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Everything posted by ichiban43

  1. ichiban43

    Buenos Aires Refuge

    This is the response that I got regarding firearms. For the refuge, the letter of the law on this issue is that visitors are only allowed to have loaded weapons while hunting (in the field, actively hunting). Our officers will cite people for taking weapons into the "no hunt" zones. We will also cite people for having a loaded weapon in a vehicle. However, while it technically is illegal to have a loaded weapon in camp, our officers won't cite for that if it appears you are doing it for personal safety reasons. We are trying to take a reasonable approach when it comes to weapons violations vs personal safety due to border issues. You can forward this to Mr. Mattern if you like. Mitch Ellis Refuge Manager
  2. ichiban43

    Scouting Trip #3

    Just an FYI--The RV park has Free WiFi--so bring your computer is you wish. I bring mine anyway to run my Topo program.
  3. ichiban43

    Buenos Aires Refuge

    Thanx all of you for the input. Carrying a side arm while hunting probably wouldn't be a problem--after all -it is legal to carry a firearm WHILE HUNTING. That is where the technicality begins. All firearms in a vehicle must be unloaded and cased--not too much worry there. Can out run them. The big question is while in camp. Am I "hunting" if I am in camp on a lunch break? And what about at nite--a loaded pistol and 12 ga are always at the ready. Like I said--I will post on this thread what they tell me when I call. Thanx again for the input--I know it can be dangerous and discretion may fall to valor in the end. BOB
  4. ichiban43

    Buenos Aires Refuge

    [i see a phone number on this page, if I was you I would call and see what they say. Thanx Keith--will do that. But I bet they go by the book. They could get in a jam if they said otherwise. Am hoping that someone will respond who has had an experience with the issue. Thanx again--I'll let everyone know what they say. BOB
  5. ichiban43

    Early 36c

    could I bring some evening female entertainment for you're camp? YUP!!! Refuge site # 10--Sierra Vista Rd
  6. ichiban43


    Anybody know if them Dang Lions taste any good ? I've heard tell it is very good.
  7. ichiban43


    I've been scouting for a couple of days with some moderate success. I've scouted mostly in the 1st 15mi from the border. Since this is my 1st time in 36c--I've concentrated a lot getting the lay of the terrain and access. Lots of illegal's and BP. The chopper flying around could run some of the game out--maybe higher, as they are buzzing the flats. Saw 2 roundups in 2 days and even managed to sic the BP on some. I think a good bet would be to get away from the roads and let the people who hang around the roads run them to you. Like everyone says--glass, glass and glass some more Lots of dry tanks too--but we have had some T-Bumpers the lst coupl of days--but not enough to do any good. Good luck--might run into you-- BOB
  8. ichiban43

    Going again

    Nobody will believe this one. I'm down here scouting 36c nd staying in the same RV Park. It has WiFi--so I can check the forums--hog heaven!! Will go down and have a chat later. This just shows us how small the world really is. BOB
  9. ichiban43

    Early 36c

    I've just scouted 2 days down here--have seen a few WT--some mulies too--tons of Border Patrol and aliens too. Even turned some in and they were captured. Best advice-- do the website thing on AZGFD like did and find water--if you can--lots of dry tanks. I didn't find scouting too difficult. Take the previous advice in the forum to heart--it is right on.--Good Luck!!!!
  10. ichiban43

    What CWT Member?

    Funny--I saw a truck with the Coues website on the truck rear window in Flag a few weeks ago
  11. ichiban43

    Your First Rifle?

    Don't be--I know a guy in Idaho who hunts Elk with one with good success. He even had a T-Shirt made up that said something about not laughing at his 303 Brithish Gun.
  12. ichiban43


    I've used CCI Large Rifle Mag primers in my 308 norma Mag reloads and never had a problem. Shoots fine for a gun built on an '03 Springfield. Never used anything else--so can't offer a comparison.
  13. ichiban43

    Who Drew What?

    Drew late Cow in 9, HAM Javelina in 32 and WT in 36c --No turkey-
  14. ichiban43

    36B December Coues

    [quote Shooting one in self defense--probably not a good program!! Stay away from them, they should stay away from you. Vegasjeep, Definetely not a preferred program at all. Some reply's elsewhere mentioned armed standoffs at waterholes. Am sure most of them don't want a confontation. Coyotes or drug smugglers would be more of a concern that the illegals themselves Thanx for the info--BOB
  15. ichiban43

    36B December Coues

    Vegasjeep-- What do you know about the Universal Ranch RV Park? I have an early 36c tag and the illegals horror stories are starting to bug me--and even worse--wifey. Toying with the idea of staying in civilization as opposed to my usual "booney" camping. It looks to be about 12mi to 286. Don't need to have camp ransacked--or even somewhat worse--having to shoot one in self defense. Thanx in advance, BOB
  16. ichiban43

    Who Drew What?

    Ruffcountry- I got one just past the Cave Creek Rec Area about 3 years ago--saw a few in there. It is a start anyway.
  17. ichiban43

    NOT E-Scouting

    I drew an early 36c tag. Can anyone tell me what I might find in Robles Junction (3 Points) and Sasabe-AZ & Mexico. Or any other place that may be in the are. Would be nice to know what to expect on my scouting trip.
  18. ichiban43

    NOT E-Scouting

    Didn't plan to hunt in Mexico--was wondering what was in the town-(if there is a town) And I know better that to take a gun or ammo in there --for sure.
  19. ichiban43

    site in 50 cal

    Hey BobbyO--Another Bob here-- What was the source of your chart? Does it cover 54 cal? I shoot one with 425 Buffalo Bullets/ 100gr Pyrodex--1:32 twist. CO does not allow sabots or pelletized powder. bobandsue1961@aol.com Thanx--Bob
  20. My Bro & I muzzy hunt for cow elk in Co with good success every year. You can pull a state wide cow tag no sweat. A statewide bull tag probably every other year. There are several other GMU specific hunts with varying rates of draw odds. Co has the largest Elk herd in the lower 48. http://wildlife.state.co.us/ Check it out--B
  21. ichiban43

    T/C Omega

    As a general bit of info--go with the 50 cal. Some states have minimum cal for different big game. 50 cal is the minimum for Elk in CO for one. 45 cal for deer.
  22. ichiban43

    Spring Draw Available

    33 HAM pig----12a Turkey
  23. ichiban43

    Unit 9

    Try around Moqui Station and SE of there--Also W of Tusayan by the rim. Plenty of water holes in the are if it is dry.
  24. ichiban43

    Unit 29 hunt

    I harvested a little Coues down there a couple of years ago--1st time was a charm. I hunted Cave Creek Canyon past the research center. Only saw a couple of does & fawns otherwise, but only hunted 2 days. Knew of 1 other buck taken in the general area. Talked to some guys camped next to me who were chasing one around for awhile--no luck. I pulled a tag for there again--Nov 13th season. Last time I camped at Sunnyflat CG, but may boony camp this time. My first choice for Javelina this yr is 33--trade you notes!!!