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Everything posted by joelpresmyk8

  1. joelpresmyk8

    Another One!!!!

    Haha TJ I get really lucky. Lotta walking with work and any spare time year around I go out!! Glad I can help!! Always looking for friends to go out, but I don't find any, more than I do find them haha
  2. joelpresmyk8

    Another One!!!!

    Here is one i found when i was hiking back from a lightning strike. i hope you guys dont mind me posting all my finds. i know i love when people post the pictures of their sheds big or small. so here it is.
  3. joelpresmyk8

    Another One!!!!

    Thanx alot guys!!!
  4. joelpresmyk8

    Archery buff down

    He deserves it!!!! Gonna look good in his trophy room!!
  5. joelpresmyk8

    Havent posted in a while

    no man i wish! i am just on an engine as of right now. who are you with?
  6. joelpresmyk8

    Havent posted in a while

    I havent been able to get out much lately with work but here is what ive found. We went out with my puppy and as we were sitting to take a break, to our surprise, brings this back to us!!!! Such a happy moment! And then my other dog( spartacus) trying to find a little whitetail brownie. Hope you enjoy the pictures!!! Such blessings
  7. joelpresmyk8

    Havent posted in a while

    Yeah Pixman that was my best so far this year!! Only my third brown
  8. joelpresmyk8

    Havent posted in a while

    ^ thanx alot!!
  9. joelpresmyk8

    Havent posted in a while

    Hahahaha awww t bone!!!! We need to go out some time!!!!
  10. joelpresmyk8

    Havent posted in a while

    thanx guys!!! yeah defiantly my favorite hobby. especially in good company. makes for good memories
  11. Ok so i just started hunting coues last year and killed one with my bow and now this year i drew my first rifle tag. its not a very good tag i guess but its 6a nov. I have no idea what i can expect from this hunt and was just curious if you smarter guys and gals could give me whatever advice or tips you can for that time of year hunt. (im not asking for areas just tips) thanx alot in advance!!! joel
  12. joelpresmyk8

    A Little Help Anyone?

    Ok cool thane alot guys! Yeah hiking is basically what I do for my job so that's not a Problem! Defiantly excited. Especially since my wife drew a 6a dec white tag;) stoked for that, her first tag
  13. joelpresmyk8

    Cool Coues Sheds!

    WOW!!!! Those are insane!!
  14. joelpresmyk8

    Best Shed Trip Yet!!! (pics)

    ^ exactly!! pretty cool though! we got onto the demob list after two days haha. to bad we couldnt have hit a 14! lottttt more sheds out there
  15. joelpresmyk8

    Best Shed Trip Yet!!! (pics)

    So i went to texas for a fire a couple days ago in western texas. the part of the fire we got stuck on was a "mop-up" show for us. so we were walking around dry mopping hot spots and as we were hiking and working. we hit a pocket and started finding sheds. alot of sheds! this was my best trip ever even know they were all whites basically. it was paradise! the first pics are what i found. the last picture is what we all found together. me and 4 other guys. i found an AWESOME DEAD HEAD. Huggggge whitetail. to bad it was on the older side. and also found two other unique sheds.
  16. joelpresmyk8

    Best Shed Trip Yet!!! (pics)

    heck yeah az shooter!! nothing beats it! thats a nice dead head!! yeah yotebuster pretty crazy huh?! didnt expect that
  17. joelpresmyk8

    Best Shed Trip Yet!!! (pics)

    yeah olmos, its defiantly a perk to the job. little blessings here and there. sorry about the trailers :/
  18. joelpresmyk8

    Best Shed Trip Yet!!! (pics)

    ill have to measure the base on the whitetail.dead head. pics dont do it justice imo
  19. joelpresmyk8

    Best Shed Trip Yet!!! (pics)

    and this was all in 2 days within probably about a mile!! cant imagine if we were actually out there hiking and looking
  20. joelpresmyk8

    Best Shed Trip Yet!!! (pics)

    yeah man the pic doesnt do it justice
  21. joelpresmyk8

    Best Shed Trip Yet!!! (pics)

    yeah it defiantly makes the days better!!!!!!
  22. joelpresmyk8

    Best Shed Trip Yet!!! (pics)

    sorry second to last was the pic of all the sheds between my friends and i
  23. joelpresmyk8

    thoughts on new coconino road rules

    im glad they closed roads, people are lazy idiots sometimes.
  24. joelpresmyk8

    shed hunting..

    hey brian i dont think he found anything.just wishing he did lol
  25. joelpresmyk8

    Gosar Coues shed

    wow!!! i could NEVER sell a find like that!! cool mam!!