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Everything posted by ichiban43

  1. ichiban43

    John McCain

    I have to respectfully disagree with this point. By the time they figure out where the bathroom is--their term would be up. Staff does a lot of the research and bill writing now--with perpetual rookies running around--it can get real scary with staff running the gov't. Politicians come and go--staff stays. Maybe they just change offices. These people are the REAL career politicians. We are better off in some respects with seasoned elected officials representing US. They carry more clout the more seniority they accrue. Polls show that people are usually happy with their OWN representative--just not anyone elses. BOB
  2. ichiban43

    southern arizona

    For those of you interested, here are 2 RV parks down in that country. I have stayed in the one in Arivaca while scouting. It is OK--some mis-advertising--but nice enough. Young Hunter was there at the same time and I belieeve stayed there during his hunt. The other one--I have no clue--but the ad makes it sound Ok--BUT??--Who knows. Is anyone familiar with Caballo Loco? http://www.universalranch.com/about.html http://www.freewebs.com/wildhorsecc/
  3. ichiban43

    Kaibab any places to start

    Last year during spring turkey, I saw deer almost everywhere. Saw a ton of mulies due East of De Motte Park off of the 206 rd headeing East toward the Park. 207,209 214 rds and so on. Good Luck BOB
  4. ichiban43

    southern arizona

    [ What is hicking? Is that when you roll up a pack of smokes in the sleeve of your dirty white t-shirt, throw a 6 pack of Pabst Blue Ribbon in the cooler and go frog giggin? Hey--it don't git no better n' that--not pabst though. Frog legs--YUM!!
  5. ichiban43

    Kiabab Report?

    Stanley-- Thanx for the encouragement--hope you make it back up there again. I ran into the "silence" last year. I'll get there in the PM on the 17th and stay until the season closing. Wifey is coming and she will set up her sewing room in the motorhome. We will be staying at the Kaibab Kamper Village. Maybe see ya there. Good luck--BOB
  6. ichiban43

    Kiabab Report?

    Stanley and all of the rest of you--good luck and save me a bird (actually tying one up for me would be nice-HA!) Can't head up until the 16th. BOB
  7. ichiban43

    Favorite part of hunting?

    "It wont be the same when Pops aint' around" No it ain't--he's been gone from huntin' camp for 20 years!!
  8. ichiban43

    Hunters on the border.

    You forgot to mention slitting their eyelids and dribbling honey on them--for shame for shame!!
  9. http://www.warrencustomoutdoor.com/pl-spark-start.html I have never tried this particular ignition system. I have one that uses a small rifle primer, but the company went out of business. I used to have the same problems on occasion and totally solved the problem by changing the ignition system. Keep yer powder dry!!
  10. ichiban43


    I scouted 36c last year and wanted to camp there on the Refuge. NOT!!!--After seeing a bunch of them--even on the highway, and being in the middle of a couple of busts--I boiled up my tag--added a little Habanero sauce and ate it. I was able to turn some in and found out that the BP picked them up. If I can find a safe place to camp and not have to go 900 miles to get to a good hunting spot--I'll try it next year. Maybe 36 a or b. I stayed at the Universal Ranch RV Park in Aravaca--but it was waaaaay to costly to drive over to 36c to hunt everyday. Will be looking around.
  11. What state are you hunting? Almost sounds like CO--But In-lines are legal there. But the rest rings true. In CO a Powerbelt bullet is not a sabot. I did not see anything in what you wrote about no shotshell primes allowed. I know they are specifically legal in CO. I actually have one that uses a small rifle primer. I shoot a 54 cal CVA Stalker Rifle with a 1:32 twist. 425 gr Buffalo bullet pushed by 100 gr of Pyrodex. I would like to find some of the new Pioneer Powder, but it is scarce. I have harvested Deer, Antelope and Elk with it. Good accuracy out a little past 100 yds. My bro has a T/C that he could never get to shoot well. It was also a 54 cal. He put on a Green River barrel and it shoots super. He uses an in line now though. Happy Hunting!!
  12. ichiban43


    Wonder what my .54 Caliber Muzzy will do to one?--If I ever kill one--maybe I'll find out-HUH?
  13. ichiban43

    Spring Draw

    !2 a Turkey and 32 HAM Javelina
  14. ichiban43


    IMHO, the Solunar tables work to some degree--but pressure can also force them to go nocturnal. During archery seasons and only slight to moderate pressure, I have found them to be relatively accurate.
  15. ichiban43

    Buenos Aries Refuge Closed

    I know--and it will mean the death knell for the deer, antelope and elk herds--some joggers too. I sense that the ballot initiative process is running amok here in AZ as it has in CA. That is what got the ban on lion hunting enacted --not the wildlife and fish & game people.and not the legilature. They opposed it to no avail. I don't know if they can use that process here in AZ. Politics have no place in game management. Also in CA--county supervisors can veto any special hunts within their county--generally, they will veto either sex or doe hunts, which has put undo pressure on the bucks and some herds have had buck to doe ratios as low as 3 per 100 does. Well below the minimum 20 or so required to sustain a herd. Better hope it doesn't happen here.
  16. ichiban43

    what sucks more

    Ya know--who among us would pass up a nice buck while we were headed to who knows where. The definition or "road hunting" is so vague. I drive slow on primative roads so as not to tear my truck up. So that makes me a criminal--BS!!! E-Scouting--this is the age of technology--I say go get any info you can--yeh--put your boots on the ground--but it doesn't hurt to ask anyone for a starting point. Some people are newbies--and maybe young with a family and can't afford to spend $$$$ driving around in dry holes. It is up to the knowedgable to steer these people in the right direction--so that they won't give up the sport--and PETA and the others wind up the winners. Share the wealth guys, in order to perpetuate our heritage.
  17. Whenever you feel like getting there--If you have the time-what the H---
  18. ichiban43

    hunting solo

    Personally--I prefer to hunt alone. I'm not depentent on anyone to to be here or there at a certain time. But- I camp with people for the comararderie and campfire BS and helping get game out. But I prefer to walk up or spot and stalk my own game. I guess you might say it is with but separate--if you get my drift. BOB
  19. ichiban43

    Buenos Aries Refuge Closed

    Your forgiven Dave-- Dave-- But you are right--Kalifornia is loaded with nutcases, anti-hunters and tree huggers. They shove their politics down all of our throats. I lived in Lassen county--waaaaay up in the NE corner and that county and the ones around it NEVER voted to put a liberal in the legislature. It was run by Ranchers and Loggers. The town I lived in was an old logging town surrounded by NF and private timber land. 2000 population. BOB
  20. ichiban43

    Buenos Aries Refuge Closed

    Your forgiven Dave--
  21. ichiban43

    Buenos Aries Refuge Closed

    My name is BOB and I don't approve your message! HAHA!! Don't lump ALL Kalifornians in the same bucket. Geographically, most of the state is red and does have a good sensce of reality--LA, SD and SF is where most of the whackos live. The rest of us just always got outvoted.
  22. I used 150 grain Sierra spitzers (sometimes Hornady) with great success for years in both my '06 and 308 Norma Mag for deer. When I started Elk hunting--I moved up to the 165 Nosler partition in my Magnum and use it for everything now. It is custom built and an extension of me. I throw it up and it is right there. I'd probably go with the 150 gr factory if I were you. If you get into handloading--that opens up a whole new world.
  23. Given the illegal alien problem in the area of the refuge, how strict is the enforcement of the rule of having the gun unloaded and cased while traveling or not hunting. I might camp in the refuge and a loaded gun in camp is a necessity. Hope it just doesn't depend on which side of the bed they get up on.
  24. ichiban43

    Buenos Aires Refuge

    Doug-- Thanx for the good idea. The problem down there is BAAAAAAAAAD. In 2 days of scouting I saw 3 illegals myself and was very close to 3 busts of groups coming through. About ready to fugedaboutit--the wife--due to all the media reprts about the drug runners and bazookas,AK-47's and so forth is about ready to have a coronary. Might just concentrate on my Dec cow hunt in 9. Thanx again-- BOB