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Everything posted by eagarcoues

  1. eagarcoues

    another deer killer

    Way to go Mike, were you with Coop 10 Days to go Jeff
  2. eagarcoues

    Can't wait !

    I cant wait to spend a few days in the stand, I fly in on the 1st hope to be hunting by the 6th it will be a nice change from the sand. You never realize how much you miss something until it is gone, I have the does all I need is a buck to come by, Had my boys go check the camera and send me the pictures yesterday, The wife said what a waist of time you only have does on the camera, My boy said "if you have does the bucks will come mom thats what Dad will say". That's what I said word for word, They laughed at me for saying it. I will be hunting a scrape line for a couple of days I hope the weather will hold for the days in the stand. lots of sign the camera has only been up for a week. he will check it next weekend and place the stand for me. Jeff Thanks Kolby and Kamden.
  3. eagarcoues

    Can't wait !

    I will only be home for two weeks then i have to come back but Im getting close to the heck out of here, Hey Flying W if my boy needs some help would you help him place my stand.I would like it set before I get home and Im short on time My other buddy moved away. Thanks Jeff The reason I need to come back is to place a CTW sticker on my HET (Heavy Equip Transport) aka Tank Hauler. and go as far north into Iraq as I can they need to know what a coues deer is here. It might not stay on long but I will get some good pictures of it with my fellow troops. Merry Christmas to all from Kuwait / Iraq
  4. eagarcoues

    My late archery bull 360 3/8

    Way to go Shane awesome!!!! Tell your folks and Lee Hi Jeff
  5. eagarcoues


    if you dont get the number let me know with a pm im sure i can get it for you,
  6. eagarcoues

    Thanks Eagarcoues

    Thanks guys, About 7 weeks and I will be home on leave, I have a couple of day set aside to be in the stand, and we should find out if we got drawen for spring turkey this week, Be home in April
  7. eagarcoues

    scouting sheds

    I dont think his budies twin sis knows they have her car out scouting for elk, Kids these days , They must not have the gas for old Blue or Big Brown and mom needed the other truck, Just guessing, Good thing they didn't find a old nasty smelling pick up head, or we might be posting an obituary. What ever it takes to get into the woods, Miss you Boys just a few more months
  8. eagarcoues

    Guess the Score - Sept 09

    113 5/8
  9. eagarcoues

    weekend glassing

    Thing we take for granted, the AZ ski line, haven't seen a cloud in 4 plus month The bucks are cool too Jeff
  10. eagarcoues

    Bobby's 1st Archery AZ Bull 340"

    nice looking bull jeff
  11. eagarcoues

    Another member with a first Bull

    Trees a nasty thing, I killed one a few years back what a job to get him out, almost had to cut his rack off, I feel for your buddys that helpd you out Good Job and a very nice bull jeff
  12. eagarcoues

    my first bull

    Here is the other one Kolby and Crew took 50 + yard shot 2 mile pack out Again Thanks Jerry, Heath and Bronson and the shooter Doug who I met a few years back who sent me an email when I was Chairman of the ABA asking what he could do to help with the ABA and if I new anybody that could show him some elk, New to the area from the Minnesota has only hunted elk one other time and he got taken for a lot of money from a outfitter from NM and no Elk. I invited him up showed him a few hundred elk over the last 3 years and we are friends for life, I kept telling him we only need a tag, it took him 2 years of putting in, makes you SICK some guys !! and I'm not their, I guess he wanted a real Elk hunter to take him and they did , but who would of thought a 27 rut tag in 2 years WOW !! but that's OK good friends and I don't have to help with the Pack Out. 2 for 2 Way to go Kolby and Doug Jeff Sorry I wasn't their
  13. eagarcoues


    Well he did it Im SO PROUD of him lots of schooling lots of shooting lots of broken arrows, lots of tag soup and a lot of LOVE, I wouldn't of changed it for the world, Well maybe a few things like getting ran over on Main st. in Eagar on opening day of archery deer on his quad and all he could think of laying in the ER was the quad was totaled , shooting the the Crono at at a shoot,back when we had speed limits, The look on his face, he was so embarrassed, and of course the trip to the Police station, and the biggest thing that I wish I could of changed is that I wish I could of been their. only one first Elk, I dont have the story and this is the only picture so far, I do know it was a 20yd shot and it only went another 50yds before it fell over I will leave the story for him. Just want to say thanks to Heath AKA Kornbagger and to Jim for all the Help ,and to everybody else that might have been an influence to him over the years, We could of not done it with out the help of the good friends that we have made over the years, SO a BIG THANK YOU. They have one more tag to fill. so it might be a day or so before you here from Kolby SO PROUD DAD. Jeff Love you Kolby sorry I was not their.
  14. eagarcoues


    I will send the picture to somebody that knows what they are doing Jeff
  15. eagarcoues

    Archery Antelope

    They might be of you "Old" "Gray" and "Droopy". I could either send them or post them! But all who sees them might turn to stone, I might still have them in my In box, its a chance we might take, Do you feel lucky? Jeff
  16. eagarcoues

    Archery Antelope

    Weight loss and a Goat, Way to go, Every time I get an email or see a post from you I open it slow it is burned in my eyes forever of that picture of you on the beach Hope to post Kolbys picture in a couples weeks Jeff.
  17. eagarcoues

    Father and sons luck

    My son and I took pigs like that a few years back and I thought that was grate, WOW !!!! awesome you guys topped that way to go young man, Dont let your dad eat all of your better eating deer, you did good and the horns will hang a hat well and it is custom to keep his tail and put his legs under the bed for luck or until you kill another one "mine are still under my bed", pull a tooth and keep it in your pocket until you move up and get an Elk Ivory Just ask any of the guys or gals on this site, And when it starts to stink and your moms says WHATS THAT SMELL tell her its alright mom the putter says it will bring me luck Good job Dad you did well Jeff
  18. eagarcoues

    *** Finally ***

    Sounds good Jim,and thanks for taking him out, Mike I saw that on Bow Tech no place to shoot on base and too busy when im the road in Iraq and the said thing is I'm bowless right know it was taken over by a unit 27 elk hunter I haven't been bowless in 25 years just the thought of it makes me quiver. the only good thing is that I haven't seen anything worth shooting other than a P&Y kangaroo rat with a ridge back looks like he was on the juice that was hanging out by the chow hall. I have seen a P&Y camel I will be home on leave in Jan to chase a buck for a day or two. might have to throw a rock at him but I been known to huck a stone or two keep the pictures coming it helps the days go by on the slow days like today jeff
  19. eagarcoues

    *** Finally ***

    Nope cant make it home he has some friends taking him and helping out im the first email that he will send out, he has some good help lined up and good friends Im sad I cant be there but their will be more I fogot about your bears and hogs, hows the wife, Kolb said he seen Coop drive through town opeaning weekend of bear. Kolb chasing a bear today. Jeff
  20. eagarcoues

    Can't Wait

    Oh yeah kill a big one I had that tag in 96 it took 20 minutes after the sun came up on opening day hold out for a whopper jeff
  21. eagarcoues

    Can't Wait

    You made my day my kids are grown well al most (teenagers) I have been away from them for about 7 months now, I talk to my wife everyday and she asked me something I miss each day the other day it was kids, big small and everything in the middle what I cant remember the last time I saw a child runing around playing and asking all kinds of questions , the smile of yours in the back of the pick up in the woods made me smile today Thank you jeff in kuwait
  22. eagarcoues

    *** Finally ***

    Way to go Mike you are the man, couple of turkeys now deer, sheep your my hero brother and you are welcome at my house anytime you want again we still have the blind up Kolby got his first turkey last spring and has a 27 elk tag. Jeff in eagar well now it is jeff in Kuwait/ Iraq
  23. Its funny how the email thing works I received the picture from a buddy in Alaska and Im in Kuwait and I sent it back to AZ this buck has been all over the world maybe he should name it the million mile buck. Jeff