag for the first hunt thanks
  21. 218buck

    19A turkey first hunt

    My daughter and me both drew tags I have first hunt she drew second. We have hunted the last two years with know luck so I am going to sign my tag over to her so we will have two chances to get her a turkey and redeem my respect with her
  22. 218buck

    19A turkey first hunt

    Does any one else have a tag for the first hunt in this unit or second hunt? I am going to be up there the opening weekend of the first hunt.
  23. 218buck

    Turkey/predator hunting

    Way to be prepared nice bonus congrats
  24. 218buck

    JR Success

    That's awesome congrats on your turkey be careful that can become addictive
  25. 218buck

    3rd Year in a Row

    Congrats I cant wait for next Friday