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Everything posted by gotcoues

  1. gotcoues

    New Mexico Results

    I checked the website and didn't see results? Is it safe to assume no tags if I didn't get a heck yes your drawn email? I'm running low on optimism.
  2. gotcoues

    New Mexico Results

    Dang...... hoping for a different answer
  3. gotcoues

    New Mexico Results

    Dang...... hoping for a different answer
  4. gotcoues

    New Mexico Results

    Emails for successful applications only? They don't send emails for rejections?
  5. gotcoues

    New Mexico Results

    Definitely won't go downstairs to the office, but I'll bet I can open my eyes long enough to check email on my phone! Good luck to all who were willing to pay the $20 not so friendly fee to apply.
  6. gotcoues

    My Boy's first harvest and taxidermy project.

    Looks pretty neat, good job bud. Good luck in the taxidermy contest.
  7. Hi TJ, my neighbor is really interested . Justin 5202408796
  8. gotcoues

    2010 December Whitetail. Back from the Taxidermist!!!!

    That buck is a stud, love the wide frame for sure. I just got my Dec buck back but he was 09, they have a great turn around time over there for sure! Talked to Chris a couple months back and was impressed to say the least. What does he score if you don't mind me asking. I'm guessing 108, it was my first thought anyway.
  9. gotcoues


    Just saw this on Craigs List from Surprise I think? My link
  10. gotcoues

    More Cam Pictures

    Cool pics for sure, thanks for sharing.
  11. gotcoues

    For you tree stand hunters

    Sportsman's guide seems to have the cheapest prices. I purchased several stands around 50 or 60 bucks w armrests and haven't been disappointed at all. Their cam buckle ladder set up is very nice, I have purchased two so far and am planning on a third. Forest Service can't ticket you for this set up either. These are a bit heavy for packing them in deep though. I also have an API stand w/o armrests that is great for long pack ins.
  12. I've been pulled over at least half a dozen times in AZ while carrying a loaded firearm and upon advising the officer of my weapon/weapons, I've never even had to show them or get out of the truck. Thank goodness we still have gun rights here. I just can't see anyone condoning this type of behavior on the officers part, although he did not completely comply on purpose to prove "his" point.
  13. I've been pulled over at least half a dozen times in AZ while carrying a loaded firearm and upon advising the officer of my weapon/weapons, I've never even had to show them or get out of the truck. I just can't see anyone condoning this type of behavior on the officers part, although he did not completely comply on purpose to prove "his" point.
  14. That's quite a collection of funky
  15. gotcoues

    Utah draw

    Denied, congrats to the lucky ones. Coues and Speedgoat for NM still in play.......
  16. gotcoues

    No luck shed hunting...

    I'd venture a guess this doesn't happen very often. Thanks for sharing the pics.
  17. You should add the you tube link if you have it. Interesting story to say the least.
  18. gotcoues

    Need help with a coues pose!

    All your taxi needs is a pic and he'll take care of the rest.
  19. gotcoues

    09' Dec Buck

    Big thanks to Bret who owns GTT Game Trail Taxidermy in Surprise, he did my mount for me. He's done all my work since 04' and he's the man. This buck is out of Unit 29, other buck is also Unit 29
  20. gotcoues

    09' Dec Buck

    Thanks guys, appreciate the kind words. If only the archery gods will be as kind come season, because I'd love to add another Bruiser to the wall by way of broadhead!
  21. gotcoues

    Unit 9 early archery bull elk hunt

    I also have this tag, congrats on a great tag. My hunting partner and I had this tag in 04'. We set up a total of 4 tree stands and two were stolen. Hang your stands close to the season opener IMO. Not sure if they were stolen to get us to go elsewhere or just punk thieves. We harvested 360 and 370 class bulls. Hold out for something that makes you smile big!
  22. gotcoues

    To all the single men

    I'm getting married finally at age 37. Been close before, but never stood at the alter. So before you guys get on here and tell me life as I know it is going end soon, let me tell you about this special lady. I met Colleen AKA "couescooker" on a hunting trip to PA with a friend of mine around a family campfire full of small town strangers. Little did I know then it would come to this. After a couple more trips to PA for deer hunting, hours and hours on the phone, many tickets purchased back and forth for pleasure trips, we decided to take the risk and Colleen moved to AZ. We never looked back and we've been together for three years now. Now the good part, Colleen is a real small town darling. She's beautiful, intelligent, she's great with and around my kids, and LOVES to cook game meat. Although she is opposed to the idea of doing the killing. She's super supportive of my hunting obsession and she'll cook the wild stuff 7 days a week and enjoys doing it. We spend lots of time in the outdoors together and I look forward to spending my life with Colleen by my side. July 23 is the day I say I do.... So boys, hold out for someone special who supports your addiction, they do exist! Throw the ones away that don't support it, it only gets worse
  23. gotcoues

    texas retreat

    That's pretty neat, what other types of game did they have on the ranch?
  24. gotcoues

    San Carlos Gobbler!!

    Very cool, congrats Amanda
  25. gotcoues

    An interesting question for you all...

    I'll be holding out for a 350ish bull up until the last few days and then anything goes. In my opinion there is no difference between a spike or a rag 6. Neither are going on the wall. I'll be looking for a wall hanger and settle for a meat bull towards the end.