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Everything posted by ShutYourLib

  1. ShutYourLib

    What’s your 401K doing?

    If you have maxed out your contributions, how do you have 90% of your account in Roth? Or, did you mean you only max out the Roth contribution?
  2. ShutYourLib

    When never meets now.

    From speaking with friends that have been through something similar, I think this would be their advice: - Get a lawyer and do what he/she says, say what they tell you to say. I think a lot people make mistakes by hiding money or assets and it can come back to haunt you. the lawyer will give you direction on the best way to protect yourself - take an inventory of your valuables. Talk to your lawyer as soon as/if anything disappears - as hard as it is, don’t fight or argue with her, document everything for your lawyer - she will probably come groveling back once the contractor decides not to leave his wife - stand by your gut in regards to reconciliation. Some friends tried to reconcile only to regret that decision later, causing increased financial and emotional impacts. Better to rip off the bandaid if that’s what you decide. - spend as much time as you can with your kids -for their sake, as hard as it is, don’t bash their mom in front of the kids sorry you are going through this. I cannot understand how difficult it must be to be in your position. Remember it’s not your fault, don’t get gaslighted into thinking you could have done more or should have done something differently.
  3. ShutYourLib

    Kodiak Canvas

    Pm sent
  4. ShutYourLib

    WTB 150gr nosler partitions for 270 win

    Thanks all! Pm inbound
  5. Please let me know if you have some that you are willing to part with. Cash, or I might have other reloading components for trade if you are looking for something. Let me know!
  6. ShutYourLib

    off road tire pressure

    I would run between 15-20
  7. ShutYourLib

    Kodiak Tent or Spring Bar experience camping in sand?

    I had the same concern a few years ago and found this on their website https://www.kodiakcanvas.com/content/Owners-Manual-6086.pdf “In soft sand or snow, use a dead-man anchor. Bury a horizontal piece of wood approximately 12 – 18 inches deep with a guyline connecting to the stake loop. Make sure that the anchor is secure”
  8. ShutYourLib

    Non Covid bug going around

    That’s a really good point. How is it that Israel, one of the most vaccinated countries, is reporting almost identical numbers to Palestine, one of the least vaccinated?
  9. ShutYourLib

    Any east side welders

    Just Need to add some d rings welded to a trailer. Let me know if anyone can help me out and your price.
  10. ShutYourLib

    Any east side welders

    That would be fantastic. Will shoot you a pm. Thx!
  11. ShutYourLib

    Good News

    EDW is coming to town!! I got nothin else… https://www.tickettailor.com/events/dwarfanators/510901/
  12. ShutYourLib

    WTB .270 win dies

    Looking for some full length sizing dies for .270 win. Let me know if you have a set you are looking to get rid of. Thanks!
  13. ShutYourLib

    WTB .270 win dies

    Thanks! Before I pull the trigger on these, if anyone has hornady or forester they want to get rid of, let me know!
  14. ShutYourLib

    Big Lake Fishing Question

    Just up there as well. Using the same set up with bell sinker, but didn’t have much luck with powerbait, salmon eggs were killing it for us. One after another.
  15. ShutYourLib

    Bullet weight VS twist

  16. ShutYourLib

    I heard the hits are coming.

    3160 in sept? He is showing 2020 draw results.
  17. ShutYourLib

    Tick Tock

  18. ShutYourLib

    Tick Tock

    She must heal fast, it was wrecked when she left here.
  19. ShutYourLib

    Tick Tock

    Just called and they said the draw will happen sometime in March. It’s not happening today.
  20. ShutYourLib

    Hairy eyeball??

  21. ShutYourLib

    Anybody recognize this magnet?

  22. ShutYourLib

    caught stealing tree stand pics!

  23. ShutYourLib

    Best rifle scope regardless of price

    Anybody have any input on US Optics? Have only looked through them inside at the Shot Show, but they appeared very durable and high quality.
  24. ShutYourLib

    The virus

    I don’t think that the CDC gets any money for reported COVID deaths, their reporting seems to show a pretty close correlation in increased 2020 total US deaths vs 2019 total deaths . In fact, the number of increased reported deaths in 2020 comes pretty close to hospital reported COVID deaths. https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/vsrr/provisional-tables.htm While most of us are not worried about COVID personally, when it is all said and done I doubt many of us won’t know someone that has has died from this virus.