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Everything posted by 218buck

  1. 218buck

    Sonora Mexico Archery Buck

    That's a great buck congrats a fine trophy
  2. 218buck

    Son’s Cow Hunt

    Congrats to the boys on there elk success
  3. When you click on buy tickets the next screen will show you how many are left 40 now
  4. 218buck

    Prayer for my pops & fellow hunter

    Thoughts and prayers for your dad and family
  5. 218buck

    How about some chicken fried elk steak

    That looks mighty tasty
  6. 218buck

    Fort Huachuca Coues

    Congrats way to go
  7. 218buck

    San Carlos Rocky Mtn. Sheep Hunt 2015

    What an awesome ram congrats
  8. 218buck

    Archery 4x4

    Great job on a great buck you can start hunting again in just a few weeks
  9. 218buck

    My coolest find to date

    Wow what a cool find how tragic for those poor guys
  10. 218buck

    19a elk tag

    Was wondering if there is anybody else on here that has a bull tag in this unit for the upcoming rifle hunt or if anybody has been in this unit hunting elk this year just curious if anyone has seen any big bulls ?
  11. 218buck

    Must read ....Just a heads up.....

    sounds like great raffle
  12. 218buck

    tags or refund yet?

  13. Wow what a magnificent creature
  14. 218buck

    Help Please..... unusual request.... REWARD

    I hope you get them back
  15. 218buck

    Highs and Lows….. Sarah's Bull

    Way to go persistence pays off congrats
  16. 218buck

    1st time for a donated tag. 22n

    Good luck I hope you get one Tessa got her bull at last light on Thursday small one but she did great 440 yard shot
  17. 218buck

    25 dollar charge from AZ G&F

    My checking account is showing a 25 dollar charge pending from the AZ game and fish department called them they couldn't answer why just wondering if anyone might have a thought on what it could be?
  18. 218buck

    Charged but not drawn

    Same here
  19. 218buck

    Two bucks down

    Congrats to both hunters nice job those things are sure hard to see when there bedded