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Everything posted by 218buck

  1. 218buck

    2 Late Bulls Arrowed!

    Congrats to both of you way to get it done
  2. 218buck

    Opening day success

    It never grew just has a small piece of horn that curls back along the beam kind of bizarre
  3. 218buck

    1st muzzleloader elk.

    Great bull congrats
  4. 218buck

    Horses for packing out elk in 19A?

    I think you should just strap him to your mountain bike
  5. 218buck

    6A Muzzy Elk

    My buddy has this hunt just wondering if any one else on here will be up there or had this tag in the past.
  6. 218buck

    Early central Az buck

    Great buck congrats
  7. 218buck

    12a East muzzerloader buck

    Congrats that's a cool looking buck
  8. 218buck

    Raptor Razor

    Just wondering if any one on here is using this product and if so how do you like it and is it worth the money thanks
  9. 218buck

    First one for my boy

    What a great way to spend your time you are bringing him up right that's awesome
  10. 218buck


    What is the draw length and poundage my daughter is 14 and wanting a bow
  11. 218buck

    2015 Hunt of a Lifetime

    Great bull know matter what day of the hunt
  12. 218buck

    How do i update C.C. info with G&F ?

    I don't know about this just wondering if you went back hunting
  13. 218buck

    30a Second Chance Solo Hunt

    Way to getter done congrats
  14. 218buck

    37 B Success !!!

    Way to go congrats
  15. 218buck


    Congrats to you guys on some nice deer and getting that bear
  16. 218buck

    Finally a buck bigger than the boiling pot

    Great job I took a 4x4 also helped a newbie get shots at 3 different bucks also got a shot at a lion you going back up
  17. Good luck to everyone that is going out hunting Friday leaving tomorrow taking a newbie out who has never hunted should be fun I like helping introduce hunting to whom ever choices to try look forward to seeing pictures when I return.
  18. 218buck

    Colorado 2nd season rifle 6x6

    Way to get it done congrats
  19. 218buck

    Kifaru packs

    Hey I was just wondering if anybody was using these packs and if so what were your thoughts on them and which one are you using thanks
  20. 218buck

    Limited Hopi 5BN hunt leftover tag filled

    Glad to see all he hard work pay off congrats
  21. 218buck

    September bull hunt, big 7x4

    Awesome bull congrats
  22. 218buck

    My 2015 AZ Bear

    Congrats great looking bear
  23. Does anybody know where I can find some blackhorn 209 powder thank you
  24. 218buck

    Tessas patience pays off

    My daughter Tessa told me before this years deer hunt she would not settle for anything less than a four point I thought to myself whatever. Well after hunting the first couple of days we had seen close to 20 bucks one crab clawed four point and a smaller 4x3 she was sticking to her guns she would not have any part in trying to kill one of these deer know matter how much I pleaded. A good friend of mine Mark told me he had seen some good bucks on a recent bear hunt, and offered to take us in there. We went in on Sunday morning after an hour of glassing nothing. Then all of a sudden there was nothing but antlers in my binos a couple were definitely shooters. We made a quick plan went after them but they got over a ridge and into some thick stuff just a few minutes before we could get a shot. So we backed out waited all day but they never appeared, right before dark a bull bugled close to us so we cow called a few times and before we new it there was a nice 6 point bull and his harem standing at about 25 yards from us . Tessa has a bull tag for this same unit so she was pretty excited. Friday we decided to meet Mark and try again after school we headed up we started glassing but we were seeing nothing but elk. Then Mark says I have a buck in that same clearing we took off because daylight was fading fast we left Mark on the hill to keep a eye on the buck he called and told us another buck and doe had just joined up with the original buck. We were closing the distance fast but Mark had lost sight of the deer but told us were he thought they were headed. We saw the doe feeding about 150 yards in front of us she had know idea we were there, I told Tessa to get ready because the bucks would be right behind her sure enough when this one stepped out she calmly squeezed off a shot and was able to harvest this great buck. Thanks for all your help Mark
  25. 218buck

    Kursty's Antelope Buck

    Great job congratulations