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Everything posted by gotcoues

  1. gotcoues

    Question About Lion Tag?

    Lion tag is good for the calender year. Specify 2013 when your at G&F. The Buenos Aires Refuge is closed to lion hunting, just found that at.
  2. gotcoues

    Game over

    I believe in the next four yrs we will see the takers surpass the payers and for sure the hand outs will increase. A winning strategy, so we saw tonight. Perhaps another massive stimulus bill to pay back a lot of campaigns contributers. How many more Czars and Executive Orders can we take on. America in decline ....... We should start a CWT guess what the price of gas will reach in the next 4 years contest (national avg) . So remind me again how much each of my children owe, has it reached 50 yet. Look on the bright side, maybe now we'll find out what the "secret deal " with Putin is that he was whispering about. How long before the Israelis attack Iran? Hhmmm .... so much to ponder. Sorry for the angry sarcasm, hard time sleeping tonight
  3. gotcoues

    Game over

    Joe "the N word" has two Gs and show some respect for the site and delete your post before one of the administrators have to do it for you.
  4. gotcoues

    Coues in 36B

    We'll be out in 36B this weekend. Based on the weather, it might be pretty windy Friday and Saturday. Best advice on these days is to make sure the wind is in your face and your looking toward the hillsides/cuts that offer shelter from the wind while you're glassing for deer. It sucks, but you'll probably be more productive at finding deer on windy days.
  5. My son Dillon has been anxious to try bowhunting again after launching an arrow over a small forkies back last year. D has been shooting, sometimes twice a day for the last few weeks really trying to take this serious. We had a blind set up in a good area with some decent bucks coming in pretty regularly. He had hoped he'd get a chance at one we named "Big Red" who was a tall buck that might of made 90. To date this is the reddest coues deer I've ever seen or had on camera. Sunday morning, Dillon, myself and our good friend Tracy slipped into the blind in the darkness only to realize two treestand hunters had packed in climbers and were climbing up trees 50yards to our right. I confronted them and asked why the heck they would set up soooooo close to our blind. I was positive (in my mind) they were setting up over our salt pit and I couldn't believe what I was witnessing. After a brief conversation it was obvious that they were there to stay. They had assured me they knew nothing of our blind and were setting up on a buck they had seen the night before from further up the ridge. Shocked and amazed we stuck to the plan for the moment. We thought the two bucks we were hoping to see would come in from our left based on cam pics and we really had no Plan B in place. A few minutes after daybreak we heard an arrow fly and the unmistakable sound of an arrow reaching its mark. One of the hunters shot a nice wide 3x and it died 60 yards behind the blind. We got out and treated them with the utmost respect and congratulated him on a fine archery kill. Tracy offered to help them get the deer out and we asked if we could have the area to ourselves the rest of the day. They turned out to be really nice guys and I think (I think…..) they truly had no knowledge of our blind. I know its public land, but I was still in awe guys with climbers could randomly set up in the dark 50 yards away from us. The nice buck they shot was running with Big Red and we were concerned that they had not seen another buck with him. I asked them twice if there was another buck with the one they shot. Dillon was heartbroken and all the wind was completely and totally knocked out of his sails. We decided to continue to sit the blind knowing going home was not going to produce a buck. A few hours later Tracy and I discussed leaving and checking other cameras to see if we could work out a Plan B for the holiday weekend coming up, we planned on hunting 3 days and needed to figure out what we could do to salvage Dillon's archery hunt. Dillon wanted to stay in the blind while Tracy and I went and check cams, so we got out, took a pee break and had a quick discussion. Amazingly, while were standing behind the blind, T spotted a decent buck up higher in the draw. He ran off about 200 yards and settled down. I decided anything was possible at this point and decided to stay with Dillon and Tracy would go check cams. Unbelievably, not five minutes after we settled back in the blind, I see deer 100 yards away coming up the draw. It was a spike and doe heading our way. Dillon started shaking; almost violently as soon as I told him it was a buck. I really thought he would pass on such a small deer, but to my surprise he said he would try and shoot it. I knew I had to calm him down if he had any chance in the world to make this happen. I whispered over and over to breathe and treat this like target practice. For the longest time the spike stood quartering slightly to us and I told him we needed to wait for a broadside shot. The doe never came all the way in and she turned and started to walk away, she knew something was not right. The spike turned to look and her and I told Dillon to draw. As he drew his bow and settled his 20 yard pin on the buck I never stopped whispering "breathe and target practice". WHACK!!! The arrow met it's mark, a perfect mid-body double lung pass through! We watched the deer turn and run, it looked like someone turned on the faucet. I had no doubt this would be an easy recovery. When I told Dillon perfect shot and started celebrating, he became completely overwhelmed with emotion, it took him a minute to regain his composure and with a tear in his eye, he told me he's never been happier! I was so proud of him, and so happy the hunting gods gave him this opportunity. I text Tracy and met him back at the trucks. When we got back to the blind, Dillon tracked his deer and fortunately it was a fantastic blood trail. I knew he didn't go far, but I wanted D to go through the motions and learn the right way to go after an archery kill. Sorry about the long read, but I felt to leave out the "other guys" wouldn't have really told the story. D man tagging his buck Dillon with his first archery animal, 13 years old! Dillon, Tracy (left) and me Big D and I
  6. I had the pleasure for the second year in a row to help my good friend John and his daughter Christina try to take her first coues buck. Although she didn’t end up bringing home a coues last year, I enjoyed helping out for a day along with my two boys Cody and Dillon. This year the stage was set to be much different. John won a rifle raffle at Sportsman’s which also included a semi-guided hunt from Team Young Gunz. If anyone knows John, they know he is one of the most giving people around. It didn’t surprise me a bit when he told me he was giving the guided hunt to his daughter. He planned on Tina using the new rifle he had won which was a 270 short mag. I had spoken with Carl, owner of Team Young Gunz on the phone previously about the women’s coues camp. I gave him a call and asked if he would mind if my son Dillon and I tagged along for Tina’s hunt. We talked for a bit and he let me know they were watching some decent bucks and he was confident Tina would be able to get on one and take a nice coues buck. John and Tina met Carl on Thursday and drove in to set up camp. Dillon and I drove in Friday morning and arrived in time to join in the morning hunt. We all headed out of camp to glass from a knoll behind camp. Scott with Team Young Gunz also drove in Friday morning, but stopped to glass from a different vantage point in the same area. In no time, several groups of bucks were located. The biggest buck must have had a sixth sense, he quickly moved away from the other bucks topping over a ridge to safe haven before we could even make a final decision on what to do. One of the bucks that stayed around was a tall 3x and without much hesitation Tina and John decided this buck would do just fine and started to set up for a shot. After a few minutes Tina was ready and had the buck in the cross hairs. As we all watched in suspense, the gun finally goes off. Tina was able to anchor the buck with one shot! The hit was a little far back, but the buck expired and the celebration quickly ensued. Tina had just taken her first coues buck and he was a dandy buck for sure. Congratulations to Tina on a fine coues buck and great shooting on her part! Thanks to Carl and Scott for letting us tag along and providing this opportunity to Tina and John. Team Young Gunz has a vision which is all about helping beginners and getting new hunters into the field. Carl and crew are also hosting the Women’s Coues Camp November 9th. I encourage anyone who can to help out. There is a link on CWT, if you can’t find the post and would like to help out, send me a pm and I’ll get you a link to the event. Tina’s dad John is who I credit for my passion for the outdoors. At the age of 19 he invited me bird hunting which then led to an invite to go on a coues deer hunt with him and his family when I was about 23. Little did I know then, that coues hunt would literally change my life forever. Thank you John for a lifelong friendship and here’s to many more good times to come! Tina and her first coues! Tina and her dad John Carl & Tina From left to Right Tina, Carl and Scott (Team Young Gunz), John, Dillon, Justin Phone pics with some editing
  7. gotcoues

    Antler Restrictions

    POB, no offense bud but, seriously? I'm not native born to Arizona and I've lived half my life enjoying the outdoors of Arizona. You can't possibly believe that a resident of Arizona should only be allowed to hunt here if they were born here right? Non-residents are capped at %10 of the tags that are allotted for any one given hunt. I certainly think that number is fair to AZ Residents, if you are opposed to non-residents hunting here. You can hunt deer anywhere in AZ with archery equipment for the most part, many times during the year. We also have guaranteed rifle tags available through the draw to hunt deer as well.
  8. gotcoues

    Antler Restrictions

    I used to be a huge fan of antler restrictions. Thought everyone should be held to 3 on one side. Now however, I see how selfish my thinking was. I have a number of reasons why I have flipped on this issue. My son arrowed his first coues and it happened to be a spike. It rates as one of our best experiences we've every had together. I also agree with Amanda, the rule change wouldn't get the age class high enough to make a big difference for truly mature bucks. To each his own, each and every one of us appreciates the outdoors in are own way. We don't really need more government regulations, do we? I do believe mandatory reporting seems reasonable for rifle and archery deer. If a bonus point was given for each card that was returned, I believe reporting could have a very high return rate. Antler restrictions is about quality of the hunt, maybe a better idea is to have G&F be more interested in hunter success than how many people we can get in the field at once. I believe a goal of %20 success is much to low a number for G&F to be striving for (this is my understanding ). It should be much higher than that. I wouldn't mind at all if they tried to set up a trophy wt unit and managed it much differently. It would be interesting to see the results after a few years.
  9. gotcoues

    Wade Armstrong's Hunt Of A Lifetime!

    What a great deal for that young man and his family. His mom's heart felt emotions in the video a couple times was well..... overwhelming for sure.
  10. gotcoues

    Nate's Armalite Test Drive

    Very nice! Looks like a ton o fun to me
  11. gotcoues

    AZGFD Rule Changes

    I'm pretty surprised about the I don't like it, so everybody else should go without attitude. What happens if the use of dogs is next to be on the table? Will it only be the houndsmen that cry foul or we will unite as hunters and hopefully avoid new rules and regulations telling us how we can't hunt? Heard a story about a couple of young archers with bull elk tags this year. They had trouble closing the distance and resorted to long range arrows (60 yard pin & 80 plus yard shots) to try and get the job done. Last I had heard they had wounded and lost three bulls. I can find out if that number increased. Perhaps the "master baiter" should cry foul on long range archery and rifle shots? It would seem reasonable to assume archers who choose to bait are trying to set up shots for 15 to 30 yards providing a very "ethical" shot range most likely resulting in fewer lost animals than a spot and stalk method. I hunt as hard or harder than any other average guy out there period. I hunt with my three kids, my friends and will be hunting or assisting in all the whitetail hunts this year archery and rifle including a four day pack in hunt for Oct. It pains me to hear these self righteous better than thou hunters who would agree to have something taken away from "other guy" due to they don't like it or don't agree with it. You people are pathetic, probably lousy hunters to boot. Probably the same type of hunter that is jealous over another hunter's success. Live and let live, to each his own my friends.
  12. Dillon found these this past weekend while we were up in Unit 9. This is his very first time finding a shed. I was pretty stoked for the little guy, he was so pumped!
  13. gotcoues

    broadheads through mesh

    My son shot his buck through the mesh in our blind this year with no problems. My daughter has shot through the same blind out to 40, no difference as best we can tell.
  14. gotcoues


    Debbie, I am so happy for you. What a fantastic antelope! I also watched the video and your shot looks to perfect under pressure. I hope your October hunt goes just as well. Congratulations Debbie! Great job to Lance and his crew for putting you on a monster goat!
  15. gotcoues

    7E Bull Gut-Shot

    The antlers must be claimed and TAGGED prior to the close of the hunt. Once the hunts closes they will not return the antlers to the hunter.
  16. Sounds like crap to me, I believe G&F is very clear on the issue. Blind or stand means nothing, first come, first served. Good people will work it out. Government can't fix stupid or turn a %$#& into a nice guy. Sorry, but I couldn't disagree more.
  17. gotcoues

    NM Buck

    One of kind buck right there! What a great buck and so awesome your younger brother could be along for the hunt. I don't think I've ever seen a buck with main beams that long. There so long, they didn't know which way to go!
  18. Hey this is Dillon, my dad just told me there were a bunch more posts on my buck. Thanks again you guys. My dad was telling me who every one is on your post, very cool I have met some of you! I'm going for Big Red in January!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. gotcoues

    Economic Trail Cam Recomendations

    Stealth has a newer camera you can get shipped to your door for about 85 bucks, I believe they call it Core or IR Core They seem ok so far but they are no covert for sure. I don't have a great idea about battery life since I just bought two of these and are just trying them out the last month and half (so far so good). A big downfall that I see so far is they are a little bit hard to program and it will be mandatory to use instruction sheet quite a few times and I don't think you can format the card in the camera either, which we always do before we reset and walk away. The covert are so simple, you barely have to pick up the instructions and you won't need to go back read them again for reference. IMO, opinion it's not the quality of the image you should be worried about. Anything with a 3mp is just fine for what you need. We set all our coverts to 3mp instead of 5 or 8mp so the card will hold more pictures. Battery life should be a concern. The smaller cams that take 8 double AAs seem to go a long long time. The cams that take C or D batts I would stay away from because of battery life is pretty short. We have coverts that have been in the field over a year and still show full batteries with thousands of pictures taken. We have two seperate cams we left during early Aug/Sep archery and didn't go back until Feb and March on the other. Both were working and took pics when we walked up. I remember one had over 4G and the other was 6G pictures (These were both the older covert 2 cams). My wildview cams that takes Cs you'll be lucky to get 2 months, same as my cuddebacks that take 4Ds. Don't short change yourself and just pay back the money on batteries. Good Luck
  20. gotcoues

    Finally broke the 100" mark.

    I knew this was going to be your year T, I can finally say I told you so to someone and not have it be about something bad! I'm just bummed I couln't be a part of the pack out this go round. Very happy for you brother, you certainly deserved a quality buck like that one. Pressure's gone now, hopefully NM will be nothing but stress free fun and you can pull a double for 2012 on coues!
  21. gotcoues

    2nd archery coues

    Very nice, congrats.
  22. Total Slammer! Definitely worth the wait. Congrats
  23. gotcoues

    Another Year Another Bear

    Too funny, I heard this story today on job meeting from a friend Michael. Got to be same bear. Pretty neat deal
  24. Hey guys this is Dillon. Thanks for all the good words and comments. Next year I'm holding out for a bigger one! I want to give a thank you to Tracy for coming out and sitting with us. This is the best hunt I've ever had!
  25. Thanks a lot for the kind words everyone, Dillon asked if I was going to post a story for his hunt. He'll be really stoked about all the responses when he gets home from school and football practice tonight. He was second guessing his inability to hold out for a bigger one. LOL...... I had to tell him, "Well, remember this for next time, you can't shoot a big one if you shoot the small one first." Dillon's broadheads this year were purchased at Wally-Mart, they are three blade fixed with a cutter tip (like rage two-blade). We had to shoot a fixed blade because of the mesh covering his shooting window. Ironically, the guy in the treestand shot his buck with the identical head, Dillon noticed right away their broadheads were the same. I believe they were called Troita by carbon express, bought them on clearance after season last year. They got the job done in pretty impressive fashion, two bucks down in less than 100 yards between both deer. Dillon is shooting about 45lbs and he broke a rib upon entrance and slipped through the ribs on the way out. I won't hesitate to use them again for Dillon's set up. I like the devastation rage two blade heads provide, but these seemed rock solid and dirt cheap (less then $10 for a three pack).