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Everything posted by mearnsman

  1. mearnsman

    Elk, moon phase and the Rut

    OK, since most of us now know if we've been drawn. Let's ponder the actually early bull archery hunt. This year it is early 9th-22nd, it has a full moon right smack dab in the middle on the 16th. Do you guys think the rut will be later after the full moon? Does a full moon affect the elk rut? I believe, if I remember correctly, the last time this happened the rut was late (like first of OCT) and the elk were eerily quiet until after the full moon. So, what do you guys think?
  2. mearnsman

    traditional hunting

    So, QhunterAZ is there somewhere local you buy your equipment or do you get it online?
  3. mearnsman

    2015 prime rival for sale or trade

    Do you happen to know how difficult it is to change the draw length?
  4. mearnsman

    Pressed for time but got it done

    Congrats on a great buck! I've done a few of these short hunts and my kids always remember how great they were!! I'm sure your daughter will feel the same way!
  5. mearnsman

    How far off of the road?

    It is just my humble opinion but unless the deer are pushed extremely hard, how close the roads are is not the issue. The issue is where is the water? If its near the road thats where the deer will be.
  6. mearnsman

    Our Oct 36C hunt

    Scottyboy, I love hunting Mearns. I've seen a few in your unit as well as, running into a covey of masked bobwhites almost on the border. Sure is a neat unit. How is the access situation now? I understood that last year some of the roads had been closed by the ranchers. Like the one by the cell tower which access the edge of the reservation.
  7. mearnsman

    Our Oct 36C hunt

    Congradulations on 2 great bucks. 36c is an awsome unit. Where were you huntin! I don't need specifics, how about north or south? I have a friend whose son has the Nov hunt and am going ot help him.
  8. mearnsman

    Unit 24a

    Hello all, I was fortunate enough to get a 24a Dec tag. I know a little about the unit from my quail hunting adventures but when it comes to deer in the unit I am a little shy on information. Should I hunt north or south? Is there a specific area that gets overrun by hunters? Where is a good spot to begin scouting? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
  9. mearnsman

    Any suggestions will help

    I hunted this unit 2 years ago and Summit Motorway was a zoo. There is a burn closer to highway 19 on your way to Summit Motorway that is very good.
  10. mearnsman

    Unit 24a

    Thanks for the reply, I sent you a PM for some more info. Again thanks for all of the help!!