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Everything posted by gotcoues

  1. gotcoues

    Back to back Coues in unit 4A

    That's a great buck for 5 minutes into opening day, let alone on the still hunt back to the truck to end your hunt! Sweet buck, Congrats
  2. Nelson "Ya know how everyone puts crazy or silly names on animals?" Me "Ya" Nelson "I think I'm gonna go a different route and call this buck Chris" Me "ha ha, ok Chris it is" Now ya know........
  3. gotcoues

    My Brothers 160" Buck

    Nothing poor about that quality! Beautiful buck, congrats
  4. gotcoues


    That is just amazing! Congrats to the Mullins and Dream Crews & and a massive congrats to the Ian who gave back to wildlife to get the opportunity to hunt and harvest this buck!!! That is one the coolest set of bones I ever seen! Whats the chance us coues junkies can see some video footage of this thing making the earth shake as it walks around. Is that asking too much?
  5. Optic Nerd, Thanks for the recommendation on what camera to get, the sony rx100 is incredible. I went with your advice and couldn't be happier! Best use of my sony points to date for sure. I can get high quality video out to over 1000 yards with the right conditions and so so video out to 1500 or better.
  6. gotcoues

    Rhondas butcher shop

    Still waiting........
  7. gotcoues

    My wifes first big game animal!

    Congrats on your first deer! The future of hunting depends on new people taking to the field to enjoy the outdoors. Thank you!
  8. Thanks guys! We busted our humps hiking and glassing all over timbuck2 and back again. I'll hopefully be posting some more video clips of some quality coues bucks when we assist in getting these other bucks on the ground. It's pretty tough to wear out a pair of boots in one season and we dang near got that off the bucket list already.
  9. gotcoues

    First coues deer. Unit 21

    A lot of first time coues bucks hitting the ground, love it!
  10. gotcoues

    Rhondas butcher shop

    The power of the net is strong! Hate to be Rhonda's right about now. Where is the 2 or 3 positive, I'll check back later for those........
  11. gotcoues

    Found a Garmin 120 radio in unit 21

    This is probably the best first post I've ever seen.
  12. gotcoues

    First Coues 36b

    Love this time year when everyone is posting up there bucks! Nice buck, congrats.
  13. gotcoues

    2013 leftover tag buck!

    Gotta love leftovers! Good buck!
  14. gotcoues

    Unit 27 Bucks **Updated Storyline**

    That is a great deal right there! First coues for both hunters, congrats!
  15. gotcoues

    Another long range coues down!

    Congrats to your brothers on their coues bucks
  16. gotcoues

    San Carlos R-100 buck

    Gotta love the heavy bucks!
  17. gotcoues

    Unit 21 Whitetail.

    Very sweet, congrats!
  18. gotcoues

    Fun in The Sun...My 2013 Buck

    Congrats on a great buck and your best to date as well!
  19. gotcoues

    San Carlos Unit B.....MONSTER!!!!!

    Maybe you shouldn't have "explained" yourself. Kinda looks to me your the one disrespecting this mans post, not the hybrid club. Who needs a DJ when we can have a new sheriff instead.
  20. gotcoues

    San Carlos Unit B.....MONSTER!!!!!

    Great buck! Personally, I see it as a complement to ask if it's a hybrid. I'm not sure what the insult to the hunter is here. Pixman is the master of taking pics of the elusive hybrid and Coach is one of the nicest guys on the site. I'm a little disappointed people are getting called out for their fascination of the rare hybrid and the possibility/non possibility this awesome buck might be one. Just my 2 cents but I don't see these posts as jealousy or negative in any way.
  21. gotcoues

    san carlos

    Lefty is spot on! Total joke, I left pissed after showing up at 2am and waiting a long time. All the chairs are locked together but no one is in line. Pathetic system indeed
  22. gotcoues

    AZGF bonus points!

    Question to add to the topic. Do you get your loyalty bonus point applied to your 5th application in a row or your sixth application in a row?
  23. gotcoues

    access-- your thoughts?

    The random chair guy...... Did you ask why he felt he was aloud to direct traffic or why? I get your dilemma, just a bit confused on why this guy was doing what he doing and who he is? Please elaborate and I'm glad to hear you kept on keepin on and getting it done.
  24. gotcoues

    Coues Footage

    Thanks for sharing the videos, cool stuff for sure. How many yards away is the bigger buck?
  25. gotcoues

    Bored out of my skull....

    That is some very talented work right there! I'm a stick figure kinda guy as well. I would like to request more mass on the next one please.