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Everything posted by gotcoues

  1. gotcoues

    Show Tonight at 10 pm

    I think he shot the buck because it was available and not necessarily because it was wounded (sounded good for tv though). He was having a tough time finding bucks. Forget what he called the lacy membrane, but he didn't refer to it as fat. Also, I believe the binoculars his buddy was using were the older Doctor 15s. My bud has the older model and they looked like one and the same. I enjoyed the show, but was disappointed that he killed the rattler. Not sure what kind that was, but would love to know if that particular one is protected. Justin
  2. gotcoues


    Very nice trophy with a bow, great job! Good luck on bagging some good archery bucks.
  3. gotcoues

    What Cell phone provider do you use?

    Verizon is the only provider that can even come close to provide adequate service for hunters. I've heard pretty bad things about Sprint service. I would bite the bullet and use a provider I didn't like if service out in the field is a major concern. I wouldn't even consider service from somebody besides Verizon. I switched to them because of lack of service in the field by my last provider.
  4. gotcoues

    inexpensive taxidermist ???new pics

    That's a smokin deal and unreal turnaround time. Please post some pics when you get it back, I'd like to see his work on your trophy. Thanks Justin
  5. I'm trying to get opinions on this rangefinder and see what people think. The price is a lot of money, but I'm in the market for a quality rangefinder and really like the concept behind this rangefinder.
  6. gotcoues

    Good Hunt in Sonora

    That's a great looking buck, shooter for sure!
  7. gotcoues


    Can't fix stupid!
  8. gotcoues

    My 118 inch late whitetail

    Really enjoyed this story, congrats on a job well done and a fantastic buck. Unbelievable about the broad head.
  9. gotcoues

    First Deer

    Good for you! Congrats
  10. gotcoues

    I finally got my first with a bow!

    Very cool! Congrats on your first archery kill
  11. gotcoues

    HB 2072 Sale of big game tags

    Is it true that government leased land to ranchers can be locked? Also is it true that large tracts of locked land can receive tax breaks due to throwing the proper amount of cattle on it? Seems to me a vast area I truly loved to hunt around in Unit 29 was locked up to all except friends and family. I have zero issues with this. Private Property is just that! However, I believe that if it is leased land from the government, than it should never be locked or if people were getting massive tax breaks for cattle, then that also should come with an unlocked gate policy. I'm a little naive in my statements and I apologize up front for speaking without knowledge of the facts, but can someone elaborate on the above statements? (Also, the rancher described above enjoyed locking one of his gates right before a WT season would open even though he knew people were just using this road as access to public land. In a conversation I had with him personally, he got a chuckle out of his statements.) I feel I pay a pretty stiff annual fine (I mean tax) for the two properties I own. Unfortunately, the HOA won't let me put a cow in the backyard, so for now I'll keep paying the tax for the privilege of owning my own home.
  12. gotcoues

    Big Tripod Buck

    Enjoyed the video, good luck getting on him
  13. gotcoues

    HB 2072 Sale of big game tags

    All in favor, say I.............. total silence....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... This guy can't be serious
  14. gotcoues

    advice needed

    T text me as soon as he talked to you. It was killing me waiting for an update on recovery. Sorry to hear how it played out Regan. Good luck on the rest of the hunt!
  15. gotcoues

    Less Elk Permits, Increase Tag Fee ?

    I'm buying tags for me and three kids. Slow down on the price hikes Sam
  16. gotcoues

    advice needed

    Good luck Regan, usually patience is rewarded! And if not, at least u have more seasons to fill a deer tag. It's Jan and I say hold out and post up a nice one. GOOD LUCK
  17. gotcoues

    Santa Rita Copper Mine

    The whole operation will only create 40 jobs in AZ? Or do u mean they will transfer people here from out of state to take all the positions?
  18. gotcoues

    My best day...

    Very cool experience, great day indeed
  19. gotcoues

    Christmas Eve

    After 34 years of marriage, you are the one who should be giving advise TJ. But, for the record, I opted out of hunting with my friend last night and this morning which he also did as well. We are trying to fill his rifle Dec tag again on Tues and Wed.
  20. gotcoues

    cwt X-MAS get-together

    I must say we had a really great time and definitely enjoyed meeting some people for the first time. Thanks again TJ for the open invite to attend, look forward to doing it again sometime. Justin
  21. gotcoues

    First Buck Of The Season

    Stud would be the CORRECT... terminology!
  22. gotcoues

    G7 rangefinder by Gunwerks

    Very good info, thanks guys. Not too many reviews on this product because it's so new.
  23. gotcoues

    G7 rangefinder by Gunwerks

    Jim, It calculates wind, but only after you input mph from a wind meter correct? Also how strong is the laser, how far out were you able to go?
  24. gotcoues

    Road Hunting

    I thought I was clear on the law, but it seems there are many different opinions on how to interpret the law. Driving from glassing spot to glassing spot and looking for game along the way = LEGAL Driving around solely for the purpose of finding game = NOT LEGAL Spotting an animal from a long ways off and hoping in the truck to cut the distance down = NOT LEGAL It seems that a lot of people have the opinion you can drive around all you want looking for game as long as you step off the road to shoot it. Is this correct? My views have changed on my interpretation of road hunting, I used to be starkly against it. I think now however, I don't see the real harm in it and as long as you have to get out of the vehicle and step off the road then I guess I don't really care anymore. I see this method a lot as we usually park, climb up to a high spot and start glassing. I/we (hunting partners)see a lot of road hunting going on when we use this method. I'm starting to have the itch of going in a little deeper to avoid the masses (perhaps my first backpack hunt next fall). Anyone who uses this method of hunting surely benefits from the all the road hunting going on I would have to believe. I would love to get opinions of legality and people's own beliefs in the art of "road hunting".
  25. gotcoues

    wide buck

    I never checked back in to this post. Those are some really awesome bucks! I just realized I need a sick wide buck for my wall. He would make a fine addition! Thanks for sharing guys!