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Everything posted by gotcoues

  1. gotcoues

    my fiancèe's first coues deer with here bow

    Congrats fiancee! This is very cool, love it when the ladies can get it done. How about a few details, sitting water? How far was the shot, etc.... Love the details
  2. gotcoues

    Angie does it AGAIN!!!

    Good job Angie, you ROCK!
  3. gotcoues

    13B Help

    That's some funny sh@t right there. While my buddy and I were scouting tanks in 9 recently, I felt like we might have been underdressed for all the pics. Lmao, Good stuff
  4. We had a ton of fun this weekend. Dillon and I weren't able to get one down yet, but we had one close call with D getting a severe case of "buck fever" and missing a 15 yard shot at a small forky buck. His heart was pounding so hard I thought he was going to faint after the shot, he said his legs were weak! Let's move on to Sunday Morning We did however have a morning to remember in our treestands. We were actually trying out a friends spot because mine were very slow on any action according to the cameras. It was a tough hike in, first time I had made the walk in the dark. It took us right over an hour in some steep nasty terrain to make it into the stands. We were buckled in for "the ride" by 5:15. We had 6 or more does within 10 to 60 yards in a 4 hour hour span along with really nice Tom. Two of the does (doe and fawn), winded us and almost ran off. They decided to come back and circle all the way around the tree right under our stands. The doe snort wheezed twice while D was staring at her and then went back to her business before her and her fawn just slowly feed off up the ridge. Dillon and I also got the treat of 10 lifetimes, a bear sauntered through at around 8:15 coming within 20 yards of the stands. About a half hour later Dillon said he saw the bear again and told me the bear was back. It was being attacked/confronted? by a lion. It all happened so fast, when I turned around (of course my stand was facing in the exact opposite direction) the bear was rolling down the hill and when he got is bearings was looking back up at the lion. After a long pause in a very awkward position, he slowly walked off and came 10 yards from the stand. Although I did not see the lion, Dillon said he saw his face as they both reared up and the lion took swipes at him. He also said he saw his long tail as the lion turned and walked away. It is very thick where we are at, and the fight took place in a small window we could see into. So, in a 4 hour period we saw 6 does, a big Tom, bear (twice), a lion and even a mole doing some dirt work right under our stand. Man, days like that sure do make life's memory's memorable. This was not D's first day in a stand, but first day he actually had a tag! Don't we all wish stand hunting could always be this exciting! All my three children enjoy hunting, but it is Dillon who I see as the one who falls in love for life with the sport of hunting, with the outdoors and all it has to offer.
  5. gotcoues

    Steves TOAD!

    Awesome deer, looks like he had more to go too! Congrats
  6. gotcoues

    2011 buck

    That's a real beauty, nice job on a spot and stalk giant!
  7. gotcoues

    My first kill

    Very cool, congrats. Can't wait for pics and story!
  8. gotcoues

    Which 15's are you running?

    It surprises me that no one has voted for Docters, I was able to pick up some used Swaros at a steal or else I'd still be using my trusty Docs. So, two silent votes for Docters because I handed them down to my boys.
  9. We're scouting up in Unit 9 this weekend and my son Dillon found a set of sheds that score about 220. This has since brought up a discussion of what constitutes a raghorn bull. I said no way a 250 bull could be considered a raghorn, my buddy Harvey said he needs to be bigger. Since beauty is in the eye of the beholder, what is your maximum score for a "raghorn" or if points is your way of deciding. Please vote by putting a short response. This is for AZ bulls if it matters to you. I'll post his sheds when we get home. Thanks Justin We added in for the missing G2 on the one side and came up with a really rough score of 210-220 So is this a raghorn in your opinion?
  10. gotcoues

    Almost GO time

    Time to get out of Dodge! BA BYE! Signing off til Monday Night Sure hope some of you guys and gals can get it done this weekend! My son Dillon is joining me Sat and Sun in the blind, it will be his very first archery hunt EVER, we're soooo pumped and he's been working so hard shooting his bow everyday. Good luck, hoping for success pictures come Monday night, "YOURS" and maybe ours as well
  11. gotcoues

    Almost GO time

    Leaving around noon hopefully, to go give my all through Monday. I've been dreaming about the kill shot for weeks now. Good luck everyone!
  12. gotcoues

    Robert Kay's amazing NT Muley! 283 5/8

    Simply amazing! The mossback show almost got boring watching those guys kill monster after monster JK..... Those guys sure do have a knack for putting their clients on big muleys. Congrats to all involved
  13. gotcoues

    the stand off

    That's a really neat picture.
  14. gotcoues

    Limited Opportunity Success Velvet style!

    That's a sweet looking toad right there! Congrats
  15. gotcoues

    Bull, Bucks, and Bear

    Very nice pictures, thanks for sharing!
  16. gotcoues


    If your having trouble with skeeters, than it's a done deal on the thermacell. They do have a very slight odor and noise, so yes, you're right. I've had deer and turkeys at less than 20 yards many times and they don't seem to spook game in the slightest. They work awesome too! If you happen to purchase one that doesn't light within three clicks, take it back. I have several and one of them was a dud as far as igniting. Also, they take about 5 minutes to start working efficiently, so you might want to light promptly upon arriving to blind or stand if the problem is severe. I was turned on to the thermocell in while hunting in Florida where if you don't have protection from skeeters, they simply carry you away and feed on you until dead and drained.
  17. gotcoues

    HUGE W / T Buck Spotted!

    I live right around the corner from this location and I believe that there was almost zero chance for a whitey to be there. I've heard of wt being out in the Rail X area as of late. So who knows....
  18. gotcoues

    Few Nice Pics

    I already figured that, just busting your b@!!s. That's a beauty back up buck, I'd be happy with him 8:25 am Aug 19! I couldn't pass em even w bigger ones on cam. Good luck this yr!
  19. gotcoues

    Few Nice Pics

    Very cool, now let us see the big big whitetails you have on cam! All mine have seemed to go elsewhere this year.
  20. gotcoues

    And We're Back!!

    36 hours? My math is quite different. I realized we had issues Wednesday afternoon. On Thursday, still no forum, now I'm starting to get antsy. This morning I try to log on and STILL NOTHING, FORBIDDEN..... Email goes out to Amanda asking for help and relief to my forum addition, please give me my fix of CWT.com. Did find out about CWT on facebook, it brought a small yet unsatisfied relief. So, my math is 3 days! I'm glad it's over and I can get my fix by phone or computer, which ever is in front of me at the time the jitters start........
  21. gotcoues

    The Phrase Raghorn (updated w shed pics)

    Well I ain't shootin no dang raghorn, soooo guess I be holdin out for da big one then
  22. gotcoues


    How's it going Ralph, tried to get a hold of you? Seemed like your phone was off for a couple days. Give me a call sometime 3MP also allows the pics to load much faster on the computer.
  23. gotcoues

    Dillon's first find, not a bad set at all!

    Ya I do, However this is the first time in about 7 years I am currently not on a league team or two. We just got too many tags this year and we were out of town for 10 days for our wedding. So I opted out this season knowing I would have missed half of it. Hunting season is always my first passion. Billiards is what keeps me sane in the "off season".
  24. gotcoues

    struck again

    I'll be waiting with baited breath to see these pictures posted! Sure hope you have something worth posting. SOMEONE WILL recognize these sobs when the pictures are posted.
  25. gotcoues

    Hunters Ed Weekend

    That's pretty cool Angie, love the pictures!