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Everything posted by gotcoues

  1. Looking to buy another plate or possibly another Jim White Head w extra plates as well. Thanks in advance
  2. gotcoues

    WTB Jim White Adapter Plate/s

    Thanks for the responses, Bull Basin in Flag hooked me up over the phone and is shipping out my plates in the morning.
  3. gotcoues

    WTB Jim White Adapter Plate/s

    Will do, im hoping they go back into production as there are a few places willing to continue selling his products and are waiting to do so.
  4. gotcoues

    Harvey's 2014 AZ Buffalo Short Video Clip

    Thank you Forlorn Hope for the info, hopefully I can get the hang of it so next time it is a bit easier me. Kidso, it was Raymond Ranch. It was his first time applying for something other than the House Rock Herd. He didn't want to hire and guide, which could prove essential to taking one out of that herd. He was also tired of waiting for the bull tag (his is a cow).
  5. gotcoues

    Backpacking Buck

    What a cool deal, congrats on a successful trip. I seem to have slept pretty well in a hammock over the years for nooner type naps in camp, might have to give that a try for an overnighter. The two person tent we carry around weighs in right at 4 pounds plus whatever my inflatable sleeping pad weighs.... Always looking to cut weight! Thanks for sharing
  6. gotcoues

    2014 "Plan-E" Buck down!!

    LOL, that statement is flattering, but false! There's no I in "Team Coues Killaz", make no mistake about it, joint effort and a lot of hard work has put some great bucks down!
  7. gotcoues

    2014 "Plan-E" Buck down!!

    Great write up, that's a hellava write up for a "3 sentence plan". I'm pumped for you brother, awesome buck for sure and impressive shooting in the heat of the moment! Ready, set, go..... I just want to do it all over again
  8. Bottom line, if you shot him, he could be dead as dead can be. You can call in dogs but must pull them immediately if the deer is found to be alive.
  9. gotcoues

    catalina bighorn

    On Facebook, there is a page "Friends of Catalina Bighorns" and it passes along the conference info once a month. Also tracks sheep movements and shows movement on a map or two. I've heard they are planning another "smaller" drop in the near future. The remaing breeding ram has been verified to be haning out with the ladies and is thought to have been breeding.
  10. gotcoues

    bot fly larvae

    My archery coues buck from this past season was infested with them. He had at least 8 large ones comes out his nostrils and I found two dead in the freezer. I haven't seen much of this and I've been along for dozens of coues deer being ground checked in the past few years. I knew what they were and didn't get alarmed but It was pretty disgusting. Probably why I didn't get winded like I ALWAYS DO!!
  11. gotcoues

    Found dead bull in 4b

  12. gotcoues

    Found dead bull in 4b

    So many opinions along with so many lame posts. First of all, some one is "out2lunch" and probably should have just left his resentment to BC off this thread. General consensus is most agree with that. As far as rules and regs, I have a general understanding of how I think this situation applies. Your tag is essentially for the animal and the meat, so if the meat is spoiled by the time you find, technically you could call G&F and keep hunting and I would assume they take the rack. How I understand it is, you have until the end of the day to tag your animal on the final day of the hunt even after a 48hr period from the time you "hit" the animal (I've never heard of the "48hr rule" before this thread). You cannot under any circumstance tag an animal on the following day after the hunt ends, meaning you can't back out on the final night for a bad hit and attempt to recover in the morning. Also, it is only illegal to intentionally waste the meat, that does not apply if the meat is bad by the time you recover the animal as nothing was wasted intentionally. You can keep the rack even if all meat was lost. I've also never heard you must notify Game and Fish if you find a deceased animal. I'm curious to see if these statements are accurate, because I find a lot of prior statements to wrong or misleading. I say good job for an attempt to find the owner and keep in mind some people won't keep hunting after they have lost an animal. I'm sure that guy or person like this would be tickled to death to find and tag the bull even without the meat. As far as "Insurance Bull", well that is down right depressing and should result in a forever lose of hunting privilege if proven to be guilty of that. That is repulsive and more than shameful.
  13. gotcoues

    Unit 33 Question: Oracle Ridge

    You can hunt either side of the fence as far as I know.
  14. gotcoues

    alleged camera thief

    Ahhh...... Just the average everyday family out enjoying the woods and the free goodies to be had. Good luck
  15. gotcoues


  16. Oh Dusty is making friends again..... Get your head out of the sand.....
  17. gotcoues

    Outfitter Standardization and Restrictions

    I think I would be willing to wager a one million dollar bet that you did not vote for Obama....... Well said my friend
  18. gotcoues

    2013/2014 Auction Bulls

    Met Jay in the field a couple years ago while helping my friend on his early rifle bull hunt. Definitely a nice guy, gave me advice and a ride all while having a client in the immediate area. Wish him the best on his new A3 venture. Obviously off to a great start, those are some amazing bulls. Congrats to all involved
  19. gotcoues

    Outfitter Standardization and Restrictions

    Less rules and less regulation please. For the love of God, does anyone truly value freedom anymore? As American Citizens, I'm not sure we even live in a free country anymore......... Good intentions pave the way to tyranny, and we have walked that path for many years.
  20. gotcoues

    Hang on tree stands "All stands are Sold!"

    And the price is $29.99 for non-members, not $40 as previously stated.
  21. gotcoues

    Hang on tree stands "All stands are Sold!"

    Buy all 10, or how ever many brand new stands he has for all I care. It's the identical "piece of junk" as the one I posted from the "internet junk site" your referring too. Knock yourself out Jingles. Opinions are like *ssholes, everyone has one. Have a great day to both of my "new friends"
  22. gotcoues

    Hang on tree stands "All stands are Sold!"

    I would of done the same for you if you were going to pay almost double for something. I guess in this case I'm offending you to help fellow members. I do consider most people on here to be great people and if you weren't selling 10, possibly more, I would not have posted.
  23. gotcoues

    Draw results delay

    I believe they should go ahead and charge the cards for the full amount up front. Seems like quite a bit of wasted resources making up to 3 calls out to 800 some people. I know out of 800 there is a lot of people that fall into the "no fault of their own" catagory, but charging up front would remedy this problem. Last year my card that I used for the draw was cancelled right before the draw, and I found out after being denied in stores, not by the CC company. I was furious, turns out that hundreds/thousands of cards were compromised and they shut them down before false charges could have been made. I called G&F and she went app by app and changed card numbers. Even if they don't change the law and charge up front, I still like this system better than mail in only. Good luck to everyone this yr, may your shots be straight and the antlers be large.....