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Everything posted by joelpresmyk8

  1. joelpresmyk8

    Favorite ATL.

    heres a cool one
  2. joelpresmyk8

    As fresh as they get.

    Heck yeah man what an amazing day!! Still pinching myself lol!
  3. joelpresmyk8

    AWESOME backpack trip

    Me and a buddy did our first backpacking trip starting on monday and hike out teusday evening. It was a loooong trip and we covered a lot of ground where we had seen some bulls last week. It was one of the funnest trips ive been on and we had a really good turn out in my opinion. We were blessed with some awesome sheds!! couldnt get any better that this. The last picture of all the sheds are his and mine together.
  4. joelpresmyk8

    Finally got our for a few hours.

    "A few hours" looks like it did you really well!! Congrats!!!
  5. joelpresmyk8

    AWESOME backpack trip

    Thanx Darren it was worth every step!! Haven't found to many browns so this was a nice surprise!
  6. joelpresmyk8

    AWESOME backpack trip

    Thanx alot guys!! Trust me I agree jlw!! I always enjoy sharing my pictures with everybody just as much as I enjoy seeing everyone else's pictures!!!!!
  7. joelpresmyk8

    1st trip of the season

    Heck yeah t bone!!! You never take me anywhere;) haha
  8. joelpresmyk8


    Az slim how could you leave them!? Lol
  9. joelpresmyk8

    Locked Up Bucks........ pictures added

    WOW dream find!!! That's sweet thanx for posting! Shed forum has been slow lately!
  10. joelpresmyk8

    Weird deaths!

    Finally I have a story for you guys and I have forgotten it for a couple years!! Lol a few years back I was elk hunting and during the day we were going to check a fence line on the Polaris ranger. I was driving and had a buddy beside me. We were cruising down the dirt road at about 35 miles an hour and I hear my buddy yell "deer!!!!" And I look to the right and a huge muley buck is running towards us! Before I can even hit the brakes he runs in front of us and we literally miss him by inches. As he is hauling butt he jumps and kind of stumbles on a log. He slows to a trot and stops about 65 yards out. As we are staring at him he starts wobbling and falls over. We are in total shock and don't know what's happening. So we sneak up to him closer and closer until we are standing over him dead as can be. We go back to camp and call g&f to come look at it. When they got there they let us help guy it and man was it bad. He hit the log so hard his guts exploded ruptured a lung and the whole chest cavity was filled with blood!! I could not believe it!!
  11. joelpresmyk8

    Timing is Everything

    That is if he sheds;) post pictures!
  12. joelpresmyk8


    I went out yesterday and did a short hike while my wife was at work(couldnt be out to long because it was our anniversary) Bedfore this set i had only found a set of spikes and thats it as far as sets go. So to find this awesome set was absolutely amazing!! I could not beleive my eyes! I was yelling for a while lol. But i happened to stumble across them. Such a blessing.
  13. joelpresmyk8

    Several sheds from Saturday

    Looks like an awesome trip to me! Nice!!
  14. joelpresmyk8


    Haha thanx Darren!!! Sorry!! Don't worry doesn't happen often!
  15. joelpresmyk8


    Thanx josh! Could not believe it!! As long as I keep finding sheds the pics will keep coming Dan haha
  16. joelpresmyk8


    Sorry t bone hahaha. Exactly non typ! That's why I love it so much I think!! Never know what your going to find!!
  17. joelpresmyk8


    I thought so too!! My dream find! I love stuff like thAt! It's a year or two old. Couldn't imagine if it were brown!
  18. joelpresmyk8


    So we and a buddy went to a new spot at the last second on Friday and it payed off! Couldn't locate any bulls but found a couple! It was a great day! And as always were definetly blessings!!
  19. joelpresmyk8


    Thank you Amanda! Yeah hoping the same thing Darren haha thanx!
  20. joelpresmyk8

    sheds and pick-up

    Very nice!!! Looks like good trips to me!
  21. joelpresmyk8

    Best Shed Trip Yet!!

    I went out to one of my spots for a little hike because march is just to far away for me. I needed some time out now lol. So i will let the pictures tell the story but it was my best day of shed hunting yet!!! The two bigger elk sheds were about ten feet apart. I thought they were a set at first but after more and more considertion i am not sure., what do you guys think. i dont think they are a set but figured i would see what you guys think?
  22. joelpresmyk8

    Some More Sheds!!!!

    Here are my last two trips finds. This was all in one area. It was a really thick area and i know there are more out there and i know i have walked by some because one i found was within like 30 yards of my footprints. Some are really old but i pick up anything. Still awesome finds and made for amazing days hiking!!! And as always i thank God!! and my buddy found a little elk shed
  23. joelpresmyk8


    Darn it Taylor! What's your problem lol. Come on back down here!
  24. joelpresmyk8

    Some More Sheds!!!!

    Hahaha Taylor come on man!!! Come back we need to go hike!! Thank you Amanda! I was surprised I found it
  25. joelpresmyk8

    Some More Sheds!!!!

    Haha no worries I will try to get em all but it won't happen so your safe! Lol idk bc, I just got super lucky and walked right over it!