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Everything posted by joelpresmyk8

  1. joelpresmyk8

    Tagged out opening morning in 22n

    Thank you trophy hunter I love it!!
  2. joelpresmyk8

    Tagged out opening morning in 22n

    Thanx again everyone I had a blast! Haha no we just had some of the bashas freezer paper and we butchered it ourselves.
  3. joelpresmyk8

    New rifle caliber choice? You tell me!

    Thank you guys so much for the input. I appreciate all the info! I was originally looking at the 7 mag, .300 win or the .300 rum. It'll be as custom as I can afford haha
  4. joelpresmyk8

    Tagged out opening morning in 22n

    Yes sir mike!! We will be rested!
  5. joelpresmyk8

    Tagged out opening morning in 22n

    Thank you everyone:) are you serious flat lander!? What caliber you shooting?
  6. joelpresmyk8

    Bergers FAILED me horribly

    Could it be as simple as that? Say I cleaned them out a tiny bit, would that help them expand without affecting accuracy?
  7. joelpresmyk8

    Bergers FAILED me horribly

    Trust me after all the load development I do not want to switch things up, but I don't get it. My wife's mule deer with the same exact load barely mushroomed and blew through at 640 yards. And that was a dead perfect shot. I didn't think my 30-06 would have the speed and energy to just totally pass through at 640.
  8. joelpresmyk8

    Bergers FAILED me horribly

    I'm definitely not blaming the bullets for shot placement by any means. I made a bad call on wind and I own that! But I don't see how they didn't mushroom at all? Is the bullet only supposed to work if you hit bone?
  9. joelpresmyk8

    Bergers FAILED me horribly

    A couple shots were a little far back just behind the last rib. One shot was lungs and one was just in front of shoulder and hit bone. Do you have to hit bone for a bullet to expand?
  10. joelpresmyk8

    Bergers FAILED me horribly

    The middle is one that I picked out of the off side. Good guess hunt harder! Velocity was 1844 fps with 1396 lbs of energy. Must need at least 2000 lbs for them to work?
  11. joelpresmyk8

    1st time for a donated tag. 22n

    I'm just in camp verde! You can definitely text me! I enjoy those nasty pack out jobs! As long as I'm not working I'm in! 928-202-9947 Joel
  12. joelpresmyk8

    Biggun 5x

    Gosh dang that's an awesome shed! I love big fives!
  13. Hey everyone. I would like to get into the muzzleloader Scene and have absolutely no knowledge as far as they go. I would really love some input as far as a starting point muzzleloader that is accurate but won't break my wallet. Thanks for any help!
  14. joelpresmyk8

    **SOLD** CVA Accura V2 LR 30" barrel **SOLD**

    Gosh I wish I had the money!!
  15. joelpresmyk8


    It all started when I found a spot and killed my 140" mule deer last year. I knew the spot was good and it lead to my wife and brother drawing the tag this year. I knew it was going to be good! I got a really late start and didn't start scouting until 2 weeks before the actual hunt. But it all started good and I continued seeing the same bucks for the next 2 weeks leading up to the hunt. I was anxious and just knew we would see something good eventually. I found about 6 0r 7 bucks that my wife and brother said they would definitely shoot! I took tons of videos of them and drooled until opening morning came. On opening morning my brother couldn't be there so it was just my wife and I. Right off the bat, we glassed up the biggest buck I had found that my wife fell in love with. but unfortunately he was to far and immediately after we saw the next biggest buck and started to set up for the shot. She was all ready to go and took a shot.... miss annnnd miss. we were really heart broken but knew there would be another chance. after seeing some bucks way to far off the day ended and my brother showed up Friday night. Saturday morning started amazing when we glassed up the monster 2 point I had been seeing right off the bat. We started to move for a shot right away knowing other people were around. We got into a spot where we could get a shot. my brother took a shot and barely missed!! I thought he had hit him and stupidly said hit. he wanted to make sure and let the next shot ring out followed by a loud thump, he dropped in his tracks! Monster two was down! I was so excited to see him in front of my brother. Sunday morning came and at very first light we spotted the biggest buck again and started setting up for the shot. She let one ring out and again, I made a bad call and said miss. (bad eyes I guess) but luckily my brother saw a hit. as we watched him he started stumbling and fell. we couldn't believe it!! 2 big bucks down within two days!! what an amazing hunt.. and to top it off she killed this bear about two weeks before her deer hunt:)
  16. joelpresmyk8


    https://youtu.be/m_eyPjeENSs There we go lets see if that works
  17. joelpresmyk8


    does anyone know how I can attach a video from youtube?
  18. joelpresmyk8


    Thank you everyone!! They were both stoked beyond words can explain!! And I will eventually get the videos uploaded after my Whitie hunt!
  19. joelpresmyk8


    Some more pics
  20. joelpresmyk8


    The 2 points bases are a little over 6"
  21. joelpresmyk8


    wish I knew how to upload video. have both kill shots...
  22. joelpresmyk8


    more pics
  23. joelpresmyk8


    pics (sorry about tongue)
  24. joelpresmyk8

    Pelican gun case

    Second in line please
  25. joelpresmyk8

    Camo Knight 50 Cal Blackpowder

    Let me know if they back out!